OBD foutcodelijst
OBD Foutcode P0000 Geen fout
OBD Foutcode P0001 Regeling Brandstofhoeveelheid, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0002 Regeling Brandstofhoeveelheid, onwaarschijlijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0003 Regeling Brandstofhoeveelheid, laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0004 Regeling Brandstofhoeveelheid, hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0005 Brandstof-afsluit-klep, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0006 Brandstof-afsluit-klep, laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0007 Brandstof-afsluit-klep, hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0008 Motor positiesysteem, cilinderrij 1, motorvermogen
OBD Foutcode P0009 Motor positiesysteem, cilinderrij 2, motorvermogen
OBD Foutcode P0010 Bedieningsmechanisme nokkenaspositie cilinderrij 1, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0011 Nokkenaspositie cilinderrij 1, timing te veel vervroegd
OBD Foutcode P0012 Bedieningsmechanisme nokkenaspositie cilinderrij 1, timing teveel verlaat
OBD Foutcode P0013 Bedieningsmechanisme nokkenaspositie cilinderrij 1, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0014 Bedieningsmechanisme nokkenaspositie cilinderrij 1, timing te veel vervroegd
OBD Foutcode P0015 B Nokkenaspositiesensor timing te laat cilinderrij 1
OBD Foutcode P0016 Krukaspositie in verband tot nokkenaspositie is weg; Bank 1 - sensor A
OBD Foutcode P0017 Krukaspositie in verband tot nokkenaspositie is weg; Bank 1 - sensor B
OBD Foutcode P0018 Krukaspositie in verband tot nokkenaspositie is weg; Bank 2- sensor A
OBD Foutcode P0019 Krukaspositie in verband tot nokkenaspositie is weg; Bank 2 - sensor B
OBD Foutcode P0020 Cilinder-rij 2, nokkenasverstelling, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0021 Cilinder-rij 2, nokkenasverstelling, voorgeschreven waarde niet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P0022 Cilinder-rij 2, nokkenasverstelling, voorgeschreven waarde niet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P0023 Cilinder-rij 2, nokkenasverstelling, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0024 Cilinder-rij 2, nokkenasverstelling uitlaat, voorgeschreven waarde niet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P0025 Cilinder-rij 2, nokkenasverstelling uitlaat, voorgeschreven waarde niet bereikt; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0026 Verstelling inlaatklep(pen) opening, onjuiste werking; Bank1
OBD Foutcode P0027 Verstelling uitlaatklep(pen) opening, onjuiste werking; Bank1
OBD Foutcode P0028 Verstelling inlaatklep(pen) opening, onjuiste werking; Bank2
OBD Foutcode P0029 Verstelling uitlaatklep(pen) opening, onjuiste werking; Bank1
OBD Foutcode P0030 Cilinder-rij 1, lambdasonde 1 opwarmstroomcircuit, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P0031 Cilinder-rij 1, lambdasonde 1 opwarmstroomcircuit, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0032 Cilinder-rij 1, lambdasonde 1 opwarmstroomcircuit, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0033 Turbo/super charger omloopklep, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0034 Turbo/super charger omloopklep, sluiting aan massa
OBD Foutcode P0035 Turbo/super charger omloopklep, sluiting aan plus
OBD Foutcode P0036 Voorverwarmingselement lambdasonde; Bank 1 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0037 Cilinder-rij 1, lambdasonde 2 opwarmstroomcircuit, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0038 Cilinder-rij 1, lambdasonde 2 opwarmstroomcircuit, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0039 Turbo/super charger omloopklep, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0040 Signalen lambdasondes gedraaid; Bank 1- sensor 1 ; Bank 2 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0041 Signalen lambdasondes gedraaid; Bank 1- sensor 2 ; Bank 2 sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0042 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde; Bank 1- sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0043 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde sluiting met massa; Bank 1- sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0044 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde sluiting met plus; Bank 1 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0045 Regelsensor laaddruk turbo, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P0046 Regelsensor laaddruk turbo, bereik/vermogen
OBD Foutcode P0047 Regelsensor laaddruk turbo, circuit te laag
OBD Foutcode P0048 Regelsensor laaddruk turbo, circuit te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0049 Turbine turbo, te hoog toerental
OBD Foutcode P0050 Cilinder-rij 2, lambdasonde 1 verwarmingselement, elektrische storing
OBD Foutcode P0051 Cilinder-rij 2, sonde 1 verwarmingselement, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0052 Cilinder-rij 2, lambdasonde 1 verwarmingselement, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0053 Weerstand verwarmingselement lambdasonde; Bank 1 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0054 Weerstand verwarmingselement lambdasonde; Bank 1 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0055 Weerstand verwarmingselement lambdasonde; Bank 1 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0056 Cilinder-rij 2, verwarmingselement lambdasonde 2, elektrische storing
OBD Foutcode P0057 Cilinder-rij 2, verwarmingselement lambdasonde 2, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0058 Cilinder-rij 2, verwarmingselement lambdasonde 2, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0059 Weerstand verwarmingselement; Bank 2 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0060 Weerstand verwarmingselement lambdasonde; Bank 2 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0061 Weerstand verwarmingselement lambdasonde; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0062 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, sluiting naar massa; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0063 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, sluiting naar massa; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0064 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, sluiting naar plus; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0065 Luchtregelklep voor verstuivers, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0066 Luchtregelklep voor verstuivers, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0067 Luchtregelklep voor verstuivers, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0068 Verband luchtmeting tot gasklepstand weg
OBD Foutcode P0069 Verband luchtmeting tot barometrischedruk weg
OBD Foutcode P0070 Circuit omgevingstemperatuursensor
OBD Foutcode P0071 Omgevingstemperatuursensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0072 Omgevingstemperatuursensor, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0073 Omgevingstemperatuursensor, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0074 Omgevingstemperatuursensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0075 Circuit openingstijd inlaattklep(pen); Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0076 Circuit openingstijd inlaattklep(pen), kortsluiting aan massa; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0077 Circuit openingstijd inlaattklep(pen), kortsluiting aan plus; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0078 Circuit openingstijd uitlaattklep(pen); Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0079 Circuit openingstijd uitlaattklep(pen), kortsluiting aan massa; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0080 Circuit openingstijd uitlaatklep(pen), kortsluiting aan plus; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0081 Circuit openingstijd inlaattklep(pen); Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0082 Circuit openingstijd inlaattklep(pen), kortsluiting aan massa; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0083 Circuit openingstijd inlaattklep(pen), kortsluiting aan plus; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0084 Circuit openingstijd uitlaattklep(pen); Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0085 Circuit openingstijd uitlaattklep(pen), kortsluiting aan massa; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0086 Circuit openingstijd uitlaattklep(pen), kortsluiting aan plus; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0087 Brandstofgallerij, druk te laag
OBD Foutcode P0088 Brandstofgallerij, druk te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0089 Klep voor brandstofdosering, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0090 Klep voor brandstofdosering, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P0091 Klep voor brandstofdosering, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0092 Klep voor brandstofdosering, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0093 Lek in brandstofsysteem, groot
OBD Foutcode P0094 Lek in brandstofsysteem, klein
OBD Foutcode P0095 Circuit luchttemperatuursensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0096 Luchttemperatuursensor 2, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0097 Luchttemperatuursensor 2, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0098 Luchttemperatuursensor 2, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0099 Luchttemperatuursensor 2, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0100 Massa of volume luchtstroming, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0101 Luchtmassasensor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0102 Luchtmassasensor, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0103 Luchtmassasensor, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0104 Luchtmassasensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0105 Absolute druksensor inlaat(map), onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0106 Absolute druksensor inlaat, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0107 Absolute druksensor inlaat(map), signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0108 Absolute druksensor inlaat(map), signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0109 Absolute druksensor inlaat(map), sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0110 Luchttemperatuursensor, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0111 Luchttemperatuursensor, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0112 Luchttemperatuursensor, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0113 Luchttemperatuursensor, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0114 Luchttemperatuursensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0115 Koelvloeistoftemperatuursensor, geen of onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0116 Koelvloeistoftemperatuursensor, geen of onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0117 Koelvloeistoftemperatuursensor, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0118 Koelvloeistoftemperatuursensor, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0119 Koelvloeistoftemperatuursensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0120 Gaskleppotentiometer, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0121 Gaskleppotentiometer, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0122 Gaskleppotentiometer, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0123 Gaskleppotentiometer, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0124 Gaskleppotentiometer, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0125 Koelvloeistoftemperatuur voor lambdaregeling, niet bereikt "open loop"
OBD Foutcode P0126 Koelvloeistoftemperatuursensor, onjuist signaal voor stabiel laten draaien motor
OBD Foutcode P0127 Inlaatluchttemperatuur te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0128 Klep voor koelvloeistofcircuit, temperatuur onder regelbereik
OBD Foutcode P0129 Barometrische druk te laag
OBD Foutcode P0130 Lambdasonde, storing in circuit Bank 1 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0131 Cilinderrij 1 lambdasonde 1, spanning te laag
OBD Foutcode P0132 Cilinderrij 1 lambdasonde 1, spanning te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0133 Lambdasensor, lage spanning, trage respons; Bank 1 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0134 Lambdasensor, circuit onderbroken; Bank 1 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0135 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, onjuiste werking; Bank 1 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0136 Lambdasonde, onaannemelijk signaal; Bank 1 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0137 Lambdasonde, te laag signaal; Bank 1 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0138 Lambdasonde, te hoog signaal; Bank 1 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0139 Lambdasonde, te trage respons; Bank 1 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0140 Lambdasonde, geen activiteiten waargenomen; Bank 1 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0141 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, onjuiste werking; Bank 1 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0142 Lambdasonde, storing in circuit; Bank 1 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0143 Lambdasensor, signaal te laag; Bank 1 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0144 Lambdasonde, te hoge voltage; Bank 1 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0145 Lambdasonde, te trage respons; Bank 1 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0146 Lambdasonde, geen activiteiten waargenomen; Bank 1 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0147 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, onjuiste werking; Bank 1 - sensor 3OBD Foutcode P0148 Fout in aanvoersysteem brandstof
OBD Foutcode P0148 Fout in aanvoersysteem brandstof
OBD Foutcode P0149 Brandstofberekeningssysteem, afwijking van inspuittijden
OBD Foutcode P0150 Lambdasonde, storing in circuit; Bank 2, sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0151 Lambdasonde, Te lage spanning; Bank 2 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0152 Lambdasonde, spanning te hoog; Bank 2 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0153 Lambdasonde, te trage respons; Bank 2 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0154 Lambdasonde, geen activiteiten waargenomen; Bank 2 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0155 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, storing in circuit; Bank 2 - sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P0156 Lambdasonde, storing in circuit; Bank 2 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0157 Lambdasonde, spanning te laag; Bank 2 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0158 Lambdasonde, te hoge voltage; Bank 2 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0159 Lambdasonde, te trage respons; Bank 2 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0160 Lambdasonde, geen activiteiten waargenomen; Bank 2 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0161 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, storing in circuit; Bank 2 - sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P0162 Lambdasonde, circuit; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0163 Lambdasonde, te lage voltage; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0164 Lambdasonde, te hoge voltage; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0165 Lambdasonde, te trage respons; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0166 Lambdasonde, geen activiteiten waargenomen; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0167 Verwarmingselement lambdasonde, onjuiste werking; Bank 2 - sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P0168 Brandstof temperatuur te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0169 Brandstofverbruik niet correct
OBD Foutcode P0170 Storing in systeem brandstofmengsel correctie
OBD Foutcode P0171 Samenstelling lucht/brandstof mengsel te arm
OBD Foutcode P0172 Samenstelling lucht/brandstofmengsel te rijk
OBD Foutcode P0173 Onjuiste berekening lucht/brandstofmengsel; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0174 Lucht/brandstof mengsel te arm; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0175 Lucht/brandstof mengsel te rijk; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0176 Brandstofmengselsensor, fout in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0177 Brandstofmengselsensor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0178 Sensor brandstofsamenstelling,signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0179 Brandstofmengselsensor, te lage invoer
OBD Foutcode P0180 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "A", onjuiste signaal spanning
OBD Foutcode P0181 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "A", onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0182 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "A", invoer beneden minimum
OBD Foutcode P0183 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "A", invoer boven maximum
OBD Foutcode P0184 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "A", sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0185 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "B", onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0186 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "B", onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0187 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "B", invoer beneden minimum
OBD Foutcode P0188 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "B", invoer boven het maximum
OBD Foutcode P0189 Brandstoftemperatuursensor "B", sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0190 Onjuiste brandstofdruk
OBD Foutcode P0191 Sensor brandstofdruk, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0192 Sensor brandstofdruk, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0193 Sensor brandstofdruk, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0194 Sensor brandstofdruk, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0195 Motorolie temperatuursensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0196 Motorolie temperatuursensor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0197 Motorolie temperatuursensor, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0198 Motorolie temperatuursensor, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0199 Motorolie temperatuursensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0200 injectoren, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0201 Injector 1, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0202 Injector 2, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0203 Injector 3, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0204 Injector 4, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0205 Injector 5, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0206 Injector 6, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0207 Injector 7, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0208 Injector 8, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0209 Injector 9, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0210 Injector 10, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0211 Injector 11, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0212 Injector 12, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0213 Koudstart injector 1, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0214 Koudstart injector 2, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0215 Brandstofafsluitklep, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0216 Klep inspuitbegin, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0217 Motor temperatuur veel te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0218 Transmissie temperatuur veel te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0219 Maximum motortoerental overschreden
OBD Foutcode P0220 Gaspedaalpositiesensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0221 Gasklephoeksensor 2 , onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0222 Gasklephoeksensor 2, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0223 Gasklephoeksensor 2, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0224 Gasklep/pedaal positiesensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0225 Gasklep/pedaal positiesensor, voedingspanning
OBD Foutcode P0226 Gasklep/pedaal positiesensor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0227 Gasklep/pedaal positiesensor, signaal te zwakOBD Foutcode P0228 Gasklep/pedaal positiesensor, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0228 Gasklep/pedaal positiesensor, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0229 Gasklep/pedaal positiesensor "C", sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0230 Brandstofpomprelais, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0231 Brandstofpomp, storing in secundair circuit
OBD Foutcode P0232 Brandstofpomp, sluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P0233 Brandstofpomp, circuit secundaire brandstofpomp sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0234 Turbo laaddrukregeling, regelgrens overschreden
OBD Foutcode P0235 Turbovuldruksensor, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0236 Turbo/super charger, laadruksensor "A" onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0237 Turbo/super charger, laadruksensor "A" te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0238 Turbo/super charger, laadruksensor "A" te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0239 Turbo/super charger, laadruksensor "B" onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0240 Turbo/super charger, laadruksensor "B" onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0241 Turbo/super charger, laadruksensor "B" te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0242 Turbo/super charger, laadruksensor "B" te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0243 Turbo/super charger, laadrukbegrenzing kortsluiting aan massa
OBD Foutcode P0244 Turbo/super charger, laadrukbegrenzer "A" onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0245 Turbo/super charger, laadrukbegrenzing , kortsluiting aan massa
OBD Foutcode P0246 Turbo/super charger, laadrukbegrenzing , kortsluiting aan plus
OBD Foutcode P0247 Turbo/super charger, omloopmagneetklep "B" onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0248 Turbo/super charger, omloopmagneetklep "B" buiten meet bereik
OBD Foutcode P0249 Turbo/super charger, omloopmagneetklep "B" te lage spanning
OBD Foutcode P0250 Turbo/super charger, omloopmagneetklep "B" te hoge spanning
OBD Foutcode P0251 Inspuitbegin verstelling "A", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0252 Inspuitbegin verstelling "A", buiten bereik
OBD Foutcode P0253 Inspuitbegin verstelling "A", signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0254 Inspuitbegin verstelling "A", signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0255 Inspuitbegin verstelling "A", sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0256 Inspuitbegin verstelling "B", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0257 Inspuitbegin verstelling "B", buiten meetbereik
OBD Foutcode P0258 Inspuitbegin verstelling "B", signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0259 Inspuitbegin verstelling "B", signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0260 Inspuitbegin verstelling "B", sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0261 Injector cilinder 1, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0262 Injector cilinder 1, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0263 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 1 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0264 Injector cilinder 2, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0265 Injector cilinder 2, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0266 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 2 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0267 Injector cilinder 3, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0268 Injector cilinder 3, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0269 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 3 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0270 Injector cilinder 4, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0271 Injector cilinder 4, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0272 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 4 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0273 Injector cilinder 5, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0274 Injector cilinder 5, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0275 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 5 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0276 Injector cilinder 6, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0277 Injector cilinder 6 kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0278 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 6 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0279 Injector cilinder 7, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0280 Injector cilinder 7, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0281 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 7 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0282 Injector cilinder 8, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0283 Injector cilinder 8, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0284 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 8 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0285 Injector cilinder 9, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0286 Injector cilinder 9, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0287 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 9 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0288 Injector cilinder 10, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0289 Injector cilinder 10, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0290 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 10 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0291 Injector cilinder 11, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0292 Injector cilinder 11, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0293 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 11 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0294 Injector cilinder 12, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0295 Injector cilinder 12, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0296 Inspuithoeveelheid cilinder 12 niet in balans
OBD Foutcode P0297 Voertuig conditie overbelast
OBD Foutcode P0298 Motor olie temperatuur te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0299 Turbo/ charger overbelast
OBD Foutcode P0300 Meervoudig overslaan cilinder waargenomen
OBD Foutcode P0301 Overslaan cilinder 1 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0302 Overslaan cilinder 2 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0303 Overslaan cilinder 3 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0304 Overslaan cilinder 4 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0305 Overslaan cilinder 5 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0306 Overslaan cilinder 6 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0307 Overslaan cilinder 7 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0308 Overslaan cilinder 8 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0309 Overslaan cilinder 9 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0310 Overslaan cilinder 10 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0311 Overslaan cilinder 11 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0312 Overslaan cilinder 12 gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0313 Cilinderoverslag herkend, brandstofgebrek
OBD Foutcode P0314 Cilinderoverslag, een cilinder
OBD Foutcode P0315 Afwijkingen krukaspositie systeem niet ingeleerd
OBD Foutcode P0316 Overslaan tijdens eerste 1000 omwentelingen gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0317 Hardware ruw-terrein regeling niet aanwezig
OBD Foutcode P0318 Wegdekconditiesensor "A", onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0319 Wegdekconditiesensor "B", onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0320 Sensor motortoerental geen juist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0321 Sensor motortoerental, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0322 Sensor motortoerental/krukassensor, geen signaal
OBD Foutcode P0323 Motortoerental sensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0324 Pingelregeling, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0325 Pingelsensor, onjuist signaal; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0326 Pingelsensor, onaannemelijk signaal; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0327 Pingelsensor, signaal te zwak; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0328 Pingelsensor, signaal te sterk; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0329 Pingelsensor, sporadische storing; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0330 Pingelsensor, onjuist signaal; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0331 Pingelsensor "B", onaannemelijk signaal; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0332 Pingelsensor, signaal te zwak; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0333 Pingelsensor, signaal te sterk; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0334 Pingelsensor, sporadische storing; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0335 Krukaspositie-sensor "A", onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0336 Krukassensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0337 Krukassensor, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0338 Krukassensor, signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0339 Krukassensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0340 Nokkenaspositie sensor, onjuist signaal; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0341 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, onaannemelijk signaal; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0342 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, signaal te zwak; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0343 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, signaal te sterk; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0344 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, sporadische storing; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0345 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, circuit; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0346 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, Onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0347 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, kortsluiting met massa; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0348 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, kortsluiting met plus; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0349 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, sporadische storing; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0350 Bobine, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0351 Bobine, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0352 Bobine "B", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0353 Bobine "C", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0354 Bobine "D", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0355 Bobine "E", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0356 Bobine "F", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0357 Bobine "G", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0358 Bobine "H", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0359 Bobine "I", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0360 Bobine "J", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0361 Bobine "K", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0362 Bobine "L", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0363 Overslaan gedetecteerd, brandstoftoevoer onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0364 Bobine "L", onjuiste werking primair/secundair circuit
OBD Foutcode P0365 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, onjuiste werking; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0366 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, onaannemelijk signaal; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0367 Nokkenaspositie-sensor, signaal te zwak; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0368 Nokkenaspositiesensor, signaal te sterk; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0369 Nokkenaspositiesensor, sporadische storing; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0370 Referentie signaal "timing" onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0371 Referentie signaal "timing" te veel pulsen
OBD Foutcode P0372 Referentie signaal "timing" te weinig pulsen
OBD Foutcode P0373 Referentie signaal "timing", sporadische storing; Signaal "A"
OBD Foutcode P0374 Referentie signaal "timing", signaal onderbroken; Signaal "A"
OBD Foutcode P0375 Timing-referentie signaal hoog "B", onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0376 Timing-referentie signaal hoog "B", te veel pulsen
OBD Foutcode P0377 Timing-referentie signaal hoog "B", te weinig pulsen
OBD Foutcode P0378 Timing-referentie signaal hoog "B", sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0379 Timing-referentie signaal hoog "B", sporadische storing / geen pulsen
OBD Foutcode P0380 Gloeibougie, circuit "A"
OBD Foutcode P0381 Fout in gloeibougiecircuit(controle lamp)
OBD Foutcode P0382 Gloeibougie, circuit "B"
OBD Foutcode P0383 Fout in gloeibougiecircuit(controle lamp)
OBD Foutcode P0384 Gloeibougie, circuit "B"
OBD Foutcode P0385 Krukassensor "B", onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0386 Krukassensor "B", onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0387 Krukassensor "B", te laag signaalOBD Foutcode P0388 Krukassensor "B", te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0388 Krukassensor "B", te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0389 Krukassensor "B", sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0390 Nokkenaspositiesensor "B", onjuiste werking; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0391 Nokkenaspositiesensor "B" , onaannemelijk signaal; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0392 Nokkenaspositiesensor "B", signaal te zwak; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0393 Nokkenaspositiesensor "B", signaal te sterk; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0394 Nokkenaspositiesensor "B", sporadische storing; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0400 Uitlaatgasrecirculatiesysteem, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0401 Uitlaatgasrecirculatiesysteem, onvoldoende stroming gassen
OBD Foutcode P0402 Uitlaatgasrecirculatiesysteem, te veel uitlaatgasdoorstroming vastgesteld
OBD Foutcode P0403 Magneetklep-uitlaatgasrecirculatie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0404 Uitlaatgasrecirculatiesysteem, regelverschil
OBD Foutcode P0405 Temperatuursensor "A" uitlaatgasrecirculatie, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0406 Temperatuursensor "A" uitlaatgasrecirculatie, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0407 Potentiometer "B" uitlaatgasrecirculatie, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0408 Potentiometer "B" uitlaatgasrecirculatie, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0409 Uitlaatgasrecirculatie sensor "A", onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0410 Secundair -luchtsysteem, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0411 Secundair-luchtsysteem, onvoldoende doorstroming
OBD Foutcode P0412 Secundaire-luchtinblaasklep "A", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0413 Secundaire-luchtinblaasklep, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0414 Secundaire-luchtinblaasklep "A", kortsluiting
OBD Foutcode P0415 Secundaire-luchtinblaasklep "B", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0416 Secundaire-luchtinblaasklep "B", circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0417 Secundaire-luchtinblaasklep "B", kortsluiting
OBD Foutcode P0418 Relais voor secundaire-luchtpomp "A", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0419 Relais voor secundaire-luchtpomp "B", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0420 Katalysator, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0421 Katalysator, onjuiste werking; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0422 Hoofd katalysator, onjuiste werking; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0423 Verwarmde katalysator, onjuiste werking; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0424 Verwarmde katalysator, temperatuur te laag; Bank1
OBD Foutcode P0425 Temperatuursensor katalysator; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0426 Temperatuur sensor katalysator, onjuiste werking; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0427 Temperatuur sensor katalysator, kortsluiting met massa; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0428 Temperatuursensor katalysator, kortsluiting met plus; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0429 Verwarmde katalysator, onjuiste werking circuit verwarming; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0430 Katalysator, onjuiste werking; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0431 Opwarmkatalysator, onjuiste werking; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0432 Hoofdkatalysator, geringe werking; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0433 Verwarmde katalysator, geringe werking; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0434 Katalysator, temperatuur te laag; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0435 Temperatuursensor katalysator; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0436 Temperatuursensor katalysator, onaannemelijk signaal; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0437 Temperatuursensor katalysator, Kortsluiting met massa; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0438 Temperatuursensor katalysator, Kortsluiting met plus; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0439 Verwarming circuit katalysator; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0440 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0441 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, doorlaat foutief
OBD Foutcode P0442 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, lekkage gedetecteerd
OBD Foutcode P0443 Brandstofregeneratieklep, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0444 Magneetklep brandstofregeneratiesysteem, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0445 Magneetklep brandstofregeneratiesysteem, kortsluiting
OBD Foutcode P0446 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, controle circuit
OBD Foutcode P0447 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, systeem blijft "open" staan
OBD Foutcode P0448 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, systeem blijft "gesloten"
OBD Foutcode P0449 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0450 Druksensor brandstofregeneratiesysteem, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0451 Druksensor brandstofregeneratiesysteem, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0452 Druksensor brandstofregeneratiesysteem, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0453 Druksensor brandstofregeneratiesysteem, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0454 Druksensor brandstofregeneratiesysteem, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0455 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, lekkage waargenomen
OBD Foutcode P0456 Brandstofdamp afzuigsysteem, erg klein lek
OBD Foutcode P0457 Brandstofdamp afzuigsysteem, lek (vuldop ontbreekt/los)
OBD Foutcode P0458 Klep brandstofdamp afzuigsysteem, laag circuit
OBD Foutcode P0459 Klep brandstofdamp afzuigsysteem, hoog circuit
OBD Foutcode P0460 Brandstofniveausensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0461 Brandstofniveau sensor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0462 Brandstofniveau sensor, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0463 Brandstofniveau sensor, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0464 Brandstof niveausensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0465 Brandstofregeneratie systeem, circuit stromingssensor
OBD Foutcode P0466 Stromingssensor brandstofregeneratie systeem, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0467 Stromingssensor brandstofregeneratie systeem, signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0468 Stromingssensor brandstofregeneratie systeem, signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0469 Stromingssensor brandstofregeneratie systeem, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0470 Uitlaatgasdruksensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0471 Uitlaatgasdruksensor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0472 Uitlaatgasdruksensor, signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0473 Uitlaatgasdruksensor, signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0474 Uitlaatgasdruksensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0475 Uitlaatgasdruksensor, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0476 Uitlaatgasdrukcontroleklep, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0477 Uitlaatgasdrukcontroleklep, signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0478 Uitlaatgasdrukcontroleklep, signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0479 Uitlaatgasdrukcontroleklep, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0480 Koelluchtventilatoraansturing 1, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0481 Koelluchtventilatoraansturing 2, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0482 Koelluchtventilatoraansturing 3, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0483 Koelluchtventilator, werking
OBD Foutcode P0484 Koelluchtventilator, stroom circuit
OBD Foutcode P0485 Koelluchtventilator, massa probleem
OBD Foutcode P0486 Sensor uitlaatgasrecirculatie "B", onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0487 Uitlaatgasrecirculatiepositiesensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0488 Uitlaatgasrecirculatiepositiesensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0489 Uitlaatgasrecirculatie controle circuit, signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0490 Uitlaatgasrecirculatie controle circuit, signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0491 Secundaire luchtinjectie systeem; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0492 Secundaire luchtinjectie systeem; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0493 Koelluchtventilator overbelast
OBD Foutcode P0494 Koelluchtventilator, te trage werking
OBD Foutcode P0495 Koelluchtventilator, te hoge ventilator snelheid
OBD Foutcode P0496 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, doorstroming te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0497 Brandstofregeneratiesysteem, doorstroming te laag
OBD Foutcode P0498 Brandstofregeneratiecontrolesysteem, signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0499 Brandstofregeneratiecontrolesysteem, signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0500 Snelheidsensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0501 Snelheidsensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0502 Snelheidsensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0503 Voertuigsnelheids-sensor, signaal te hoog / sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0504 Remlichtschakelaar A / B, samenhang
OBD Foutcode P0505 Stationaireregelklep, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0506 Stationaireregelklep, toerental lager dan verwacht
OBD Foutcode P0507 Stationaireregelklep, toerental hoger dan verwacht
OBD Foutcode P0508 Regeling stationair toerental, signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0509 Regeling stationair toerental, signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0510 Stationairschakelaar, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0511 Stationairtoerental controle circuit
OBD Foutcode P0512 Beïnvloeding stationairtoerental niet mogelijk
OBD Foutcode P0513 Verkeerde wegrijblokkeringcode
OBD Foutcode P0514 Temperatuursensor accu, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0515 Temperatuursensor accu, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0516 Temperatuursensor accu, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0517 Temperatuursensor accu, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0518 Stationair controle sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0519 Stationair controle circuit, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0520 Motorolie druksensor/schakelaar, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0521 Motorolie druksensor/schakelaar, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0522 Motorolie druksensor/schakelaar, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0523 Motorolie druksensor/schakelaar, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0524 Motorolie druk te laag
OBD Foutcode P0525 Cruise control servo, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0526 Koelluchtventilator-snelheidsensor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0527 Koelluchtventilator-snelheidsensor, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0528 Koelluchtventilator-snelheidsensor, geen signaal
OBD Foutcode P0529 Koelluchtventilator-snelheidsensor, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0530 Druksensor airco, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0531 Belastingssignaal van aircocompressor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0532 Druksensor airco, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0533 Druksensor airco, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0534 Airco, verlies van koelmiddel
OBD Foutcode P0535 Temperatuursensor verdamper airco, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0536 Temperatuursensor verdamper airco, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0537 Temperatuursensor verdamper airco, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0538 Temperatuursensor verdamper airco, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0539 Temperatuursensor verdamper airco, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0540 Circuit verwarming inlaatlucht "A"
OBD Foutcode P0541 Verwarming inlaatlucht "A", sluiting naar massa
OBD Foutcode P0542 Verwarming inlaatlucht "A", sluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P0543 Verwarming inlaatlucht "A", circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0544 Sensor temperatuur uitlaatgasrecirculatie Cilinderrij 1, fout in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0545 Sensor temperatuur uitlaatgasrecirculatie Cilinderrij 1, laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0546 Sensor temperatuur uitlaatgasrecirculatie Cilinderrij 1, hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0547 Sensor temperatuur uitlaatgasrecirculatie Cilinderrij 2, fout in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0548 Sensor temperatuur uitlaatgasrecirculatie Cilinderrij 2, laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0549 Sensor temperatuur uitlaatgasrecirculatie Cilinderrij 2, hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0550 Druksensor stuurbekrachtiging, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0551 Druksensor stuurbekrachtiging, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0552 Druksensor stuurbekrachtiging, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0553 Druksensor stuurbekrachtiging, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0554 Druksensor stuurbekrachtiging, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0555 Sensor remkracht versterker
OBD Foutcode P0556 Sensor remkracht versterker, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0557 Sensor remkracht versterker, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0558 Sensor remkracht versterker, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0559 Sensor remkracht versterker, sporadische storing
OBD Foutcode P0560 Systeemspanning, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0561 Systeemvoltage, niet stabiel
OBD Foutcode P0562 Systeemspanning, spanning te laag
OBD Foutcode P0563 Systeemspanning, spanning te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0564 Cruise control, invoer Multi-functie schakelaar "A"
OBD Foutcode P0565 Aanschakel signaal cruise-control is niet aanwezig
OBD Foutcode P0566 Uitschakel signaal cruise-control is niet aanwezig
OBD Foutcode P0567 Cruise-control, signaal terugkoppeling afwezig
OBD Foutcode P0568 Schakelaar cruise control-snelheidsregelsysteem, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0569 Cruise control, afrem signaal ontbreekt
OBD Foutcode P0570 Signaal acceleratie cruise-control, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0571 Cruise control, onjuist signaal remlichtschakelaar
OBD Foutcode P0572 Cruise control, signaal remlichtschakelaar beneden minimum
OBD Foutcode P0573 Cruise control, signaal remlichtschakelaar te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0574 Cruise control, voertuig snelheid te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0575 Cruise control, onjuist signaal circuit invoer
OBD Foutcode P0576 Cruise control invoer circuit, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0577 Cruise control invoer circuit, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0578 Cruise control, invoer multi-functie schakelaar "A", circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0579 Cruise control, invoer multi-functie schakelaar "A", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0580 Cruise control, invoer Multi-functie schakelaar "A", signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0581 Cruise control, invoer Multi-functie schakelaar "A", signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0582 Cruise control vacuüm controle circuit, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0583 Cruise-control vacuüm controle circuit, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0584 Cruise-control vacuüm controle circuit, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0585 Cruise control, verband tussen invoer Multi-functie schakelaar "A"/ "B" weg
OBD Foutcode P0586 Cruise control, ventilatie / ontluchting regeling, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0587 Cruise control, ventilatie / ontluchting regeling, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0588 Cruise control, ventilatie / ontluchting regeling, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0589 Cruise control, invoer multi-functie schakelaar "B"
OBD Foutcode P0590 Cruise control, invoer multi-functie schakelaar "B", circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0591 Cruise control, invoer multi-functie schakelaar "B", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0592 Cruise control, invoer multi-functie schakelaar "B", te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0593 Cruise control, invoer multi-functie schakelaar "B", te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0594 Cruise control, servo regeling, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0595 Cruise control, servo regeling, kortsluiting aan massa
OBD Foutcode P0596 Cruise control, servo regeling, kortsluiting aan plus
OBD Foutcode P0597 Thermostaat temperatuur controle, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0598 Thermostaat temperatuur controle, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0599 Thermostaat temperatuur controle, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0600 Seriële communicatie ontbreekt
OBD Foutcode P0601 Regelapparaat defect
OBD Foutcode P0602 Regelapparaat defect, interne fout
OBD Foutcode P0603 Regelapparaat defect, interne fout(KAM)
OBD Foutcode P0604 Regelapparaat defect (Ram geheugen)
OBD Foutcode P0605 Regelapparaat defect (ROM geheugen)
OBD Foutcode P0606 Regelapparaat defect, fout in micro processor
OBD Foutcode P0607 Regelapparaat defect, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0608 Stuurmodule snelheidssensor uitgang "A"
OBD Foutcode P0609 Stuurmodule snelheidssensor uitgang "B"
OBD Foutcode P0610 Regelunit, fout in module voertuig opties
OBD Foutcode P0611 Regelunit, controle module werking injectoren
OBD Foutcode P0612 Regelunit, injector controle module circuit relais
OBD Foutcode P0613 Regelunit, TCM processor
OBD Foutcode P0614 Regelunit/regeleenheid transmissie, miscommunicatie
OBD Foutcode P0615 Startmotortrelais, circuit
OBD Foutcode P0616 Startmotorrelais, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0617 Startmotorrelais, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0618 Alternatieve brandstofcontrole module, geheugenfout(KAM)
OBD Foutcode P0619 Alternatieve brandstofcontrole module, geheugenfout(RAM/ROM)
OBD Foutcode P0620 Controle circuit dynamo
OBD Foutcode P0621 Dynamo, Lampen sturing "L"
OBD Foutcode P0622 Dynamo, veld controle "F"
OBD Foutcode P0623 Controle circuit dynamo lamp
OBD Foutcode P0624 Brandstofdop controle lamp, circuit fout
OBD Foutcode P0625 Dynamo veld aansluiting, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0626 Dynamo veld aansluiting, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0627 Brandstofpompcontrole circuit, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0628 Brandstofpompcontrole circuit, kortsluiting aan massa
OBD Foutcode P0629 Brandstofpompcontrole circuit, kortsluiting aan plus
OBD Foutcode P0630 Chassisnummer niet geprogrammeerd of herkend, regeleenheid motor/ regeleenheid aandrijflijn
OBD Foutcode P0631 Chassisnummer niet geprogrammeerd of herkend, regeleenheid transmissie
OBD Foutcode P0632 Kilometerteller niet ingelezen in regelunit, regeleenheid motor/ regeleenheid aandrijflijn
OBD Foutcode P0633 Sleutel startonderbreking niet ingeprogammeerd, regeleenheid motor/ regeleenheid aandrijflijn
OBD Foutcode P0634 Regeleenheid: aandrijflijn, motor , transmissie; Temperatuur te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0635 Stuurbekrachtiging controle circuit
OBD Foutcode P0636 Stuurbekrachtiging controle circuit, sluiting aan massa
OBD Foutcode P0637 Stuurbekrachtiging controle circuit, sluiting aan plus
OBD Foutcode P0638 Gasklepregeleenheid, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0639 Gasklepregeleenheid "2", onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0640 Circuit verwarming inlaatlucht
OBD Foutcode P0641 Sensor hoogte voltage "A", circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0642 Sensor referentie hoogte voltage "A", te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0643 Sensor referentie hoogte voltage "A", te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0644 Instrumentenpaneel bestuurder, circuit seriële datacommunicatie
OBD Foutcode P0645 Airconditioning controle circuit, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0646 Airconditioning controle circuit, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0647 Airconditioning controle circuit, te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0648 Controle lamp startonderbreking
OBD Foutcode P0649 Circuit "cruise-control" controle lamp
OBD Foutcode P0650 Diagnoselampje (MIL), storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0651 Sensor hoogte voltage "B", circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0652 Sensor hoogte voltage "B", te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0653 Sensor hoogte voltage "B", te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0654 Uitgangssignaal voor motortoerental, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0655 Diagnoselampje motortemperatuur, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0656 Brandstofmeter, onjuist uitgangsignaal
OBD Foutcode P0657 Voltage "actuator", circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0658 Voltage "actuator", te lage voltage
OBD Foutcode P0659 Voltage "actuator", voltage te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0660 Inlaatspruitstuk-lengte/diameter-omschakeling, circuit onderbroken; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0661 Inlaatspruitstuk-lengte/diameter-omschakeling, kortsluiting met massa; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0662 Inlaatspruitstuk-lengte/diameter-omschakeling, kortsluiting met plus; Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P0663 Inlaatspruitstuk-lengte/diameter-omschakeling, circuit onderbroken; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0664 Inlaatspruitstuk-lengte/diameter-omschakeling, kortsluiting met massa; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0665 Inlaatspruitstuk-lengte/diameter-omschakeling, kortsluiting met massa; Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P0666 Regelunit, aandrijflijn, motor, transmissie; Circuit interne temperatuursensor
OBD Foutcode P0667 Regelunit, aandrijflijn, motor, transmissie; Interne temperatuursensor, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0668 Regelunit, aandrijflijn, motor, transmissie; Interne temperatuursensor, te laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0669 Regelunit, aandrijflijn, motor, transmissie; Interne temperatuursensor te hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0670 Regelunit gloeibougie-aansturing, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0671 Regelunit gloeibougie-aansturing cilinder 1, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0672 Regelunit gloeibougie-aansturing cilinder 2, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0673 Regelunit gloeibougie-aansturing cilinder 3, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0674 Gloeispiraal cilinder 4 (Q13), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0675 Gloeispiraal cilinder 5 (Q14), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0676 Gloeispiraal cilinder 6 (Q15), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0677 Gloeispiraal cilinder 7 (Q16), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0678 Gloeispiraal cilinder 8 (Q17), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0679 Gloeispiraal cilinder 9 (Q18), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0680 Gloeispiraal cilinder 10 (Q19), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0681 Gloeispiraal cilinder 11 (Q20), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0682 Gloeispiraal cilinder 12 (Q21), elektrische storing in stroomcircuit
OBD Foutcode P0683 Regelunit gloeibougies, geen signaal naar regeleenheid aandrijflijn
OBD Foutcode P0684 Regelunit gloeibougies, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0685 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0686 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0687 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0688 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid, referentie circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0689 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid, referentie signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P0690 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid, referentie signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0691 Koelluchtventilator 1, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0692 Koelluchtventilator 1, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0693 Koelluchtventilator 2, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0694 Koelluchtventilator 2, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0695 Koelluchtventilator 3, kortsluiting met massa
OBD Foutcode P0696 Koelluchtventilator 3, kortsluiting met plus
OBD Foutcode P0697 Sensor "C" referentie voltage, circuit onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P0698 Sensor "C" referentie voltage, kortsluiting aan massa
OBD Foutcode P0699 Sensor "C" referentie voltage, kortsluiting aan plus
OBD Foutcode P0700 Regeleenheid transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0701 Regeleenheid transmissie, controle transmissie onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0702 Transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0703 Remlichtschakelaar, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0704 Koppelingschakelaar, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0705 Rijstandsensor transmissie (PRND), onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0706 Sensor transmissietrap automaat, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0707 Sensor transmissietrap automaat, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0708 Sensor transmissietrap automaat, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0709 Sensor transmissietrap automaat, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0710 Temperatuursensor transmissievloeistof, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0711 Temperatuursensor transmissievloeistof, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0712 Temperatuursensor transmissievloeistof, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0713 Temperatuursensor transmissievloeistof, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0714 Temperatuursensor transmissievloeistof, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0715 Sensor ingangstoerental transmissie, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0716 Sensor ingangstoerental transmissie, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0717 Sensor ingangstoerental transmissie, geen signaal
OBD Foutcode P0718 Sensor ingangstoerental transmissie, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0719 Koppelomvormer/remschakelaar, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0720 Sensor uitgangstoerental transmissie, onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0721 Sensor uitgangstoerental transmissie, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0722 Sensor uitgangstoerental transmissie, geen signaal
OBD Foutcode P0723 Sensor uitgangstoerental transmissie, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0724 Koppelomvormer/remschakelaar, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0725 Toerentalsignaal van regeleenheid motor naar regeleenheid transmissie,onjuist signaal
OBD Foutcode P0726 Toerentalsignaal van regeleenheid motor naar regeleenheid transmissie,onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0727 Toerentalsignaal van regeleenheid motor naar regeleenheid transmissie,geen signaal
OBD Foutcode P0728 Toerentalsignaal van regeleenheid motor naar regeleenheid transmissie,storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0729 Overbrengingsverhouding versnelling 6, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0730 Overbrengingsverhouding transmissie, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0731 Overbrengingsverhouding versnelling 1, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0732 Overbrengingsverhouding versnelling 2, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0733 Overbrengingsverhouding versnelling 3, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0734 Overbrengingsverhouding versnelling 4, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0735 Overbrengingsverhouding versnelling 5, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0736 Overbrengingsverhouding achteruit, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0737 Regeleenheid transmissie, circuit uitgaand signaal motortoerental
OBD Foutcode P0738 Regeleenheid transmissie, uitgaand signaal motortoerental te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0739 Regeleenheid transmissie, uitgaand signaal motortoerental te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0740 Koppeling koppelomvormer, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0741 Koppeling koppelomvormer, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0742 Koppeling koppelomvormer, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0743 Koppeling koppelomvormer, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0744 Koppeling koppelomvormer, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0745 Magneetklep drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0746 Magneetklep drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0747 Magneetklep drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0748 Magneetklep drukregelaar transmissie, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0749 Magneetklep drukregelaar transmissie, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0750 Transmissie schakelklep 1, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0751 Transmissie schakelklep 1, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0752 Transmissie schakelklep 1, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0753 Transmissie schakelklep 1, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0754 Transmissie schakelklep 1, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0755 Transmissie schakelklep 2, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0756 Transmissie schakelklep 2, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0757 Transmissie schakelklep 2, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0758 Transmissie schakelklep 2, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0759 Transmissie schakelklep 2, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0760 Transmissie schakelklep 3, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0761 Transmissie schakelklep 3, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0762 Transmissie schakelklep 3, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0763 Transmissie schakelklep 3, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0764 Transmissie schakelklep 3, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0765 Transmissie schakelklep 4, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0766 Transmissie schakelklep 4, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0767 Transmissie schakelklep 4, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0768 Transmissie schakelklep 4, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0769 Transmissie schakelklep 4, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0770 Transmissie schakelklep 5, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0771 Transmissie schakelklep 5, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0772 Transmissie schakelklep 5, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0773 Transmissie schakelklep 5, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0774 Transmissie schakelklep 5, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0775 Magneetklep 2 drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0776 Magneetklep 2 drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0777 Magneetklep 2 drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0778 Magneetklep 2 drukregelaar transmissie, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0779 Magneetklep 2 drukregelaar transmissie, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0780 Transmissie, storing bij schakelen
OBD Foutcode P0781 Transmissie, storing bij schakelen 1-2
OBD Foutcode P0782 Transmissie, storing bij schakelen 2-3
OBD Foutcode P0783 Transmissie, storing bij schakelen 3-4
OBD Foutcode P0784 Transmissie, storing bij schakelen 4-5
OBD Foutcode P0785 Magneetklep schakelmoment transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0786 Magneetklep schakelmoment transmissie, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0787 Magneetklep schakelmoment transmissie, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0788 Magneetklep schakelmoment transmissie, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0789 Magneetklep schakelmoment transmissie, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0790 Transmissie schakelaar "normaal/sport", onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0791 Snelheidssensor 1 tussenas transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0792 Snelheidssensor 1 tussenas transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0793 Snelheidssensor 1 tussenas transmissie, geen signaal
OBD Foutcode P0794 Snelheidssensor 1 tussenas transmissie, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0795 Magneetklep 3 drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0796 Magneetklep 3 drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0797 Magneetklep 3 drukregelaar transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0798 Magneetklep 3 drukregelaar transmissie, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0799 Magneetklep 3 drukregelaar transmissie, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0800 Transmissie, aanvraag storingslamp (MIL)
OBD Foutcode P0801 Transmissie blokkering achteruit, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0802 Transmissie storingslamp (MIL), open circuit
OBD Foutcode P0803 Transmissie schakelklep 1-4, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0804 Transmissie waarschuwingslampje opschakelen, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0805 Positiesensor koppeling, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0806 Positiesensor koppeling, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0807 Positiesensor koppeling, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0808 Positiesensor koppeling, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0809 Positiesensor koppeling, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0810 Bediening koppeling, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0811 Koppeling, overmatige slip
OBD Foutcode P0812 Transmissie achteruit, storing ingaand circuit
OBD Foutcode P0813 Transmissie achteruit, storing uitgaand circuit
OBD Foutcode P0814 Transmissie keuze display, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0815 Schakelaar voor opschakelen, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0816 Schakelaar voor terugschakelen, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0817 Startvergrendeling, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0818 Aandrijflijn ontkoppelschakelaar, storing ingaand circuit
OBD Foutcode P0819 Schakelaars op- en terugschakelen komen niet overeen met ingeschakelde versnelling
OBD Foutcode P0820 Versnellingshendel X-Y positiesensor, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0821 Versnellingshendel X positiesensor, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0822 Versnellingshendel Y positiesensor, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0823 Versnellingshendel X positiesensor, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0824 Versnellingshendel Y positiesensor, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0825 Schakelaars op- en terugschakelen (versnelling beinvloeding), storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0826 Schakelaars op- en terugschakelen, storing ingaand circuit
OBD Foutcode P0827 Schakelaars op- en terugschakelen, ingaand signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0828 Schakelaars op- en terugschakelen, ingaand signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0829 Versnelling 5-6, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0830 Koppelingsschakelaar 1, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0831 Koppelingsschakelaar 1, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0832 Koppelingsschakelaar 1, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0833 Koppelingsschakelaar 2, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0834 Koppelingsschakelaar 2, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0835 Koppelingsschakelaar 2, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0836 Schakelaar vierwielaandrijving, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0837 Schakelaar vierwielaandrijving, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0838 Schakelaar vierwielaandrijving, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0839 Schakelaar vierwielaandrijving, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0840 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 1 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 1, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0841 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 1 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 1, onaannemelijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P0842 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 1 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 1, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0843 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 1 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 1, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0844 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 1 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 1, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0845 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 2 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 2, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0846 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 2 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 2, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0847 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 2 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 2, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0848 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 2 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 2, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0849 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 2 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 2, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0850 Schakelaar neutraal of park, storing in ingaand circuit
OBD Foutcode P0851 Schakelaar neutraal of park, ingaand signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0852 Schakelaar neutraal of park, ingaand signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0853 Schakelaar "Drive", storing in ingaand circuit
OBD Foutcode P0854 Schakelaar "Drive", ingaand signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0855 Schakelaar "Drive", ingaand signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0856 Tractie controle, storing ingaand signaal
OBD Foutcode P0857 Tractie controle, storing ingaand signaal of onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0858 Tractie controle, ingaand signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0859 Tractie controle, ingaand signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0860 Regeleenheid transmissie, storing in communicatiecircuit
OBD Foutcode P0861 Regeleenheid transmissie, signaal communicatiecircuit te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0862 Regeleenheid transmissie, signaal communicatiecircuit te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0863 Regeleenheid transmissie, storing in communicatiecircuit
OBD Foutcode P0864 Regeleenheid transmissie, storing in communicatiecircuit
OBD Foutcode P0865 Regeleenheid transmissie, signaal communicatie te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0866 Regeleenheid transmissie, signaal communicatie te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0867 Transmissie vloeistofdruk, onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0868 Transmissie vloeistofdruk, te laag
OBD Foutcode P0869 Transmissie vloeistofdruk, te hoog
OBD Foutcode P0870 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 3 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 3, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0871 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 3 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 3, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0872 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 3 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 3, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0873 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 3 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 3, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0874 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 3 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 3, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0875 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 4 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 4, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0876 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 4 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 4, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0877 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 4 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 4, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0878 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 4 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 4, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0879 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 4 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 4, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0880 Regeleenheid transmissie, (signaal) ingaande voeding onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0881 Regeleenheid transmissie, (signaal) ingaande voeding onjuist
OBD Foutcode P0882 Regeleenheid transmissie, (signaal) ingaande voeding te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0883 Regeleenheid transmissie, (signaal) ingaande voeding te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0884 Regeleenheid transmissie, (signaal) ingaande voeding tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0885 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid transmissie, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0886 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid transmissie, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0887 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid transmissie, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0888 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid transmissie, voltage controle circuit
OBD Foutcode P0889 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid transmissie, voltage controle circuit onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0890 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid transmissie, voltage controle circuit signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0891 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid transmissie, voltage controle circuit signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0892 Voedingsrelais regeleenheid transmissie, voltage controle tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0893 Meerdere versnellingen ingeschakeld
OBD Foutcode P0894 Transmissie, slippend onderdeel
OBD Foutcode P0895 Transmissie, schakeltijd te kort
OBD Foutcode P0896 Transmissie, schakeltijd te lang
OBD Foutcode P0897 Transmissievloeistof, verouderd of slecht
OBD Foutcode P0898 Regeleenheid transmissie, signaal aanvraag storingslamp (MIL) te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0899 Regeleenheid transmissie, signaal aanvraag storingslamp (MIL) te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0900 Actuator bediening koppeling, onjuiste werking of storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0901 Actuator bediening koppeling, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0902 Actuator bediening koppeling, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0903 Actuator bediening koppeling, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0904 Transmissie positie keuzehendel, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0905 Transmissie positie keuzehendel, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0906 Transmissie positie keuzehendel, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0907 Transmissie positie keuzehendel, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0908 Transmissie positie keuzehendel, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0909 Transmissie bediening versnelling, storing
OBD Foutcode P0910 Actuator versnellingsbediening, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0911 Actuator versnellingsbediening, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0912 Actuator versnellingsbediening, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0913 Actuator versnellingsbediening, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0914 Transmissie positiesensor versnellingsbediening, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0915 Transmissie positiesensor versnellingsbediening, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0916 Transmissie positiesensor versnellingsbediening, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0917 Transmissie positiesensor versnellingsbediening, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0918 Transmissie positiesensor versnellingsbediening, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0919 Transmissie positiesensor versnellingsbediening, storing
OBD Foutcode P0920 Actuator bediening oneven versnellingen, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0921 Actuator bediening versnellingen voorwaarts, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0922 Actuator bediening versnellingen voorwaarts, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0923 Actuator bediening versnellingen voorwaats, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0924 Actuator bediening versnellingen achteruit, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0925 Actuator bediening versnellingen achteruit, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0926 Actuator bediening versnelling achteruit, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0927 Actuator bediening versnelling achteruit, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0928 Blokkeer-magneetklep versnelling, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0929 Blokkeer-magneetklep versnelling, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0930 Blokkeer-magneetklep versnelling, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0931 Blokkeer-magneetklep versnelling, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0932 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0933 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0934 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor, ingaand signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0935 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor, ingaand signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0936 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0937 Transmissie vloeistoftemperatuursensor, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0938 Transmissie vloeistoftemperatuursensor, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0939 Transmissie vloeistoftemperatuursensor, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0940 Transmissie vloeistoftemperatuursensor, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0941 Transmissie vloeistoftemperatuursensor, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0942 Transmissie hydraulische drukunit, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0943 Transmissie hydraulische drukunit, tijd aansturen unit te kort
OBD Foutcode P0944 Transmissie hydraulische drukunit, drukverlies
OBD Foutcode P0945 Transmissie, relais hydraulische drukunit, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0946 Transmissie, relais hydraulische drukunit, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0947 Transmissie, relais hydraulische drukunit, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0948 Transmissie, relais hydraulische drukunit, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0949 Automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), adaptieve waarden niet ingelezen
OBD Foutcode P0950 Aansturing automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0951 Aansturing automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0952 Aansturing automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0953 Aansturing automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0954 Aansturing automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0955 Schakelprogramma (sport, winter) automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0956 Schakelprogramma (sport, winter) automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0957 Schakelprogramma (sport, winter) automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0958 Schakelprogramma (sport, winter) automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0959 Schakelprogramma (sport, winter) automatisch bediende versnellingsbak (ASM), tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0960 Solenoide drukregeling A, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P0961 Solenoide drukregeling A, bereik/vermogen
OBD Foutcode P0962 Solenoide drukregeling A, laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0963 Solenoide drukregeling A, hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0964 Solenoide drukregeling B, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P0965 Solenoide drukregeling B, bereik/vermogen
OBD Foutcode P0966 Solenoide drukregeling B, laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0967 Solenoide drukregeling B, hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0968 Solenoide drukregeling C, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P0969 Solenoide drukregeling C, bereik/vermogen
OBD Foutcode P0970 Solenoide drukregeling C, laag signaal
OBD Foutcode P0971 Solenoide drukregeling C, hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P0972 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 1, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0973 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 1, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0974 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 1, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0975 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 2, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0976 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 2, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0977 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 2, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0978 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 3, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0979 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 3, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0980 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 3, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0981 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 4, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0982 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 4, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0983 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 4, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0984 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 5, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0985 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 5, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0986 Aansturing transmissie schakelklep 5, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0987 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 5 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 5, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0988 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 5 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 5, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0989 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 5 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 5, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0990 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 5 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 5, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0991 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 5 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 5, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0992 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 6 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 6, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P0993 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 6 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 6, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0994 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 6 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 6, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0995 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 6 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 6, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P0996 Transmissie vloeistofdruksensor 6 of vloeistofdrukschakelaar 6, tijdelijke storing
OBD Foutcode P0997 Transmissie schakelklep 6, onjuiste werking
OBD Foutcode P0998 Transmissie schakelklep 6, signaal te zwak
OBD Foutcode P0999 Transmissie schakelklep 6, signaal te sterk
OBD Foutcode P1000 Einspritzventil Zylinder 9 (N299) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1001 Einspritzventil Zylinder 10 (N300) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1002 Einspritzventil Zylinder 11 (N301) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1003 Einspritzventil Zylinder 12 (N302) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1004 Momentendifferenz Zylinder 1 Grenzwert überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1005 Momentendifferenz Zylinder 2 Grenzwert überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1006 Momentendifferenz Zylinder 3 Grenzwert überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1007 Momentendifferenz Zylinder 4 Grenzwert überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1008 Luftmassenmesser 1/2 unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1009 Luftmassenmesser 1/2 unplausibles Signal aus Lasterfassung
OBD Foutcode P1010 Einspritzventil Zyl. 9 (N299) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1011 Einspritzventil Zyl. 10 (N300) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1012 Einspritzventil Zyl. 11 (N301) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1013 Einspritzventil Zyl. 12 (N302) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1014 Ventil für Bypassklappe Luftfilter (N275) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1015 Ventil für Bypassklappe Luftfilter (N275) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1016 Ventil für Bypassklappe Luftfilter (N275) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1017 Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung oberer Anschlag nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1018 Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung unterer Anschlag nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1019 Geber für NOx (G295) Signal zu langsam
OBD Foutcode P1020 Kraftstoffdruckregelung Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1021 Bank 1, Nockenwellenspätverstellung Soll nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1022 Bank 1, Nockenwellenfrühverstellung Soll nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1023 Regelklep brandstofdruk (N276), kortsluiting naar massa
OBD Foutcode P1024 Regelklep brandstofdruk (N276), onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1025 Regelklep brandstofdruk (N276), mechanische storing
OBD Foutcode P1026 Regelsolenoide lucht inlaatspruitstuk, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1027 Regelsolenoide lucht inlaatspruitstuk, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1028 Regelsolenoide lucht inlaatspruitstuk, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1029 Sensor positie luchtklepregeling inlaatspruitstuk (N316), bovenste grens niet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1030 Sensor positie luchtklepregeling inlaatspruitstuk (N316), onderste grens niet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1031 Sensor positie luchtklepregeling inlaatspruitstuk (N316), voorgeschreven waarde niet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1032 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Heater Warm Up Control Circuit Banks 1 and 2 Sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P1033 Nox sensor (G295) Signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P1034 Nox sensor (G295) Signaal buiten tolerantie
OBD Foutcode P1035 Nox sensor (G295) Signaal inplausibel
OBD Foutcode P1036 Sensor NOx verwarming, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1037 Sensor NOx verwarming, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1038 Sensor NOx verwarming, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1039 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) A, Kurzschluss
OBD Foutcode P1040 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) A, elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1041 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) B, Kurzschluss
OBD Foutcode P1042 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) B, elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1043 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) C, Kurzschluss
OBD Foutcode P1044 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) C, elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1045 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) D, Kurzschluss
OBD Foutcode P1046 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) D, elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1047 Cilinderrij 1, ventiel nokkenaspositie, uitlaat (N318), storing in stroomkring
OBD Foutcode P1048 Cilinderrij 1, ventiel nokkenaspositie, uitlaat (N318), kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1049 Cilinderrij 1, ventiel nokkenaspositie, uitlaat (N318), kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1050 Cilinderrij 1, ventiel nokkenaspositie, uitlaat (N318), onderbreking stroomkring
OBD Foutcode P1051 Cilinderrij 1, ventiel nokkenaspositie, uitlaat (N319), storing in stroomkring
OBD Foutcode P1052 Cilinderrij 1, ventiel nokkenaspositie, uitlaat (N319), kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1053 Cilinderrij 1, ventiel nokkenaspositie, uitlaat (N319), kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1054 Cilinderrij 1, ventiel nokkenaspositie, uitlaat (N319), onderbreking in stroomkring
OBD Foutcode P1055 Bank 1, Nockenwellenverstellung Auslaß, Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1056 Bank 1, Nockenwellenverstellung Auslaß, Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1057 Bank 1, Nockenwellenverstellung Auslaß, Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1058 Bank 2, Nockenwellenverstellung Auslaß, Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1059 Bank 2, Nockenwellenverstellung Auslaß, Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1060 Bank 2, Nockenwellenverstellung Auslaß, Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1061 Bank 2, Nockenwellenspätverstellung, Soll nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1062 Bank 2, Nockenwellenfrühverstellung, Soll nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1063 Brandstofdruk, regelgrens niet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1064 Brandstofdruk, mechanische storing
OBD Foutcode P1065 Brandstofdruk, regelverschil
OBD Foutcode P1066 Regelsolenoide lucht inlaatspruitstuk (N335), kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1067 Regelsolenoide lucht inlaatspruitstuk (N335), kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1068 Regelsolenoide lucht inlaatspruitstuk (N335), onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1069 Stikstofsensor NOx (G295), regeling verwarming, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1070 Stikstofsensor NOx (G295), regeling verwarming, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1071 Stikstofsensor NOx (G295), regeling verwarming, onwaarschijnlijk signaal
OBD Foutcode P1072 Stikstofsensor NOx (G295), regeling verwarming, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1073 Luftmassenmesser 2 (G246), Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P1074 Luftmassenmesser 2 (G246), Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P1075 Lambda-Regelung Abgas-Bank 3, System zu mager
OBD Foutcode P1076 Lambda-Regelung Abgas-Bank 3, System zu fett
OBD Foutcode P1077 Lambda-Regelung Abgas-Bank 4, System zu mager
OBD Foutcode P1078 Lambda-Regelung Abgas-Bank 4, System zu fett
OBD Foutcode P1079 Lambda-Regelung Abgas-Bank 3, unplausibler Regelwert
OBD Foutcode P1080 Lambda-Regelung Abgas-Bank 4, unplausibler Regelwert
OBD Foutcode P1081 Abgas-Bank 3, Gemischadaption Bereich 1, Magergrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P1082 Abgas-Bank 3, Gemischadaption Bereich 2, Magergrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P1083 Abgas-Bank 3, Gemischadaption Bereich 1, Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1084 Abgas-Bank 3, Gemischadaption Bereich 2, Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1085 Abgas-Bank 4, Gemischadaption Bereich 1, Magergrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P1086 Abgas-Bank 4, Gemischadaption Bereich 2, Magergrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P1087 Abgas-Bank 4, Gemischadaption Bereich 1, Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1088 Abgas-Bank 4, Gemischadaption Bereich 2, Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1089 Mixture Regulation; Bank 2; Range 1: Lean Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P1090 Mixture Regulation; Bank 2; Range 2: Lean Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P1091 Bank 2, Gemischadaption Bereich 1, Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1092 Bank 2, Gemischadaption Bereich 2, Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1093 Mengselregeling cilinderrij 1, storing
OBD Foutcode P1094 Mengselregeling cilinderrij 2, storing
OBD Foutcode P1095 Potentiometer für Saugrohrklappe (G336), Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1096 Potentiometer für Saugrohrklappe (G336), Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1097 Potentiometer für Saugrohrklappe (G336), Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1098 Potentiometer für Saugrohrklappe (G336), Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1099 Ansteuerung Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P1100 Bank 1, Sonde 2 Heizstromkreis Leistung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P1101 Lambdasonde 1, cilinderrij 1, spanning te laag
OBD Foutcode P1102 Lambdasonde 1, cilinderrij 1, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1103 Lambdasonde 1, cilinderrij 1, uitgangsspanning te laag
OBD Foutcode P1104 Lambdasonde 1, cilinderrij 2, spanning te laag / luchtlek
OBD Foutcode P1105 Lambdasonde 2, cilinderrij 1, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1106 Lambdasonde 1, cilinderrij 2, spanning te laag / luchtlek
OBD Foutcode P1107 Lambdasonde 1, cilinderrij 2, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1108 BARO to MAP Sensor Comparison Too High
OBD Foutcode P1109 Secondary Port Throttle System
OBD Foutcode P1110 O2 Sensor Heating Circ.,Bank2-Sensor2 Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1111 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Circuit Intermittent High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1112 Lambda-regeling, cilinderrij 1, systeem te rijk
OBD Foutcode P1113 Cilinderrij 1, Sonde 1, verwarmingsweerstand te groot
OBD Foutcode P1114 Cilinderrij 1, Sonde 2, verwarmingsweerstand te groot
OBD Foutcode P1115 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit Intermittent High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1116 ECT Signal Unstable or Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P1117 Engine Coolant Temp. Signal Out-Of-Range Low
OBD Foutcode P1118 Engine Coolant Temp. Signal Out-Of-Range High
OBD Foutcode P1119 ECT Signal Out-Of-Range With TFT Sensor
OBD Foutcode P1120 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 1 Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1121 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Circuit Intermittent High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1122 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Circuit Intermittent Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1123 Long Term Fuel Trim Add.Air.,Bank1 System too Rich
OBD Foutcode P1124 Long Term Fuel Trim Add.Air., Bank1 System too Lean
OBD Foutcode P1125 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) System
OBD Foutcode P1126 Long Term Fuel Trim Add.Air., Bank2 System too Lean
OBD Foutcode P1127 Long Term Fuel Trim mult., Bank1 System too Rich
OBD Foutcode P1128 Long Term Fuel Trim mult., Bank1 System too Lean
OBD Foutcode P1129 Long Term Fuel Trim mult., Bank2 System too Rich
OBD Foutcode P1130 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Circuit Low Variance Bank 1 Sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P1131 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Circuit Low Variance Bank 1 Sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P1132 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Circuit Low Variance Bank 2 Sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P1133 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Insufficient Switching Bank 1 Sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P1134 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Transition Time Ratio Bank 1 Sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P1135 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Lean Mean Bank 1 Sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P1136 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Rich Mean Bank 1 Sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P1137 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 1 Sensor 2 Lean System or Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1138 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 1 Sensor 2 Rich or High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1139 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Insuff. Switching Bank 1 Sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P1140 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Transition Time Ratio Bank 1 Sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P1141 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Heater Control Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P1142 Load Calculation Cross Check, Lower Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P1143 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 1 Sensor 3 Lean System or Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1144 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 1 Sensor 3 Rich or High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1145 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Cross Counts Bank 1 Sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P1146 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circ Supply Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1147 O2 Control (Bank 2) System too lean
OBD Foutcode P1148 O2 Control (Bank 2) System too rich
OBD Foutcode P1149 O2 Control (Bank 1) Out of range
OBD Foutcode P1150 O2 Control (Bank 2) Out of range
OBD Foutcode P1151 Bank1, Long Term Fuel Trim, Range 1 Leanness Lower Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P1152 Bank1, Long Term Fuel Trim, Range 2 Leanness Lower Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P1153 Lambdasonde 2, cilinderrij 1 en 2, verwisseld
OBD Foutcode P1154 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Transition Time Ratio Bank 2 Sensor 1
OBD Foutcode P1155 Sensor spruitsukdruk
OBD Foutcode P1156 Sensor spuitstukdruk (G71)
OBD Foutcode P1157Sensor spuitstukdruk (G71), voedingsspanning
OBD Foutcode P1158 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 2 Sensor 2 Rich or High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1159 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Cross Counts Bank 2 Sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P1160 Manifold Temp.Sensor Circ. Open/Short to BOBD Foutcode P1161
Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Heater Control Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 2
OBD Foutcode P1162 Fuel Temp.Sensor (G81): Circ. Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1163 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 2 Sensor 3 Lean System or Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1164 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Bank 2 Sensor 3 Rich or High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1165 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Cross Counts Bank 2 Sensor 3
OBD Foutcode P1166 Bank1, Long Term Fuel Trim, Range 2 Rich Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P1167 Luftmassenmesser 2 (G246) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1168 Luftmassenmesser 2 (G246) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1169 Luftmassenmesser 2 (G246) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1170 Bank to Bank Fuel Trim Offset
OBD Foutcode P1171 Fuel System Lean During Acceleration
OBD Foutcode P1172 Fuel Transfer Pump Flow Insufficient
OBD Foutcode P1173 Throttle Actuation Potentiometer Sign.2 Signal too High
OBD Foutcode P1174 Fuel Trim, Bank 1 Different injection times
OBD Foutcode P1175 Voreinspritzung abgeschaltet
OBD Foutcode P1176 (O2 Correction Behind Catalyst, OBD Foutcode B1 Limit Attained
OBD Foutcode P1177 O2 Correction Behind Catalyst, OBD Foutcode B2 Limit Attained
OBD Foutcode P1178 Linear 02 Sensor / Pump Current Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1179 Linear 02 Sensor / Pump Current Short to ground
OBD Foutcode P1180 Linear 02 Sensor / Pump Current Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1181 Linear 02 Sensor / Reference Voltage Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1182 Linear 02 Sensor / Reference Voltage Short to ground
OBD Foutcode P1183 Linear 02 Sensor / Reference Voltage Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1184 Linear 02 Sensor / Common Ground Wire Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1185 Engine Oil Temperature Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1186 EOT Circuit Performance
OBD Foutcode P1187 EOT Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1188 EOT Sensor Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1189 Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1190 Engine Vacuum Leak
OBD Foutcode P1191 Intake Air Duct Air Leak
OBD Foutcode P1192 Geber für Kraftstoffdruck (G247) Versorgungsspannung
OBD Foutcode P1193 Geber für Kraftstoffdruck (G247) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1194 Regelventil für Kraftstoffdruck (N276) Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1195 Regelventil für Kraftstoffdruck (N276) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1196 O2 Sensor Heater Circ., Bank1-Sensor1 Electrical Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1197 O2 Sensor Heater Circ., Bank2-Sensor1 Electrical Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1198 O2 Sensor Heater Circ., Bank1-Sensor2 Electrical Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1199 O2 Sensor Heater Circ., Bank2-Sensor2 Electrical Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1200 Injector Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1201 Injector 1, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1202 Injector 2, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1203 Injector 3, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1204 Injector 4, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1205 Injector 5, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1206 Injector 6, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1207 Injector 7, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1208 Injector 8, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1209 Intake valves for cylinder shut-off Short circuit to ground
OBD Foutcode P1210 Intake valves for cylinder shut-off Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1211 Mass Air Flow Circuit Intermittent High
OBD Foutcode P1212 Mass Air Flow Circuit Intermittent Low
OBD Foutcode P1213 Injector 1, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1214 Injector 2, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1215 Injector 3, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1216 Injector 4, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1217 Injector 5, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1218 Injector 6, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1219 Injector 7, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1220 Injector 8, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1221 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P1222 Injector Control Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P1223 [Cylinder shut-off exhaust valves Open circuit
OBD Foutcode P1224 Zylinderabschaltung, Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P1225 Injector 1, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1226 Injector 2, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1227 Injector 3, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1228 Injector 4, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1229 Injector 5, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1230 Injector 6, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1231 Injector 7, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1232 Injector 8, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1233 Lasterfassung Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P1234 Injector Circuit Cylinder 5 Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P1235 Abgas Bank 3, Lambdakorrektur hinter Katalysator Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1236 Abgas Bank 4, Lambdakorrektur hinter Katalysator Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1237 Injector 1, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1238 Injector 2, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1239 Injector 3, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1240 Injector 4, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1241 Injector 5, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1242 Injector 6, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1243 Injector 7, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1244 Injector 8, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1245 Sensor verstuivernaaldslag (G80)
OBD Foutcode P1246 Sensor verstuivernaaldslag (G80)
OBD Foutcode P1247 Sensor verstuivernaaldslag (G80)
OBD Foutcode P1248 Inspuitbegin regeling
OBD Foutcode P1249 Fuel consumption signal Electrical Fault in Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1250 Early Fuel Evaporation Heater Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1251 Start of Injection Solenoid (N108) Circ Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1252 Start of Injection Solenoid Circ Open/Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1253 Fuel consumption signal Short to ground
OBD Foutcode P1254 Fuel consumption signal Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1255 Engine Coolant Temp.Circ Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1256 Engine Coolant Temp Sensor (G62): Open or Short to Plus
OBD Foutcode P1257 Supercharger System Overboost
OBD Foutcode P1258 Engine Coolant Overtemperature - above 268°F - Protection Mode Active
OBD Foutcode P1260 Last Test Failed Failed SCC ENTER:More Info.
OBD Foutcode P1260 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 1 (N240)
OBD Foutcode P1261 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 1 (N240)
OBD Foutcode P1262 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 1 (N240)
OBD Foutcode P1263 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 2 (N241)
OBD Foutcode P1264 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 2 (N241)
OBD Foutcode P1265 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 2 (N241)
OBD Foutcode P1266 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 3 (N242)
OBD Foutcode P1267 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 3 (N242)
OBD Foutcode P1268 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 3 (N242)
OBD Foutcode P1269 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 4 (N243)
OBD Foutcode P1270 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 4 (N243)
OBD Foutcode P1271 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 4 (N243)
OBD Foutcode P1272 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 5 (N244)
OBD Foutcode P1273 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 5 (N244)
OBD Foutcode P1274 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 5 (N244)
OBD Foutcode P1275 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 6 (N245)
OBD Foutcode P1276 Ventiel pompverstuiver cylinder 6 (N245)
OBD Foutcode P1277 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1278 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1279 Ventil für Kraftstoffdosierung (N290) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1280 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1281 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit Performance
OBD Foutcode P1282 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1283 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1284 Fuel Inj.Air Contr.Valve Circ. Open
OBD Foutcode P1285 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 3 Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1286 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 3 Circuit Performance
OBD Foutcode P1287 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 3 Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1288 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 3 Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1289 Turbocharger bypass valve short to ground
OBD Foutcode P1290 Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur-Kühlerausgang (G83) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P1291 Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur-Kühlerausgang (G83) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P1292 Thermostat für kennfeldgesteuerte Motorkühlung (F265) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1293 Thermostat für kennfeldgesteuerte Motorkühlung (F265) Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1294 Thermostat für kennfeldgesteuerte Motorkühlung (F265) Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1295 Bypass Turbolader Durchsatz fehlerhaft
OBD Foutcode P1296 fout in motor koelsysteem
OBD Foutcode P1297 Drukverlies tussen de turbo en de gasklep (check D.V.)
OBD Foutcode P1298 Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur-Kühlerausgang (G83) Unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1299 Ventil für Kraftstoffdosierung (N290) Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P1300 Ignitor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1301 Klopregeling cilinder 9, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1302 Klopregeling cilinder 10, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1304 Klopregeling cilinder 11, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1304 Klopregeling cilinder 12, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1305 Ignition Coil 2 Primary Feedback Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1306 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 9 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1307 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 9 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1308 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 10 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1309 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 10 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1310 Ignition Coil 3 Primary Feedback Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1311 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 11 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1312 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 11 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1313 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 11 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1314 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 12 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1315 Ignition Coil 4 Primary Feedback Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1316 Zündansteuerung Zyl. 12 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1317 Klopregeling cilinder 13, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1318 Klopregeling cilinder 14, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1319 Klopfsensor 1 (G61) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1320 IC 4X Reference Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P1321 Electronic Ignition System Fault Line
OBD Foutcode P1322 EI System or Ignition Control Extra or Missing
OBD Foutcode P1323 IC 24X Reference Circuit Low Frequency
OBD Foutcode P1324 Crank RPM Too Low
OBD Foutcode P1325 Klopregeling cilinder 1, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1326 Klopregeling cilinder 2, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1327 Klopregeling cilinder 3, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1328 Klopregeling cilinder 4, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1329 Klopregeling cilinder 5, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1330 Klopregeling cilinder 6, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1331 Klopregeling cilinder 7, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1332 Klopregeling cilinder 8, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1333 Klopregeling cilinder 15, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1334 Klopregeling cilinder 16, regelgrens bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1335 Regeling motorkoppel, limiet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1336 Regeling motorkoppel, limiet overschreden
OBD Foutcode P1337 Camshaft Position Sensor, Bank1 Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1338 Camshaft Position Sensor, Bank1 Open Circ./Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1339 Sensor nokkenaspositie - Sensor motortoerental, verwisseld
OBD Foutcode P1340 Camshaft Position Sensor (G40) / Engine Speed Sensor (G28): Incorrect Correlation
OBD Foutcode P1341 Ontstekensversterker, primair circuit 1, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1342 Ontstekensversterker, primair circuit 1, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1343 Ontstekensversterker, primair circuit 2, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1344 Ontstekensversterker, primair circuit 2, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1345 Ontstekensversterker, primair circuit 3, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1346 Ontstekensversterker, primair circuit 3, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1347 Bank 2, Crankshaft-/Camshaft os.Sens.Sign. Out of Sequence
OBD Foutcode P1348 Ignition Coil Power Output Stage 1, Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1349 Ignition Coil Power Output Stage 2, Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1350 Ignition Control System
OBD Foutcode P1351 Ignition Coil Control Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1352 IC Output High/Pulse Detected when GND_Cyl. 2
OBD Foutcode P1353 IC Output High/Pulse Detected when GND_Cyl. 3
OBD Foutcode P1354 Sensor regelschuifslag inspuitpomp (G149)
OBD Foutcode P1355 Bobine / versterker cilinder 1, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1356 Bobine / versterker cilinder 1, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1357 Bobine / versterker cilinder 1, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1358 Bobine / versterker cilinder 2, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1359 Bobine / versterker cilinder 2, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1360 Bobine / versterker cilinder 2, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1361 Bobine / versterker cilinder 3, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1362 Bobine / versterker cilinder 3, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1363 Bobine / versterker cilinder 3, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1364 Bobine / versterker cilinder 4, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1365 Bobine / versterker cilinder 4, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1366 Bobine / versterker cilinder 4, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1367 Bobine / versterker cilinder 5, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1368 Bobine / versterker cilinder 5, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1369 Bobine / versterker cilinder 5, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1370 Bobine / versterker cilinder 6, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1371 Bobine / versterker cilinder 6, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1372 Bobine / versterker cilinder 6, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1373 Cyl. 7, ignition circuit Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1374 3X Reference Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1375 IC 24X Reference Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1376 Ignition Ground Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1377 IC Cam Pulse To 4X Reference Pulse
OBD Foutcode P1378 Cyl. 8, ignition circuit short to ground
OBD Foutcode P1379 Zylinder 13 Verbrennungsaussetzer erkannt
OBD Foutcode P1380 Misfire Detected - Rough Road Data Not Available
OBD Foutcode P1381 Misfire Detected - No Communication with Brake Control Module
OBD Foutcode P1382 Zylinder 16 Verbrennungsaussetzer erkannt
OBD Foutcode P1383 Fasatura camme variabili troppo ritardata (banco 1) Codice standard, può VARIAREOBD Foutcode P1383
OBD Foutcode P1384 Regelmodule defect
OBD Foutcode P1385 Regelmodule defect
OBD Foutcode P1386 Regelmodule klopregeling defect
OBD Foutcode P1387 Internal Contr. Module altitude sensor error
OBD Foutcode P1388 Internal Contr. Module drive by wire error; Control Module Malfunction - DBW Throttle Monitoring
OBD Foutcode P1389 Steuergerät 2 für Dieseldirekteinspritzanlage (J494) defekt
OBD Foutcode P1390 Wheel Speed Sensor 1 - G - Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1391 Wheel Speed Sensor 1 - G - Sensor Circuit Performance
OBD Foutcode P1392 Wheel Speed Sensor 1 - G - Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1393 Ontstekingsversterker, primair circuit 1, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1394 Ontstekingsversterker, primair circuit 2, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1395 Ontstekingsversterker, primair circuit 3, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1396 Wheel Speed Sensor 2 - G - Sensor Circuit Performance
OBD Foutcode P1397 Wheel Speed Sensor 2 - G - Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1398 Wheel Speed Sensor 2 - G - Sensor Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1399 Wheel Speed Sensor 2 - G - Sensor Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P1400 magneetklep voor de uitlaatgasreciculatie (N18)
OBD Foutcode P1401 magneetklep voor de uitlaatgasrecirculatie (N18)
OBD Foutcode P1402 magneetklep voor de uitlaatgasrecirculatie (N18)
OBD Foutcode P1403 EGR, regelverschil
OBD Foutcode P1404 EGR, basisinstelling niet uitgevoerd
OBD Foutcode P1405 Exhaust Gas Recirculation System Valve 3
OBD Foutcode P1406 EGR Valve Pintle Position Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1407 EGR Air Intrusion in Exhaust Supply to EGR Valve
OBD Foutcode P1408 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1409 EGR Vacuum System Leak
OBD Foutcode P1410 Fuel Tank Pressure System
OBD Foutcode P1411 Sec.Air Inj.Sys., Bank 2 Flow too Flow
OBD Foutcode P1412 EGR Different.Pressure Sensor Signal too Low
OBD Foutcode P1413 EGR Different.Pressure Sensor Signal too High
OBD Foutcode P1415 Secondary Air Injection (AIR) System Bank 1
OBD Foutcode P1416 Secondary Air Injection (AIR) System Bank 2
OBD Foutcode P1416 Ventil für Abgasrückführung (N18), Kennlinienadaption oberer Grenzwert überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1417 Secondary Air Injection System Relay A Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P1418 Fuel Level Sensor Circ Signal too High
OBD Foutcode P1419 Intake Air Low Pressure Switch Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1420 Intake Air Low Pressure Switch Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1421 Sec.Air Inj.Valve Circ Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1422 Intake Air High Pressure Switch Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1423Sec.Air Inj.Sys., Bank 1 Flow too Low
OBD Foutcode P1424 Sec.Air Inj.Sys., Bank 1 Leak Detected
OBD Foutcode P1425 Tank Vent.Valve Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1426 EVAP Purge Valve (N80): Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1427 Vacuumpomp van de remmen, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1428 Vacuumpomp van de remmen, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1429 Vacuumpomp van de remmen, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1430 Vacuumpomp van de remmen, onderbreking / kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1431 Vacuumpomp van de remmen, onderbreking / kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1432 Sec.Air Inj.Valve Open
OBD Foutcode P1433 Relais pomp luchtinblaassysteem (J299) onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1434 Relais pomp luchtinblaassysteem (J299) kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1435 Relais pomp luchtinblaassysteem (J299) kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1436 Relais pomp luchtinblaassysteem (J299) storing in electrisch circuit [/color]
OBD Foutcode P1437 Ventil 2 für Abgasrückführung (N213) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1438 Ventil 2 für Abgasrückführung (N213) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1439 EGR Potentiometer Error in Basic Seting
OBD Foutcode P1440 magneetklep voor de uitlaatgasrecirculatie (N18) onderbroken
OBD Foutcode P1441 magneetklep voor de uitlaatgasrecirculatie (N18), onderbreking of kortsluiting naar massa
OBD Foutcode P1442 EGR Valve Position Sensor Signal too high
OBD Foutcode P1441 Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Flow During Non-Purge
OBD Foutcode P1442 EVAP Vacuum Sw. High Voltage During Ign. On
OBD Foutcode P1445 Catalyst Temp.Sensor 2 Circ. Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P1446 Catalyst Temp.Circ Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1447 Catalyst Temp.Circ Open/Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1448 Catalyst Temp.Sensor 2 Circ. Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1449 Catalyst Temp.Sensor 2 Circ. Open/Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1450 Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit / Sec.Air Inj.Sys.Circ Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1451 Barometric Press. Sensor Performance
OBD Foutcode P1452 Sec.Air Inj.Sys. Open Circ.
OBD Foutcode P1453 Temperatuursensor uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr) 1, onderbreking / kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1454 Temperatuursensor uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr) 1, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1455 Temperatuursensor uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr) 1, bereik - vermogens probleem
OBD Foutcode P1456 Temperatuurregeling uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr) 1, regellimiet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1457 Temperatuursensor uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr) 2, onderbreking / kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1458 Temperatuursensor uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr) 2, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1459 Temperatuursensor uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr) 2, bereik - vermogens probleem
OBD Foutcode P1460 Temperatuurregeling uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr) 2, regellimiet bereikt
OBD Foutcode P1461 Temperatuurregeling uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr), cilinderrij 1, bereik / vermogens probleem
OBD Foutcode P1462 Temperatuurregeling uitlaatgasrecirculatie (egr), cilinderrij 2, bereik / vermogens probleem
OBD Foutcode P1463 Sekundärluftsystem, Bank 3 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P1464 Sekundärluftsystem, Bank 4 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P1465 Additive Pump Short Circuit to B+
OBD Foutcode P1466 Additive Pump Open/Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1467 EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Short Circuit to B+
OBD Foutcode P1468 EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Short Circuit to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1469 EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1470 EVAP Emission Contr.LDP Circ Electrical Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1471 EVAP Emission Contr.LDP Circ Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1472 EVAP Emission Contr.LDP Circ Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1473 EVAP Emission Contr.LDP Circ Open Circ.
OBD Foutcode P1474 EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Valve electrical malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1475 EVAP Leak Detection Pump: No Signal
OBD Foutcode P1476 EVAP Emission Contr.LDP Circ Malfunction/Insufficient Vacuum
OBD Foutcode P1477 EVAP Emission Contr.LDP Circ Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1478 EVAP Emission Contr.LDP Circ Clamped Tube Detected
OBD Foutcode P1479 Brake Boost Vacuum System: Mechanical Failure
OBD Foutcode P1480 Cooling Fan 1 Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P1481 Cooling Fan Speed Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1482 Cooling Fan Speed Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1483 Engine Cooling System Performance
OBD Foutcode P1484 Cooling Fan System Performance
OBD Foutcode P1485 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 2 (N320) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1486 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 2 (N320) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1487 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 2 (N320) Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1488 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 2 (N320) Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1489 Tankentlüftungsventil 2 (N333) Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1490 Tankentlüftungsventil 2 (N333) Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1491 Tankentlüftungsventil 2 (N333) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1492 Tankentlüftungsventil 2 (N333) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1493 Unterdruckpumpe für Bremse Leistung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P1494 Tankentlüftungssystem 2 Durchsatz fehlerhaft
OBD Foutcode P1495 Umschaltventil für Kühler Abgasrückführung (N345) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1496 Umschaltventil für Kühler Abgasrückführung (N345) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1497 Sekundärluftsystem, Bank 3 Durchfluss fehlerhaft
OBD Foutcode P1498 Sekundärluftsystem, Bank 4 Durchfluss fehlerhaft
OBD Foutcode P1499 Umschaltventil 2 für Kühler Abgasrückführung (N381) Unterbrechung / Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1500 Relais brandstofpomp, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1501 Relais brandstofpomp, kortsluiting naar massa
OBD Foutcode P1502 Relais brandstofpomp, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1503 Belastingssignaal wisselstroomdynamo
OBD Foutcode P1504 Intake Air Sys.Bypass Leak Detected
OBD Foutcode P1505 Closed Throttle Pos. Does Not Close/Open Circ
OBD Foutcode P1506 Throttle Idle Switch (F60): Does not Open or Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1507 Idle Sys.Learned Value Lower Limit Attained
OBD Foutcode P1508 Idle Speed Low - Idle Air Control (IAC) System Not Responding
OBD Foutcode P1509 Idle Speed High - Idle Air Control (IAC) System Not Responding
OBD Foutcode P1510 Throttle Control System Performance - Throttle Limitation Active
OBD Foutcode P1511 Throttle Control System - Backup System Performance
OBD Foutcode P1512 Intake Manifold Changeover Valve circuit Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1513 Intake Manifold Changeover Valve2 circuit Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1514 Airflow to TP Sensor Correlation High
OBD Foutcode P1515 Electronic Throttle System Throttle Position
OBD Foutcode P1516 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module Throttle Actuator Position Performance
OBD Foutcode P1517 Electronic Throttle Module
OBD Foutcode P1518 Electronic Throttle Module to PCM Communication
OBD Foutcode P1519 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module Internal Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1520 Transmission Range Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1521 Transmission Engaged at High Throttle Angle
OBD Foutcode P1522 Park/Neutral to Drive/Reverse at High RPM
OBD Foutcode P1523 Throttle Closed Position Performance
OBD Foutcode P1524 Throttle Closed Position Performance
OBD Foutcode P1525 Throttle Body ServiceRequired
OBD Foutcode P1526 Minimum Throttle Position Not Learned
OBD Foutcode P1527 Transmission Range to Pressure Switch Correlation
OBD Foutcode P1528 Governor
OBD Foutcode P1529 Heated Windshield Request Problem
OBD Foutcode P1530 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module Internal Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1531 A/C Low Side Temperature Sensor Fault
OBD Foutcode P1532 A/C Evaporator Temp. Sens. Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1533 Actuator positie nokkenas (N208), cilinderrij 2; storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1534 Actuator positie nokkenas (N208), cilinderrij 2, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1535 Actuator positie nokkenas (N208), cilinderrij 2, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1536 Actuator positie nokkenas (N208), cilinderrij 2, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1537 Stopklep brandstoftoevoer (N109)
OBD Foutcode P1538 Stopklep brandstoftoevoer (N109)
OBD Foutcode P1539 A/C Clutch Status Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1540 Wagen snelheidssignaal
OBD Foutcode P1541 A/C High Side Over Temperature
OBD Foutcode P1542 A/C System High Pressure High Temperature
OBD Foutcode P1543 A/C System Performance
OBD Foutcode P1544 A/C Refrigerant Condition Very Low
OBD Foutcode P1545 Air Conditioning (A/C) Clutch Relay Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1546 A/C Clutch Status Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1547 A/C System Performance Degraded
OBD Foutcode P1548 A/C Recirculation Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1549 Boost Pressure Regulation Valve (N75), Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1550 Charge Pressure: Control Deviation
OBD Foutcode P1551 Throttle Valve Rest Position Not Reached During Learn
OBD Foutcode P1552 Cruise Control Feedback Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1553 Electronic Variable Orifice Output
OBD Foutcode P1554 Idle Speed Contr.Throttle Pos. Basic Setting Conditions not met
OBD Foutcode P1555 Charge Pressure Upper Limit exceeded
OBD Foutcode P1556 Charge Pressure Control: Negative Deviation
OBD Foutcode P1557 Charge Pressure Contr. Positive Deviation
OBD Foutcode P1558 Cruise Control Servo Indicates Low
OBD Foutcode P1559 Cruise Control Power Management Mode
OBD Foutcode P1560 TransaxleNotinDriveCruiseControlDisabled
OBD Foutcode P1561 Inspuitregelaar (N146)
OBD Foutcode P1562 Inspuitregelaar (N146)
OBD Foutcode P1563 Inspuitregelaar (N146)
OBD Foutcode P1564 Vehicle Acceleration Too High Cruise Control Disabled
OBD Foutcode P1565 Cruise Servo Position Sensor
OBD Foutcode P1566 Engine RPM Too High Cruise Control Disabled
OBD Foutcode P1567 Active Banking Control Active Cruise Control Disabled
OBD Foutcode P1568 Cruise Servo Stroke Greater than Commanded in Cruise
OBD Foutcode P1569 Cruise Servo Stroke High While not in Cruise
OBD Foutcode P1570 Traction Control Active Cruise Control Disabled
OBD Foutcode P1571 Traction Control Torque Request Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1572 ASR Active Circuit Low Too Long
OBD Foutcode P1573 PCM/EBTCM Serial Data Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1574 Stoplamp Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1575 Extended Travel Brake Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1576 BBV Sensor Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1577 BBV Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1578 BBV Sensor Circuit Low Vacuum
OBD Foutcode P1579 P/N to D/R at High Throttle Angle Power Reduction Mode Active
OBD Foutcode P1580 Cruise Move Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1581 Cruise Move Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1582 Cruise Direction Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1583 Cruise Direction CircuitHigh Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1584 Cruise Control Disabled
OBD Foutcode P1585 Cruise Control Inhibit Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1586 Regelsolenoide motorbevestiging (N144/N145), kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1587 Cruise Control Clutch Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P1588 Cruise Control Clutch Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P1589 Potentiometer Drehknopf Temperaturwahl (G267) Kurschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1590 Potentiometer Drehknopf Temperaturwahl (G267) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1591 Magnetventil für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N75) keine Funktion
OBD Foutcode P1592 Signal Höhengeber/Ladedrucksensor unplausibles Verhältnis
OBD Foutcode P1593 Höhenadaption Signal außerhalb Toleranz
OBD Foutcode P1594 Geber für Oeltemperatur, Nockenwellenverstellung (G277) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1595 Geber für Oeltemperatur, Nockenwellenverstellung (G277) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1596 Datenbus-Antrieb unplausible Botschaft vom Niveauregulierungs-SG (J197)
OBD Foutcode P1597 Datenbus-Antrieb fehlende Botschaft vom Niveauregulierungs-SG (J197)
OBD Foutcode P1598 Geber für Oeltemperatur, Nockenwellenverstellung (G277) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1599 Engine Stall or Near Stall Detected
OBD Foutcode P1600 Voedingsspanning contact 15 te laag
OBD Foutcode P1601 Serial Comm. Problem With Device 1
OBD Foutcode P1602 Knock Sensor (KS) Module Performance
OBD Foutcode P1603 Loss of SDM Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1604 Loss of IPC Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1605 Loss of HVAC Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1606 Serial Communication Problem With Device 6
OBD Foutcode P1607 Serial Communication Problem With Device 7
OBD Foutcode P1608 Serial Communication Problem With Device 8
OBD Foutcode P1609 Loss Of TCS Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1610 Loss of PZM Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1611 Loss of CVRTD Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1612 Regeleenheid verkeerd gecodeerd
OBD Foutcode P1613 Loss of DIM Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1614 Loss of RIM Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1615 Loss of VTD Serial Data
OBD Foutcode P1616 Waarschuwingslampje gloeibougie - kortsluiting tegen positief
OBD Foutcode P1617 Waarschuwingslampje gloeibougie - onderbreking/kortsluiting tegen massa
OBD Foutcode P1618 Relais voor gloeispiraal (J52)
OBD Foutcode P1619 Relais voor gloeispiraal (J52)
OBD Foutcode P1620 Low Coolant Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1621 Control Module Long Term Memory Performance
OBD Foutcode P1622 Cylinder Select
OBD Foutcode P1623 Transmission Temp Pull-Up Resistor
OBD Foutcode P1624 Customer Snapshot Requested Data Available
OBD Foutcode P1625 TCM System Reset
OBD Foutcode P1626 Theft Deterrent Fuel Enable Signal Not Received
OBD Foutcode P1627 A/D Performance
OBD Foutcode P1628 ECT Pull-Up Resistor
OBD Foutcode P1629 Theft Deterrent System Cranking Signal
OBD Foutcode P1630 Gaspedaalpositiesensor 1, signaal te laag
OBD Foutcode P1631 Gaspedaalpositiesensor 1, signaal te hoog
OBD Foutcode P1632 Sensor gaspedaalstand (G79)
OBD Foutcode P1633 Ignition 0 Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1634 Ignition 1 Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1635 5 Volt Reference Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1636 PCM Stack Overrun
OBD Foutcode P1637 Generator L-Terminal Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1638 Generator F-Terminal Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1639 5 Volt Reference 2 Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1640 Driver-1-Input High Voltage/ Internal Control Module: EEPROM Error
OBD Foutcode P1641 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1642 Vehicle Speed Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1643 Controleer AUB FoutCodeGeheugen van Centrale Electron. Regelapparaat
OBD Foutcode P1644 Traction Control Delivered Torque Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1645 Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Vent Solenoid Contorl Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1646 Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Vent Solenoid Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1647 Driver 1 Line 7
OBD Foutcode P1648 CAN gegevsnbus, defect
OBD Foutcode P1649 Powertrain Data Bus: Missing Message from ABS Controller
OBD Foutcode P1650 Control Module Output B Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1651 Fan 1 Relay Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1652 Powertrain Induced Chassis Pitch Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1653 Oil Level Lamp Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1654 Cruise Control Inhibit Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1655 EVAP Purge Solenoid Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1656 Airco signaal, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1657 Airco signaal, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1658 Starter Enable Relay Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1659 Aanjagermotor koelvloeistof 1, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1660 Aanjagermotor koelvloeistof 1, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1661 Aanjagermotor koelvloeistof 2, kortsluing naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1662 Aanjagermotor koelvloeistof 2, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1663 Oil Life Lamp Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1664 1-4 Upshift Lamp Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1665 Driver 3 Line 5
OBD Foutcode P1666 Ventiel pompverstuiver cilinder 1 (N240) fout geconstateerd in het electrische circuit
OBD Foutcode P1667 Ventiel pompverstuiver cilinder 2 (N241) fout geconstateerd in het electrische circuit
OBD Foutcode P1668 Ventiel pompverstuiver cilinder 3 (N242) fout geconstateerd in het electrische circuit
OBD Foutcode P1669 Ventiel pompverstuiver cilinder 4 (N243) fout geconstateerd in het electrische circuit
OBD Foutcode P1670 Ventiel pompverstuiver cilinder 5 (N244) fout geconstateerd in het electrische circuit
OBD Foutcode P1671 Ventiel pompverstuiver cilinder 6 (N245) fout geconstateerd in het electrische circuit
OBD Foutcode P1672 Aanjagermotor koelvloeistof, snelheid 1; onderbreking / kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1673 Engine Hot Lamp Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1674 Tachometer Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1675 EVAP Vent Solenoid Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1676 Waarschuwingslampje elektronisch gasklepsysteem; storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1677 Waarschuwingslampje elektronisch gasklepsysteem; kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1678 Waarschuwingslampje elektronisch gasklepsysteem; kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1679 Waarschuwingslampje elektronisch gasklepsysteem; onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1680 Noodloopfunctie aktief
OBD Foutcode P1681 Motorregelmodule; onvoltooide programmering
OBD Foutcode P1682 Driver 5 Line 2
OBD Foutcode P1683 Driver 5 Line 3
OBD Foutcode P1684 Driver 5 Line 4
OBD Foutcode P1685 Driver 5 Line 5
OBD Foutcode P1686 Driver 5 Line 6
OBD Foutcode P1687 Driver 5 Line 7
OBD Foutcode P1688 Datenbus-Antrieb unplausible Botschaft von Allrad-Elektronik
OBD Foutcode P1689 Delivered Torque Circuit Fault
OBD Foutcode P1690 Waarschuwingslampje storing, storing in circuit
OBD Foutcode P1691 Waarschuwingslampje storing, onderbreking
OBD Foutcode P1692 Waarschuwingslampje storing, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1693 Waarschuwingslampje storing, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1694 Tachometer Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1695 Remote Keyless Entry Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P1696 Remote Keyless Entry Voltage High
OBD Foutcode P1697 Bitte Fehlerspeicher des Gebers für Lenkwinkel auslesen
OBD Foutcode P1698 Bitte Fehlerspeicher der Lenksäulenelektronik auslesen
OBD Foutcode P1699 Datenbus Antrieb fehlende Botschaft von Lenksäulenelektronik
OBD Foutcode P1700 Transmission Control Module (TCM) Requested MIL Illumination
OBD Foutcode P1701 Trans. MIL Request Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1702 Fehler kann Steuergeräteersatzfunktion nicht auslösen, da anderer Fehler mit gleicher Priorität vorliegt
OBD Foutcode P1703 Notlauf wegen Steuergerät-Reset
OBD Foutcode P1704 Kick Down Switch Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1705 P/N Signal Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1706 Getriebe defekt
OBD Foutcode P1707 Interference in Mechatronic Module
OBD Foutcode P1711 Wheel Speed Signal 1 Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P1716 Wheel Speed Signal 2 Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P1719 Incorrect Shifting Detected (TCM)
OBD Foutcode P1721 Wheel Speed Signal 3 Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P1723 Starter Interlock Circ. Open
OBD Foutcode P1724 Starter Interlock Circ. Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1726 Wheel Speed Signal 4 Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P1728 Different Wheel Speed Signals Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P1729 Starter Interlock Circ. Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1733 Tiptronic Switch Down Circ. Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1737 Geber 1 für Hydraulikdruck Getriebe Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1738 Geber 2 für Hydraulikdruck Getriebe Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1739 Tiptronic Switch up Circ. Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1740 Torque Reduction Signal Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1741 Clutch pressure adaptation at limit
OBD Foutcode P1742 Clutch torque adaptation at limit
OBD Foutcode P1743 TP Signal from ECM
OBD Foutcode P1744 Tiptronic Switch Recognition Circ. Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1745 Transm.Contr.Unit Relay Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1746 Transm.Contr.Unit Relay Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1747 Transm.Contr.Unit Relay Open/Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1748 Transm.Contr.Unit Self-Check
OBD Foutcode P1749 Transm.Contr.Unit Incorrect Coded
OBD Foutcode P1750 Power Supply Voltage Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1751 Power Supply Voltage High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1752 Power Supply Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1753 Schalter für Tiptronik, (F189) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1754 Schalter für Tiptronik, hoch (F189) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1755 Schalter für Tiptronik, zurück (F189) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1756 Schalter für Tiptronik, Erkennung (F189) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1757 Spannungsversorgung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1758 Spannungsversorgung Klemme 15 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1759 Getriebeöltemperatur mehrfach überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1760 TCM Supply Voltage Interrupted
OBD Foutcode P1761 Shift Lock Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1762 Shift Lock Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1763 Shift Lock Open
OBD Foutcode P1764 Transmission temperature control
OBD Foutcode P1765 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2 adaptation at limit
OBD Foutcode P1766 Throttle Angle Signal Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P1767 Throttle Angle Signal Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P1768 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2 Too High
OBD Foutcode P1769 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2 Too Low
OBD Foutcode P1770 Load Signal Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P1771 Load Signal Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P1772 Load Signal Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P1773 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 1 Too High
OBD Foutcode P1774 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 1 Too Low
OBD Foutcode P1775 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 1 adaptation at limit
OBD Foutcode P1776 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 1 range/performance
OBD Foutcode P1777 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2 range/performance
OBD Foutcode P1778 Solenoid EV7 Electrical Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P1779 Engine Torque Delivered to TCM Signal
OBD Foutcode P1780 Park/Neutral Position [PNP] Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1781 Engine Torque Signal Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1782 Engine Torque Reduction Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1783 Kupplungsmomentenadaption 2 Adaptionsgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P1784 Shift up/down Wire Open/Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1785 Shift up/down Wire Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1786 Reversing Light Circ. Open
OBD Foutcode P1787 Reversing Light Circ. Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1788 Reversing Light Circ. Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1789 Idle Speed Intervention Circ. Error Message from Engine Contr.
OBD Foutcode P1790 Transmission Control Module Checksum
OBD Foutcode P1791 Transmission Control Module Loop
OBD Foutcode P1792 Transmission Control Module Reprogrammable Memory
OBD Foutcode P1793 Transmission Control Module Stack Overrun
OBD Foutcode P1794 PCM / Batteriespannungs Fehler- VBAT zu hoch oder zu niedrig
OBD Foutcode P1795 CAN Bus Throttle Body Position
OBD Foutcode P1796 Vehicle Speed Signal Circ. Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1797 Vehicle Speed Signal Circ. Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P1798 Output Speed Sensor 2 Circ. Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P1799 Output Speed Sensor 2 Circ. Rpm too High
OBD Foutcode P1800 TCM Power Relay Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1801 Performance Selector Switch Failure
OBD Foutcode P1802 Kupplungspedalschalter (F194) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1803 Planetennachschaltstufe mechanischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P1804 Ground Control Relay
OBD Foutcode P1805 Weggeber für Hydrauliksteller (G302) oberer Grenzwert überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1806 Weggeber für Hydrauliksteller (G302) unterer Grenzwert unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P1807 Weggeber für Hydrauliksteller (G302) keine oder falsche Grundeinstellung/Adaption
OBD Foutcode P1808 Weggeber für Hydrauliksteller (G302) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1809 Hydraulikpumpe für Nachschaltstufe (V190) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1810 TFP Valve Position Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1811 Maximum Adapt and Long Shift
OBD Foutcode P1812 Transmission Over Temperature Condition
OBD Foutcode P1813 Torque Control
OBD Foutcode P1814 Torque Converter Overstressed
OBD Foutcode P1815 Transmission Range Switch Start In Wrong Range
OBD Foutcode P1816 TFP Valve Position Sw. Park/Neu. With Drive Ratio
OBD Foutcode P1817 TFP Valve Position Sw. Reverse With Drive Ratio
OBD Foutcode P1818 TFP Valve Position Sw. Drive Without Drive Ratio
OBD Foutcode P1819 Internal Mode Switch No Start\Wrong Range
OBD Foutcode P1820 Internal Mode Switch Circuit A Low
OBD Foutcode P1822 Internal Mode Switch Circuit B High
OBD Foutcode P1823 Internal Mode Switch Circuit P Low
OBD Foutcode P1824 Pressure Contr.Solenoid 3 Open/Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1825 Internal Mode Switch Invalid Range
OBD Foutcode P1826 Internal Mode Switch Circuit C High
OBD Foutcode P1828 Pressure Contr.Solenoid 4 Electrical
OBD Foutcode P1829 Pressure Contr.Solenoid 4 Open/Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P1830 Pressure Control Valve 4 (N218); Short to Plus
OBD Foutcode P1831 Pressure Control (PC) Solenoid Power Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1832 Pressure Control (PC)/Shift Lock Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1833 A/T Solenoids Power Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1834 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC)/Shift Solenoid (SS) Control Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1835 Kick-Down Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1836 Kick-Down Switch Failed Open
OBD Foutcode P1837 Kick-Down Switch Failed Short
OBD Foutcode P1838 Druckregelventil 6 (N371) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1839 Druckregelventil 6 (N371) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1840 Druckregelventil 6 (N371) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1841 Engine/Transmission Control Modules Versions do not match
OBD Foutcode P1842 1-2 Shift Solenoid Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1843 1-2 Shift Solenoid Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1844 Torque Reduction Signal Circuit Desired By TCM
OBD Foutcode P1845 2-3 Shift Solenoid Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1847 2-3 Shift Solenoid Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1848 Please check DTC Memory of engine ECU
OBD Foutcode P1849 Please check DTC Memory of transmission ECU
OBD Foutcode P1850 Brake Band Apply Solenoid Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1851 Brake Band Apply Solenoid Performance
OBD Foutcode P1852 Brake Band Apply SolenoidLow Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1853 Brake Band Apply Solenoid High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1854 Data-Bus Powertrain Hardware Defective
OBD Foutcode P1855 Data-Bus Powertrain Software version Contr.
OBD Foutcode P1856 Throttle/Pedal Pos.Sensor A Circ. Error Message from Engine Contr.
OBD Foutcode P1857 Load Signal Error Message from Engine Contr.
OBD Foutcode P1858 Engine Speed Input Circ. Error Message from Engine Contr.
OBD Foutcode P1859 Brake Switch Circ. Error Message from Engine Contr.
OBD Foutcode P1860 TCC PWM Solenoid Circuit Electrical
OBD Foutcode P1861 Throttle Position (TP) sensor Error Message from ECM
OBD Foutcode P1862 Data Bus Powertrain Missing message from instr. panel ECU
OBD Foutcode P1863 Data Bus Powertrain Missing Message from St. Angle Sensor
OBD Foutcode P1864 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1865 4-5 Shift Solenoid (SS) Valve Control Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1866 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1867 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1868 Transmission Fluid Life
OBD Foutcode P1869 Ventil links für Getriebelagerung (N262) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1870 Transmission Component Slipping
OBD Foutcode P1871 Undefined Gear Ratio
OBD Foutcode P1872 Ventil rechts für Getriebelagerung (N263) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1873 TCC Stator Temp. Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P1874 TCC Stator Temp. Switch Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P1875 4WD Low Switch Circuit Electrical
OBD Foutcode P1876 Ventil für Drehmomentstützlager Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1877 Ansteuerung Kühlkeislauf Getriebe (J696) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1878 Ansteuerung Kühlkeislauf Getriebe (J696) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1879 Ansteuerung Kühlkeislauf Getriebe (J696) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1880 Datenbus fehlende Botschaft vom Diagnose Interface-SG
OBD Foutcode P1881 Signal Sollbeschleunigung fehlende Botschaft
OBD Foutcode P1882 Datenbus-Antrieb fehlende Botschaft vom SG-Elektrische Parkbremse
OBD Foutcode P1883 Signal für Anlassersperre (P/N) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1884 TCC Enable/Shift Light Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1885 Signal für Rückfahrlicht Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1886 Shift Timing Solenoid
OBD Foutcode P1887 TCC Release Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1888 Absperrventil für Kühlmittel (N82) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1889 Absperrventil für Kühlmittel (N82) Kurzschluss nach Masse/Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1890 Throttle Position Signal Input / ECM Data Input Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1891 Throttle Position Sensor PWM Signal Low
OBD Foutcode P1892 Throttle Position Sensor PWM Signal High
OBD Foutcode P1893 Engine Torque Signal Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1894 Engine Torque Signal High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P1895 TCM to ECM Torque Reduction Circuit
OBD Foutcode P1900 Aanjagermotor koelvloeistof, snelheid 2; underbreking / kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1901 Nalooprelais aanjagermotor koelvloeistof, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1902 Nalooprelais aanjagermotor koelvloeistof, kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1903 Ventil für Lüfter Kühlmittel (N313) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1904 Ventil für Lüfter Kühlmittel (N313) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1905 Relais für Pumpe Ladeluftkühlung (J536) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1906 Relais für Pumpe Ladeluftkühlung (J536) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1907 Datenbus Motor/Motor defekt
OBD Foutcode P1908 Datenbus Motor/Motor Softwarestandsüberwachung
OBD Foutcode P1909 Datenbus Motor/Motor fehlende Botschaft vom Motorsteuergerät 1
OBD Foutcode P1910 Datenbus Motor/Motor fehlende Botschaft vom Motorsteuergerät 2
OBD Foutcode P1911 Synchronisationsleitung Motor/Motor elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1912 Druksensor rembekrachtiger (G294), kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P1913 Druksensor rembekrachtiger (G294), kortsluiting naar min
OBD Foutcode P1914 Druksensor rembekrachtiger (G294), bereik- vermogensprobleem
OBD Foutcode P1915 Relais für Kühlmittelnachlauf (J151) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1916 Relais für Kühlmittelnachlauf (J151) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1917 Relais für Kühlmittelnachlauf (J151) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1918 Belastungssignal von Generatorklemme DF Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1919 Belastungssignal von Generatorklemme DF Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1920 Ventile für Motorlagerung (N144/N145) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1921 Temperaturfühler 2 für Außentemperatur (G249) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1922 Temperaturfühler 2 für Außentemperatur (G249) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1923 Bitte Fehlerspeicher von Motorsteuergerät 2 auslesen
OBD Foutcode P1924 Steuergerätepincodierung unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1925 Relais für Kühlmittelzusatzpumpe (J496) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1926 Relais für Kühlmittelzusatzpumpe (J496) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1927 Relais für Kühlmittelzusatzpumpe (J496) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1928 Wegfahrsperrenabfrage noch nicht durchgeführt
OBD Foutcode P1929 Lüfter für Kühlmittel (V7) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1930 Lüfter 2 für Kühlmittel (V177) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1931 Steuergerät für Lüfter für Kühlmittel (J293) Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P1932 Datenbus-Antrieb unplausible Botschaft von Steuerg.f.Zugang und Startber.
OBD Foutcode P1933 Drosselklappensteuerung 2 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P1934 Temperaturfühler für Antriebskreislauf Kühlerlüfter (G382) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P1935 Temperaturfühler für Antriebskreislauf Kühlerlüfter (G382) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P1936 Generatorabschaltung Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1937 Generatorabschaltung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1938 Relais für Kühlmittelzusatzpumpe (J496) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1939 Datenbus Antrieb fehlende Botschaft von Steuerg.f.Zugang und Startber.
OBD Foutcode P1940 Datenbus Antrieb fehlende Botschaft v.Steuergerät f.Batterieüberwachung
OBD Foutcode P1941 Datenbus Antrieb unplausible Botschaft v.Steuerg.f.Batterieüberwachung
OBD Foutcode P1942 Datenbus Antrieb fehlende Botschaft von Steuergerät für Niveauregelung
OBD Foutcode P1943 Datenbus Antrieb unplausible Botschaft von Steuergerät für Niveauregelung
OBD Foutcode P1944 Steuergerät 1 für Kühlerlüfter Übertemperatur
OBD Foutcode P1945 Steuergerät für Kühlerlüfter 1, Lüfteransteuerung Kurzschluss
OBD Foutcode P1946 Steuergerät 1 für Kühlerlüfter defekt
OBD Foutcode P1947 Steuergerät 2 für Kühlerlüfter Übertemperatur
OBD Foutcode P1948 Steuergerät für Kühlerlüfter 2, Lüfteransteuerung Kurzschluss
OBD Foutcode P1949 Steuergerät 2 für Kühlerlüfter defekt
OBD Foutcode P1950 Lüfter für Kühlmittel (V7) schwergängig/blockiert
OBD Foutcode P1951 Lüfter 2 für Kühlmittel (V177) schwergängig/blockiert
OBD Foutcode P1952 Steuergerät 1 für Turbolader defekt
OBD Foutcode P1953 Steuergerät 2 für Turbolader defekt
OBD Foutcode P1954 Glühzeitsteuergerät 2, Glühstromkreis elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1955 Glühzeitsteuergerät 2 (J703) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1956 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 1 (G448) elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P1957 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 1 (G448) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1958 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 1 (G448) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1959 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 1 (G448) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1960 Abgastemperaturregelung Abgasbank 3 Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1961 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 (G449) elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P1962 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 (G449) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1963 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 (G449) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1964 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 (G449) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P1965 Abgastemperaturregelung Abgasbank 4 Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P1966 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe 3 (J704) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1967 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe 3 (J704) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1968 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe 3 (J704) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1969 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe 3 (J704) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1970 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe 4 (J705) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1971 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe 4 (J705) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1972 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe 4 (J705) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1973 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe 4 (J705) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1974 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 3 (N384) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1975 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 3 (N384) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1976 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 3 (N384) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1977 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 3 (N384) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1978 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 4 (N385) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P1979 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 4 (N385) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1980 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 4 (N385) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1981 Sekundärlufteinblasventil 4 (N385) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1982 Abgastemperaturregelung Abgasbank 3 unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P1983 Abgastemperaturregelung Abgasbank 4 unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P1984 Lüfter 3 für Kühlmittel (V284) schwergängig/blockiert
OBD Foutcode P1985 Steuergerät 2 für Lüfter für Kühlmittel (J671) Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P1986 Steuergerät für Kühlerlüfter 3, Lüfteransteuerung Kurzschluss
OBD Foutcode P1987 Funktionseinschränkung durch Bremsentemperatur
OBD Foutcode P1988 Relais für Kühlmittellüfter 3 (J752) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P1989 Relais für Kühlmittellüfter 3 (J752) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P1990 Relais für Kühlmittellüfter 3 (J752) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P1991 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P1992 Potentiometer 2 für Abgasrückführung (G466) Fehler in Grundeinstellung
OBD Foutcode P1993 Potentiometer 2 für Abgasrückführung (G466) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P1994 Potentiometer 2 für Abgasrückführung (G466) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P1995 Signal Tür auf nicht erkannt
OBD Foutcode P1996 Reibung zu hoch Code E1
OBD Foutcode P1997 Reibung zu hoch Code A1
OBD Foutcode P1998 Reibung zu hoch Code E2
OBD Foutcode P1999 Reibung zu hoch Code E2
OBD Foutcode P2002 Particulate Trap bank 1 - efficency below threshold
OBD Foutcode P2003 Partikelfilter Bank 2 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2004 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Bank 1 hängt offen
OBD Foutcode P2005 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Bank 2 hängt offen
OBD Foutcode P2006 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Bank 1 hängt geschlossen
OBD Foutcode P2007 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Bank 2 hängt geschlossen
OBD Foutcode P2008 Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Solenoid Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2009 Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2010 Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2011 Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P2012 Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2013 Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2014 Geber Saugrohrklappenstellung elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P2015 Geber Saugrohrklappenstellung unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2016 Geber Saugrohrklappenstellung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2017 Geber Saugrohrklappenstellung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2019 Geber Saugrohrklappenstellung Saugrohrklappe 2 elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P2020 Geber Saugrohrklappenstellung Saugrohrklappe 2 unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2021 Geber Saugrohrklappenstellung Saugrohrklappe 2 Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2022 Geber Saugrohrklappenstellung Saugrohrklappe 2 Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2031 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur elektricher Fehler
OBD Foutcode P2032 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2033 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2034 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P2035 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2036 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2066 Fuel Level Sensor 2 Performance
OBD Foutcode P2067 Fuel Level Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2068 Fuel Level Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2070 Schaltsaugrohr hängt offen
OBD Foutcode P2071 Schaltsaugrohr hängt geschlossen
OBD Foutcode P2075 Geber für Schaltsaugrohrposition elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P2076 Geber für Schaltsaugrohrposition unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2077 Geber für Schaltsaugrohrposition Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2078 Geber für Schaltsaugrohrposition Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2079 Geber für Schaltsaugrohrposition Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2080 Geber 1 für Abgastemperatur (G235) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2082 Geber 1 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 (G236) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2084 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2086 Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur Bank 2 unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2088 Bank1, Nockenwellenverstellung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2089 Bank1, Nockenwellenverstellung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2090 Bank1, Nockenwellenverstellung,Auslass Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2091 Bank1, Nockenwellenverstellung,Auslass Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2092 Bank2, Nockenwellenverstellung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2093 Bank2, Nockenwellenverstellung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2094 Bank2, Nockenwellenverstellung,Auslass Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2095 Bank2, Nockenwellenverstellung,Auslass Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2096 Bank1, Lambdakorrektur hinter Kat Regelgrenze mager überschritten
OBD Foutcode P2097 Bank1, Lambdakorrektur hinter Kat Regelgrenze fett überschritten
OBD Foutcode P2098 Bank2, Lambdakorrektur hinter Kat Regelgrenze mager überschritten
OBD Foutcode P2099 Bank2, Lambdakorrektur hinter Kat Regelgrenze fett überschritten
OBD Foutcode P2105 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System Forced Engine Shutdown
OBD Foutcode P2107 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module Internal Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2108 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module Performance
OBD Foutcode P2110 PCM / Stellglied- Drosselklappe: erzwungene RPM- Begrenzung
OBD Foutcode P2119 Throttle Closed Position Performance
OBD Foutcode P2120 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2121 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 Performance
OBD Foutcode P2122 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2123 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2125 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2127 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2128 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2135 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 1-2 Correlation
OBD Foutcode P2138 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1-2 Correlation
OBD Foutcode P2141 PCM / Drosselventil- Abgasrückführung: Regelstromkreis niedrig
OBD Foutcode P2146 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) A Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2147 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) A Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2148 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) A Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2149 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) B Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2150 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) B Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2151 Versorgung Einspritzventil(e) B Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2176 Minimum Throttle Position Not Learned
OBD Foutcode P2177 Bank1, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu mager ab Leerlaufdrehzahl
OBD Foutcode P2178 Bank1, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu fett ab Leerlaufdrehzahl
OBD Foutcode P2179 Bank2, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu mager ab Leerlaufdrehzahl
OBD Foutcode P2180 Bank2, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu fett ab Leerlaufdrehzahl
OBD Foutcode P2181 Performance Malfunction in Cooling System
OBD Foutcode P2183 Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur-Kühlerausgang (G83) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2184 Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur-Kühlerausgang (G83) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P2185 Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur-Kühlerausgang (G83) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P2187 Bank 1; System too Lean at Idle
OBD Foutcode P2188 Bank 1, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu fett bei Leerlaufdrehzahl
OBD Foutcode P2189 Bank 2, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu mager bei Leerlaufdrehzahl
OBD Foutcode P2190 Bank 2, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu fett bei Leerlaufdrehzahl
OBD Foutcode P2191 Bank 1, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu mager bei Volllast
OBD Foutcode P2192 Bank 1, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu fett bei Volllast
OBD Foutcode P2193 Bank 2, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu mager bei Volllast
OBD Foutcode P2194 Bank 2, Kraftstoffbemessungssystem System zu fett bei Volllast
OBD Foutcode P2195 Lambda-Sonde1- Bank 1 Signal zu mager
OBD Foutcode P2196 Lambda-Sonde1- Bank 1 Signal zu fett
OBD Foutcode P2197 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2 Signal zu mager
OBD Foutcode P2198 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2 Signal zu fett
OBD Foutcode P2199 Geber für Ansauglufttemperatur 1 nicht gleich an 2 Abweichung
OBD Foutcode P2231 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S1: Signal Shorted to Heater Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2232 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S2: Signal Shorted to Heater Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2233 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S3: Signal Shorted to Heater Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2234 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B2 S1: Signal Shorted to Heater Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2235 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B2 S2: Signal Shorted to Heater Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2236 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B2 S3: Signal Shorted to Heater Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2237 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S1: Pump Current Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2238 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S1: Pump Current Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P2239 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S1: Pump Current Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P2240 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B2 S1: Pump Current Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2241 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B2 S1: Pump Current Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P2242 Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor OBD Foutcode B2 S1: Pump Current Short to B+]/small>
OBD Foutcode P2243 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 1, Referenzspannung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2244 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 1, Referenzspannung unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2245 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 1, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2246 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 1, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2247 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2, Referenzspannung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2248 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2, Referenzspannung unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2249 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2250 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2251 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 1, Masseleitung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2252 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 1, Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2253 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 1, Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2254 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2, Masseleitung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2255 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2, Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2256 Lambda-Sonde 1-Bank 2, Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2257 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe (J299) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2258 Relais für Sekundärluftpumpe (J299) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2261 Umluftventil für Turbolader (N249) mechanischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P2263 PCM / Turbolader/Kompressor: Ladesystem: Leistung
OBD Foutcode P2270 Lambda-Sonde 2-Bank 1 Signal zu mager
OBD Foutcode P2271 Lambda-Sonde 2-Bank 1 Signal zu fett
OBD Foutcode P2272 Lambda-Sonde 2-Bank 2 Signal zu mager
OBD Foutcode P2273 Lambda-Sonde 2-Bank 2 Signal zu fett
OBD Foutcode P2274 Lambda-Sonde 3-Bank 1 Signal zu mager
OBD Foutcode P2275 Lambda-Sonde 3-Bank 1 Signal zu fett
OBD Foutcode P2276 Lambda-Sonde 3-Bank 2 Signal zu mager
OBD Foutcode P2277 Lambda-Sonde 3-Bank 2 Signal zu fett
OBD Foutcode P2279 Leckluft im Ansaugsystem
OBD Foutcode P2288 PCM / Einspritzventil- Steuerdruck über erwartetem Wert
OBD Foutcode P2293 Regelventil für Kraftstoffdruck mechanischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P2294 Regelventil für Kraftstoffdruck Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2295 Regelventil für Kraftstoffdruck Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2296 Regelventil für Kraftstoffdruck Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2297 Abgas-Bank1, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal Spannung bei Schub,Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P2298 Abgas-Bank2, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal Spannung bei Schub,Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P2300 Ansteuerung Zündspule 1 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2301 Ansteuerung Zündspule 1 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2302 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 1 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2303 Ansteuerung Zündspule 2 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2304 Ansteuerung Zündspule 2 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2305 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 2 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2306 Ansteuerung Zündspule 3 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2307 Ansteuerung Zündspule 3 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2308 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 3 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2309 Ansteuerung Zündspule 4 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2310 Ansteuerung Zündspule 4 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2311 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 4 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2312 Ansteuerung Zündspule 5 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2313 Ansteuerung Zündspule 5 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2314 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 5 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2315 Ansteuerung Zündspule 6 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2316 Ansteuerung Zündspule 6 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2317 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 6 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2318 Ansteuerung Zündspule 7 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2319 Ansteuerung Zündspule 7 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2320 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 7 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2321 Ansteuerung Zündspule 8 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2322 Ansteuerung Zündspule 8 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2323 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 8 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2324 Ansteuerung Zündspule 9 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2325 Ansteuerung Zündspule 9 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2326 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 9 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2327 Ansteuerung Zündspule 10 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2328 Ansteuerung Zündspule 10 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2329 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 10 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2330 Ansteuerung Zündspule 11 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2331 Ansteuerung Zündspule 11 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2332 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 11 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2333 Ansteuerung Zündspule 12 Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2334 Ansteuerung Zündspule 12 Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2335 Sekundärkreis Zündspule 12 Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P2336 Klopfregelung Zylinder 1 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2337 Klopfregelung Zylinder 2 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2338 Klopfregelung Zylinder 3 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2339 Klopfregelung Zylinder 4 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2340 Klopfregelung Zylinder 5 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2341 Klopfregelung Zylinder 6 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2342 Klopfregelung Zylinder 7 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2343 Klopfregelung Zylinder 8 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2344 Klopfregelung Zylinder 9 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2345 Klopfregelung Zylinder 10 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2346 Klopfregelung Zylinder 11 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2347 Klopfregelung Zylinder 12 Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P2400 Tankentlüftungssystem, Ansteuerung Diagnosepumpe für Tankleckage elektrischer Fehler/Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2401 Tankentlüftungssystem, Ansteuerung Diagnosepumpe für Tankleckage Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2402 Tankentlüftungssystem, Ansteuerung Diagnosepumpe für Tankleckage Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2403 Tankentlüftungssystem, Sensor Diagnosepumpe für Tankleckage, elektrischer Fehler/Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2404 Tankentlüftungssystem, Sensor Diagnosepumpe für Tankleckage, unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2409 PCM / Sensor/Schalter- Leuchte- Deckel- Kraftstoffeinfüllstutzen
OBD Foutcode P2413 Fehler im Abgasrückführungssystem
OBD Foutcode P2414 Bank 1 - Sonde 1 Spannung zu klein/Leckluft
OBD Foutcode P2415 Bank 2 - Sonde 1 Spannung zu klein/Leckluft
OBD Foutcode P2416 Abgasbank 1 Lambda-Sonden vor und nach Hauptkat vertauscht
OBD Foutcode P2417 Abgasbank 2 Lambda-Sonden vor und nach Hauptkat vertauscht
OBD Foutcode P2420 Tankentlüftungssystem, Magnetventil 2 für Aktivkohle (N115) ständig offen
OBD Foutcode P2421 Tankentlüftungssystem, Magnetventil 2 für Aktivkohle (N115) ständig geschlossen
OBD Foutcode P2425 Ventil für Kühlung Abgasrückführung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P2426 Ventil für Kühlung Abgasrückführung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2427 Ventil für Kühlung Abgasrückführung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2452 Dieselpartikelfilter Differenzdruckgeber elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P2453 Dieselpartikelfilter Differenzdruckgeber unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P2454 Dieselpartikelfilter Differenzdruckgeber Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P2455 Dieselpartikelfilter Differenzdruckgeber Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P2500 Generator L-Terminal Circuit Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2501 Generator L-Terminal Circuit High Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2502 Charging System Voltage
OBD Foutcode P2503 Charging System Voltage Low
OBD Foutcode P2504 Charging System Voltage High
OBD Foutcode P2505 ECM/PCM Power Input Signal
OBD Foutcode P2506 ECM/PCM Power Input Signal Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2507 ECM/PCM Power Input Signal Low
OBD Foutcode P2508 ECM/PCM Power Input Signal High
OBD Foutcode P2509 ECM/PCM Power Input Signal Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2510 ECM/PCM Power Relay Sense Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2511 ECM/PCM Power Relay Sense Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2512 Event Data Recorder Request Circuit/ Open
OBD Foutcode P2513 Event Data Recorder Request Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2514 Event Data Recorder Request Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2515 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "B" Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2516 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "B" Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2517 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "B" Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2518 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "B" Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2519 A/C Request "A" Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2520 A/C Request "A" Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2521 A/C Request "A" Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2522 A/C Request "B" Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2523 A/C Request "B" Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2524 A/C Request "B" Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2525 Vacuum Reservoir Pressure Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2526 Vacuum Reservoir Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2527 Vacuum Reservoir Pressure Sensor Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2528 Vacuum Reservoir Pressure Sensor Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2529 Vacuum Reservoir Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2530 Ignition Switch Run Position Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2531 Ignition Switch Run Position Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2532 Ignition Switch Run Position Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2533 Ignition Switch Run/Start Position Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2534 Ignition Switch Run/Start Position Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2535 Ignition 1 Switch Circuit High Voltage (PCM)
OBD Foutcode P2536 Ignition Switch Accessory Position Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2537 Ignition Switch Accessory Position Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2538 Ignition Switch Accessory Position Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2539 Low Pressure Fuel System Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2540 Low Pressure Fuel Sensor (G410): Implausible Signal
OBD Foutcode P2541 Low Pressure Fuel System Sensor Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2542 Low Pressure Fuel System Sensor Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2543 Low Pressure Fuel System Sensor Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2544 Torque Management Request Input Signal "A"
OBD Foutcode P2545 Torque Management Request Input Signal "A" Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2546 Torque Management Request Input Signal "A" Low
OBD Foutcode P2547 Torque Management Request Input Signal "A" High
OBD Foutcode P2548 Torque Management Request Input Signal "B"
OBD Foutcode P2549 Torque Management Request Input Signal "B" Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2550 Torque Management Request Input Signal "B" Low
OBD Foutcode P2551 Torque Management Request Input Signal "B" High
OBD Foutcode P2552 Throttle/Fuel Inhibit Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2553 Throttle/Fuel Inhibit Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2554 Throttle/Fuel Inhibit Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2555 Throttle/Fuel Inhibit Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2556 Engine Coolant Level Sensor/Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2557 Engine Coolant Level Sensor/Switch Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2558 Engine Coolant Level Sensor/Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2559 Engine Coolant Level Sensor/Switch Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2560 Engine Coolant Level Low
OBD Foutcode P2561 A/C Control Module Requested MIL Illumination
OBD Foutcode P2562 Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2563 Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2564 Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2565 Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2566 Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2567 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2568 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2569 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2570 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2571 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic
OBD Foutcode P2572 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Deterioration Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2573 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Deterioration Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2574 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Deterioration Sensor Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2575 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Deterioration Sensor Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2576 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Deterioration Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic
OBD Foutcode P2577 Direct Ozone Reduction Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold
OBD Foutcode P2600 Coolant Pump Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2601 Coolant Pump Control Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2602 Coolant Pump Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2603 Coolant Pump Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2604 Intake Air Heater "A" Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2605 Intake Air Heater "A" Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2606 Intake Air Heater "B" Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2607 Intake Air Heater "B" Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2608 Intake Air Heater "B" Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2609 Intake Air Heater System Performance
OBD Foutcode P2610 ECU Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P2611 A/C Refrigerant Distribution Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2612 A/C Refrigerant Distribution Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2613 A/C Refrigerant Distribution Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2614 Camshaft Position Signal Output Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2615 Camshaft Position Signal Output Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2616 Camshaft Position Signal Output Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2617 Crankshaft Position Signal Output Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2618 Crankshaft Position Signal Output Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2619 Crankshaft Position Signal Output Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2620 Throttle Position Output Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2621 Throttle Position Output Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2622 Throttle Position Output Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2623 Injector Control Pressure Regulator Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2624 Injector Control Pressure Regulator Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2625 Injector Control Pressure Regulator Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2626 O2 Sensor Pumping Current Trim Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2627 O2 Sensor Pumping Current Trim Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2628 O2 Sensor Pumping Current Trim Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2629 O2 Sensor Pumping Current Trim Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2630 O2 Sensor Pumping Current Trim Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2631 O2 Sensor Pumping Current Trim Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2632 Fuel Pump "B" Control Circuit /Open
OBD Foutcode P2633 Fuel Pump "B" Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2634 Fuel Pump "B" Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2635 Fuel Pump "A" Low Flow / Performance
OBD Foutcode P2636 Fuel Pump "B" Low Flow / Performance
OBD Foutcode P2637 Torque Management Feedback Signal "A"
OBD Foutcode P2638 Torque Management Feedback Signal "A" Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2639 Torque Management Feedback Signal "A" Low
OBD Foutcode P2640 Torque Management Feedback Signal "A" High
OBD Foutcode P2641 Torque Management Feedback Signal "B"
OBD Foutcode P2642 Torque Management Feedback Signal "B" Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2643 Torque Management Feedback Signal "B" Low
OBD Foutcode P2644 Torque Management Feedback Signal "B" High
OBD Foutcode P2645 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2646 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator System Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2647 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator System Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2648 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2649 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2650 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2651 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator System Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2652 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator System Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2653 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2654 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2655 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2656 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator System Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2657 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator System Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2658 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2659 "A" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2660 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2661 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator System Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2662 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator System Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2663 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2664 "B" Rocker Arm Actuator Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2665 Fuel Shutoff Valve "B" Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2666 Fuel Shutoff Valve "B" Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2667 Fuel Shutoff Valve "B" Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2668 Fuel Mode Indicator Lamp Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2669 Actuator Supply Voltage "B" Circuit /Open
OBD Foutcode P2670 Actuator Supply Voltage "B" Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2671 Actuator Supply Voltage "B" Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2700 Transmission Friction Element "A" Apply Time Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2701 Transmission Friction Element "B" Apply Time Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2702 Transmission Friction Element "C" Apply Time Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2703 Transmission Friction Element "D" Apply Time Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2704 Transmission Friction Element "E" Apply Time Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2705 Transmission Friction Element "F" Apply Time Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2706 Shift Solenoid "F"
OBD Foutcode P2707 Shift Solenoid "F" Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2708 Shift Solenoid "F" Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2709 Shift Solenoid "F" Electrical
OBD Foutcode P2710 Shift Solenoid "F" Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2711 Unexpected Mechanical Gear Disengagement
OBD Foutcode P2712 Hydraulic Power Unit Leakage
OBD Foutcode P2713 Pressure Control Solenoid "D"
OBD Foutcode P2714 Pressure Control Solenoid "D" Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2715 Pressure Control Solenoid "D" Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2716 Pressure Control Solenoid "D" Electrical
OBD Foutcode P2717 Pressure Control Solenoid "D" Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2718 Pressure Control Solenoid "D" Control Circuit / Open
OBD Foutcode P2719 Pressure Control Solenoid "D" Control Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2720 Pressure Control Solenoid "D" Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2721 Pressure Control Solenoid "D" Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2722 Pressure Control Solenoid "E"
OBD Foutcode P2723 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2724 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2725 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Electrical
OBD Foutcode P2726 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2727 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Control Circuit / Open
OBD Foutcode P2728 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Control Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2729 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2730 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2731 Pressure Control Solenoid "F"
OBD Foutcode P2732 Pressure Control Solenoid "F" Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2733 Pressure Control Solenoid "F" Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2734 Pressure Control Solenoid "F" Electrical
OBD Foutcode P2735 Pressure Control Solenoid "F" Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2736 Pressure Control Solenoid "F" Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2737 Pressure Control Solenoid "F" Control Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2738 Pressure Control Solenoid "F" Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2739 Pressure Control Solenoid "F" Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2740 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "B" Circuit"
OBD Foutcode P2741 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "B" Circuit Range Performance
OBD Foutcode P2742 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "B" Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2743 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "B" Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2744 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "B" Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2745 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "B" Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2746 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "B" Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2747 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "B" Circuit No Signal
OBD Foutcode P2748 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "B" Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2749 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "C" Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2750 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "C" Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2751 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "C" Circuit No Signal
OBD Foutcode P2752 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "C" Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2753 Transmission Fluid Cooler Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2754 Transmission Fluid Cooler Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2755 Transmission Fluid Cooler Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2756 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid
OBD Foutcode P2757 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Control Circuit Performance or Stuck Off
OBD Foutcode P2758 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Control Circuit Stuck On
OBD Foutcode P2759 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Control Circuit Electrical
OBD Foutcode P2760 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Control Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2761 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P2762 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Control Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2763 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2764 Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2765 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "B" Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2766 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "B" Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2767 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "B" Circuit No Signal
OBD Foutcode P2768 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "B" Circuit Intermittent
OBD Foutcode P2769 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2770 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2771 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Low Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2772 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Low Switch Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2773 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Low Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2774 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Low Switch Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2775 Upshift Switch Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2776 Upshift Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2777 Upshift Switch Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2778 Upshift Switch Circuit Intermittent/Erratic
OBD Foutcode P2779 Downshift Switch Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode P2780 Downshift Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2781 Downshift Switch Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2782 Downshift Switch Circuit Intermittent/Erratic
OBD Foutcode P2783 Torque Converter Temperature Too High
OBD Foutcode P2784 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A"/"B" Correlation
OBD Foutcode P2785 Clutch Actuator Temperature Too High
OBD Foutcode P2786 Gear Shift Actuator Temperature Too High
OBD Foutcode P2787 Clutch Temperature Too High
OBD Foutcode P2788 Auto Shift Manual Adaptive Learning at Limit
OBD Foutcode P2789 Clutch Adaptive Learning at Limit
OBD Foutcode P2790 Gate Select Direction Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2791 Gate Select Direction Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2792 Gate Select Direction Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2793 Gear Shift Direction Circuit
OBD Foutcode P2794 Gear Shift Direction Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P2795 Gear Shift Direction Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P2A00 HO2S Circuit Closed Loop (CL) Performance Bank 1 Sensor 1 (PCM)
OBD Foutcode P2A01 HO2S Circuit Closed Loop (CL) Performance Bank 1 Sensor 2 (PCM)
OBD Foutcode P3000 Hacking AWH Data
OBD Foutcode P3001 Arbeitsdrehzahlregelung Regeldifferenz
OBD Foutcode P3002 Kick-down-Schalter (F8) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3003 Relais verwarming motorkoelvloeistof 1, laag uitgangssignaal
OBD Foutcode P3004 Relais für kleine Heizleistung (J359) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3005 Relais verwarming motorkoelvloeistof 2, hoog signaal
OBD Foutcode P3006 Relais für große Heizleistung (J360) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3007 Nokkenasstandsensor (G40) geen signaal
OBD Foutcode P3008 Nockenwellenpositionssensor (G40) Signal außerhalb der Toleranz
OBD Foutcode P3009 Relais für Pumpe, Kraftstoffkühlung (J445) Kurschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3010 Relais für Pumpe, Kraftstoffkühlung (J445) Unterbrechung/Kurschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3011 Relais für elektrische Kraftstoffpumpe 2 (J49) Kurschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3012 Relais für elektrische Kraftstoffpumpe 2 (J49) Unterbrechung/Kurschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3013 Ventil 2 für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N274) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3014 Ventil 2 für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N274) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3015 Ventil für Kraftstoff-Bypass (N312) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3016 Ventil für Kraftstoff-Bypass (N312) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3017 Valve for Exhaust Flap 1 (N321): Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P3018 Valve for Exhaust Flap 1 (N321): Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P3019 Valve for Exhaust Flap 1 (N321): Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P3020 Valve for Exhaust Flap 1 (N321): Electrical Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P3021 Valve for Exhaust Flap 2 (N322): Short to B+
OBD Foutcode P3022Valve for Exhaust Flap 2 (N322): Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode P3023 Valve for Exhaust Flap 2 (N322): Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode P3024 Valve for Exhaust Flap 2 (N322): Electrical Malfunction
OBD Foutcode P3025 Winkelgeber 1 für DK-Antrieb 2 (G297) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3026 Winkelgeber 1 für DK-Antrieb 2 (G297) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3027 Winkelgeber 1 für DK-Antrieb 2 (G297) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3028 Winkelgeber 2 für DK-Antrieb 2 (G298) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3029 Winkelgeber 2 für DK-Antrieb 2 (G298) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3030 Winkelgeber 2 für DK-Antrieb 2 (G298) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3031 Drosselklappenantrieb 2 (G296) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3032 Drosselklappensteuereinheit 2 (J544) Fehler in Grundeinstellung
OBD Foutcode P3033 Geber 2 für Ansauglufttemperatur (G299) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3034 Geber 2 für Ansauglufttemperatur (G299) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3035 Drosselklappensteuereinheit 2 (J544) mechanischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3036 Drosselklappensteuereinheit 2 (J544) Unterspannung bei Grundeinstellung
OBD Foutcode P3037 Drosselklappensteuereinheit 2 (J544) Adaption nicht gestartet
OBD Foutcode P3038 Drosselklappensteuereinheit 2 (J544) unterer Anschlag wird nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P3039 Getriebeanforderung Momentenreduzierung unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3040 Getriebeübersetzung unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3041 Datenbus-Antrieb unplausible Motortemperaturbotschaft vom Kombi
OBD Foutcode P3042 Heizungsregelung unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3043 Kraftstoffpumpe mechanischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3044 Kraftstoffpumpe Kurzschluss
OBD Foutcode P3045 Kraftstoffpumpenelektronik defekt
OBD Foutcode P3046 Starterrelais 1 elektr.Fehler im Stromkreis(Relais klebt/schaltet nicht)
OBD Foutcode P3047 Ansteuerung Starterrelais 2 Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3048 Ansteuerung Starterrelais 2 Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3049 Ansteuerung Starterrelais 2 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3050 Starterrelais 2 elektr.Fehler im Stromkreis(Relais klebt/schaltet nicht)
OBD Foutcode P3051 Anlasseransteuerung, Rückmeldung Klemme 50 unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3052 Anlasseransteuerung, Rückmeldung Klemme 50 Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3053 Anlasseransteuerung, Rückmeldung Klemme 50 Kurzschluss nach Masse/Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3054 Anlasser dreht nicht mechanisch blockiert oder elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3055 Drucksensor 2 für Abgas Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3056 Drucksensor 2 für Abgas Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3057 Drucksensor 2 für Abgas Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3058 Abgasrückführungssystem 2 Durchsatz zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3059 Abgasrückführungssystem 2 Durchsatz zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3060 Ventil für Kühlungsbypass, Abgasrückführung (N386) elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3061 Ventil 2 für Kühlungsbypass, Abgasrückführung (N387) elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3062 Ladedruckregelung 2 Ladedruck zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3063 Ladedruckregelung 2 Ladedruck zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3064 Ventil 3 für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N388) elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3065 Ventil 3 für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N388) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3066 Ventil 3 für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N388) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3067 Ventil 4 für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N389) elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3068 Ventil 4 für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N389) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3069 Ventil 4 für Ladedruckbegrenzung (N389) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3070 Pumpe für Additiv Partikelfilter (V135) defekt
OBD Foutcode P3071 Additivtank für Partikelfilter leer
OBD Foutcode P3072 Stromversorgungsrelais elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3073 Kraftstoffpumpe elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3074 Kraftstoffpumpe 2 elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3075 Abgleich Turbolader 1/2 Adaptionsgrenzen erreicht
OBD Foutcode P3076 Motorsteuergerät Fehler bei Codierung
OBD Foutcode P3077 Kraftstoffpumpenelektronik Spannungsversorgung elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3078 Drosselklappensteuereinheit Luftdurchsatz i m Leerlauf zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3079 Relais für Kraftstoffzusatzpumpe Kaltstart (J748) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3080 Relais für Kraftstoffzusatzpumpe Kaltstart (J748) Kurzschluss nach Masse/Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3081 Engine Temperature too Low
OBD Foutcode P3082 Geber für Kupplungsposition (G476) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3083 Geber für Kraftstoff-Additivtank Partikelfilter (G504) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3084 Umluftventil für Turbolader, Bank 2 mechanischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3085 Ansteuerung Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3086 Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung Grundeinstellung nicht durchgeführt
OBD Foutcode P3087 Versorgungsrelais für Motorkomponenten elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3088 Starterrelais elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3089 Kraftstoffpumpenelektronik Signalleitung elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3090 Signal von Standheizung nicht erkannt
OBD Foutcode P3091 Signal von Standheizung dauerhaft erkannt
OBD Foutcode P3092 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P3093 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P3094 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P3095 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P3096 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P3097 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P3098 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P3099 Steuergerät defekt
OBD Foutcode P3100 Motor voor de smoorklep (V157) kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P3101 Motor voor de smoorklep (V157) onderbreking/kortsluiting naar massa
OBD Foutcode P3102 Motor voor de smoorklep (V157) geen signaal
OBD Foutcode P3103 Motor voor de smoorklep (V157) defect
OBD Foutcode P3104 Regelsolenoide lucht inlaatspruitstuk, kortsluiting naar plus
OBD Foutcode P3105 Umschaltventil für Saugrohrklappe (N239); Unterbrechung/Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3106 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 7 (N303) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3107 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 7 (N303) Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3108 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 7 (N303) Regelgrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3109 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 7 (N303) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3110 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 8 (N304) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3111 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 8 (N304) Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3112 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 8 (N304) Regelgrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3113 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 8 (N304) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3114 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 9 (N305) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3115 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 9 (N305) Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3116 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 9 (N305) Regelgrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3117 entil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 9 (N305) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3118 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 10 (N306) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3119 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 10 (N306) Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3120 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 10 (N306) Regelgrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3121 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 10 (N306) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3122 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 11 (N307) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3123 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 11 (N307) Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3124 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 11 (N307) Regelgrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3125 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 11 (N307) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3126 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 12 (N308) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3127 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 12 (N308) Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3128 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder12 (N308) Regelgrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3129 Ventil für Pumpe/Düse Zylinder 12 (N308) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3130 Abgasrückführsystem Regelgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3131 Abgasrückführsystem Regelgrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3132 Glühzeitsteuergerät 2, Glühstromkreis elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3133 Glühzeitsteuergerät 2 (J609) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3134 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung oberer Anschlag nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P3135 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung unterer Anschlag nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P3136 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Sollwert nicht erreicht
OBD Foutcode P3137 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Grundeinstellung nicht durchgeführt
OBD Foutcode P3138 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Regeldifferenz
OBD Foutcode P3139 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Signal außerhalb Toleranz
OBD Foutcode P3140 Ventil für Tankleerstart (Nxxx) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3141 Ventil für Tankleerstart (Nxxx) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3142 Abgas-Bank 2, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal unplausibel mager
OBD Foutcode P3143 Abgas-Bank 2, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal unplausibel fett
OBD Foutcode P3144 Abgas-Bank 3, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal unplausibel mager
OBD Foutcode P3145 Abgas-Bank 3, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal unplausibel fett
OBD Foutcode P3146 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal unplausibel mager
OBD Foutcode P3147 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal unplausibel fett
OBD Foutcode P3148 Abgas-Bank 3, Lambda-Sonde vor Kat, Heizstromkreis Regelung am oberen Anschlag
OBD Foutcode P3149 Abgas-Bank 3, Lambda-Sonde vor Kat, Heizstromkreis Regelung am unteren Anschlag
OBD Foutcode P3150 Abgas-Bank 4, Lambda-Sonde vor Kat, Heizstromkreis Regelung am oberen Anschlag
OBD Foutcode P3151 Abgas-Bank 4, Lambda-Sonde vor Kat, Heizstromkreis Regelung am unteren Anschlag
OBD Foutcode P3152 Abgas-Bank 3, Sonde 1, Innenwiderstand unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3153 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Innenwiderstand unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3154 Abgas-Bank 2, Sonde 1, Spannung zu klein/Leckluft
OBD Foutcode P3155 Abgas-Bank 3, Sonde 1, Spannung zu klein/Leckluft
OBD Foutcode P3156 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Spannung zu klein/Leckluft
OBD Foutcode P3157 Abgas-Bank 1, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal, Spannung bei Schub zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3158 Abgas-Bank 2, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal, Spannung bei Schub zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3159 Abgas-Bank 3, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal, Spannung bei Schub zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3160 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal, Spannung bei Schub zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3161 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 1 / Abgleichleitung Pumpstrom Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3162 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2 / Abgleichleitung Pumpstrom Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3163 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3 / Abgleichleitung Pumpstrom Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3164 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4 / Abgleichleitung Pumpstrom Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3165 Abgas-Bank 3, Lambdakorrektur hinter Kat Regelgrenze mager überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3166 Abgas-Bank 3, Lambdakorrektur hinter Kat Regelgrenze fett überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3167 Abgas-Bank 4, Lambdakorrektur hinter Kat Regelgrenze mager überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3168 Abgas-Bank 4, Lambdakorrektur hinter Kat Regelgrenze fett überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3169 Abgas-Bank 3, Hauptkatalysator Wirkung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3170 Abgas-Bank 4, Hauptkatalysator Wirkung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3171 Abgas-Bank 1, Gemischadaption Bereich 3 Magergrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3172 Abgas-Bank 1, Gemischadaption Bereich 3 Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3173 Abgas-Bank 2, Gemischadaption Bereich 3 Magergrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3174 Abgas-Bank 2, Gemischadaption Bereich 3 Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3175 Abgas-Bank 3, Gemischadaption Bereich 3 Magergrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3176 Abgas-Bank 3, Gemischadaption Bereich 3 Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3177 Abgas-Bank 4, Gemischadaption Bereich 3 Magergrenze unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3178 Abgas-Bank 4, Gemischadaption Bereich 3 Fettgrenze überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3179 Einspritzventil Zyl.13 (N390) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3180 Einspritzventil Zyl.13 (N390) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3181 Einspritzventil Zyl.13 (N390) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3182 Einspritzventil Zyl.14 (N391) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3183 Einspritzventil Zyl.14 (N391) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3184 Einspritzventil Zyl.14 (N391) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3185 Einspritzventil Zyl.15 (N392) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3186 Einspritzventil Zyl.15 (N392) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3187 Einspritzventil Zyl.15 (N392) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3188 Einspritzventil Zyl.16 (N393) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3189 Einspritzventil Zyl.16 (N393) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3190 Einspritzventil Zyl.16 (N393) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3191 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Grundeinst.bei mechanischen Anschlag offen abgebrochen
OBD Foutcode P3192 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Grundeinst.bei mechan.Anschlag geschl.abgebrochen
OBD Foutcode P3193 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung offener Anschlag außerhalb gültigem Bereich
OBD Foutcode P3194 Luftmassenmesser 3 (G456) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3195 Luftmassenmesser 3 (G456) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3196 Luftmassenmesser 4 (G457) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3197 Luftmassenmesser 4 (G457) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3198 Ansteuerung Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3199 Ansteuerung Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3200 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3201 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3202 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3203 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3204 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Innenwiderstand zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3205 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Spannung zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3206 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Spannung zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3207 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3208 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, keine Aktivität
OBD Foutcode P3209 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Signal zu langsam
OBD Foutcode P3210 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis Leistung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3211 Abgas-Bank 1 Sonde 1, Heizerrückkopplung
OBD Foutcode P3212 Abgas-Bank 2 Sonde 1, Heizerrückkopplung
OBD Foutcode P3213 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 1, Heizerrückkopplung
OBD Foutcode P3214 Abgas-Bank 4 Sonde 1, Heizerrückkopplung
OBD Foutcode P3215 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, Heizstromkreis Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3216 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, Heizstromkreis Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3217 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, Heizstromkreis Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3218 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, Heizstromkreis elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3219 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, Innenwiderstand zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3220 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, Spannung zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3221 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, Spannung zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3222 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3223 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, keine Aktivität
OBD Foutcode P3224 Abgas-Bank 3 Sonde 2, Signal zu langsam
OBD Foutcode P3225 Abgas-Bank 3, Lambdakorrektur hinter Katalysator Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P3226 Abgas-Bank 4, Lambdakorrektur hinter Katalysator Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P3227 Abgas-Bank 1, Sonde 1, Einzelzylinderregelung Sondendynamik zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3228 Abgas-Bank 1, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal unplausibel mager
OBD Foutcode P3229 Abgas-Bank 1, Sonde 1, Lambdasondensignal unplausibel fett
OBD Foutcode P3230 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3231 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3232 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3233 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3234 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Innenwiderstand zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3235 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Spannung zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3236 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Spannung zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3237 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3238 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, keine Aktivität
OBD Foutcode P3239 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Signal zu langsam
OBD Foutcode P3240 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 1, Heizstromkreis Leistung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3241 Saugrohrklappe für Luftstromsteuerung Temperatur zu hoch
OBD Foutcode P3242 Saugrohrklappe 2 für Luftstromsteuerung Temperatur zu hoch
OBD Foutcode P3243 Ansteuerung Drosselklappensteuereinheit elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3244 Ansteuerung Drosselklappensteuereinheit 2 elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3245 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, Heizstromkreis Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3246 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, Heizstromkreis Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3247 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, Heizstromkreis Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3248 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, Heizstromkreis elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3249 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, Innenwiderstand zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3250 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, Spannung zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3251 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, Spannung zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3252 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3253 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, keine Aktivität
OBD Foutcode P3254 Abgas-Bank 4, Sonde 2, Signal zu langsam
OBD Foutcode P3255 Oxygen Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S1: Heating Circuit Regulation at Upper Limit, Upper Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P3256 Oxygen Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S1: Heating Circuit Regulation at Upper Limit, Lower Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P3257 Bank 2, Oxygen Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S1: Heating Circuit Regulation at Upper Limit, Upper Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P3258 Bank 2, Oxygen Sensor OBD Foutcode B1 S1: Heating Circuit Regulation at Upper Limit, Lower Limit Exceeded
OBD Foutcode P3259 Zusatzkraftstoffpumpe für Motorstart Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode P3260 Abgasbank 1/2, Lambda-Sonden vor Katalysator vertauscht
OBD Foutcode P3261 Abgasbank 3/4, Lambda-Sonden vor Katalysator vertauscht
OBD Foutcode P3262 Abgasbank 1/2, Lambda-Sonden nach Katalysator vertauscht
OBD Foutcode P3263 Abgasbank 3/4, Lambda-Sonden nach Katalysator vertauscht
OBD Foutcode P3264 Vorkatalysator, Abgasbank3 Wirkung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3265 Vorkatalysator, Abgasbank4 Wirkung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3266 Bank 1, Sonde 1, Innenwiderstand unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3267 Bank 2, Sonde 1, Innenwiderstand unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3268 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, Pumpstrom Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3269 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, Pumpstrom Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3270 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, Pumpstrom Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3271 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, Referenzspannung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3272 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3273 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3274 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, Referenzspannung unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3275 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, gemeinsame Masseleitung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3276 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, gemeinsame Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3277 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 2, gemeinsame Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3278 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, Pumpstrom Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3279 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, Pumpstrom Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3280 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, Pumpstrom Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3281 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, Referenzspannung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3282 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3283 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3284 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, Referenzspannung unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3285 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, gemeinsame Masseleitung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3286 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, gemeinsame Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3287 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 3, gemeinsame Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3288 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, Pumpstrom Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3289 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, Pumpstrom Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3290 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, Pumpstrom Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3291 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, Referenzspannung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3292 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3293 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, Referenzspannung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3294 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, Referenzspannung unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3295 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, gemeinsame Masseleitung Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3296 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, gemeinsame Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3297 Lineare Lambda-Sonde, Abgas-Bank 4, gemeinsame Masseleitung Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3298 Katalysatorsystem, Abgas-Bank 3, Wirkung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3299 Katalysatorsystem, Abgas-Bank 4, Wirkung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3300 Bank 1, Nockenwellenpositionssensor, Auslaß (G300) Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3301 Bank 1, Nockenwellenpositionssensor, Auslaß (G300) Unterbrechung / Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3302 Bank 2, Nockenwellenpositionssensor, Auslaß (G301) Kurzschluß nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3303 Bank 2, Nockenwellenpositionssensor, Auslaß (G301) Unterbrechung / Kurzschluß nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3304 Bank 1, Auslaß-Nockenwellenpositionssensor (G300) / Kurbelwellenpositionssensor (G28) falsche Zuordnung
OBD Foutcode P3305 Bank 2, Auslaß-Nockenwellenpositionssensor (G301) / Kurbelwellenpositionssensor (G28) falsche Zuordnung
OBD Foutcode P3306 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 13 Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3307 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 13 Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3308 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 13 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3309 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 14 Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3310 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 14 Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3311 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 14 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3312 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 15 Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3313 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 15 Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3314 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 15 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3315 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 16 Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3316 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 16 Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3317 Zündansteuerung Zylinder 16 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3318 Relais 2 für Glühkerzen (J495) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3319 Relais 2 für Glühkerzen (J495) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3320 Ansteuerung 2 Ventile Pumpe/Düse Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3321 Ansteuerung 2 Ventile Pumpe/Düse elektrischer Fehler im Stromkrreis
OBD Foutcode P3322 Relais 2 für Spannungsvers.-Klemme 30 (J689) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode P3323 Spannungsversorgung Kl.15 Spannung zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3324 Spannungsversorgung Kl.15 Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3325 Spannungsversorgung Kl.15 unplausibel
OBD Foutcode P3326 Umschaltventil für Saugrohrklappe 2 (N394) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3327 Umschaltventil für Saugrohrklappe 2 (N394) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3328 Motor für Saugrohrklappe 2 (V275) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3329 Motor für Saugrohrklappe 2 (V275) Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3330 Motor für Saugrohrklappe 2 (V275) kein Signal
OBD Foutcode P3331 Motor für Saugrohrklappe 2 (V275) defekt
OBD Foutcode P3332 Verbrennungserkennung im Schubbetrieb
OBD Foutcode P3333 Steuergerät 1 für Turbolader, unplausible Botschaft
OBD Foutcode P3334 Steuergerät 2 für Turbolader, unplausible Botschaft
OBD Foutcode P3335 Steuergerät 1 für Turbolader, fehlende Botschaft
OBD Foutcode P3336 Steuergerät 2 für Turbolader, fehlende Botschaft
OBD Foutcode P3337 Datenbus Motor/Motor unplausible Botschaft
OBD Foutcode P3338 Ansteuerung Glühzeitsteuergerät 1 elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3339 Ansteuerung Glühzeitsteuergerät 2 elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3340 Relais für Lüfter Ladeluftkühlung (J712) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3341 Relais für Lüfter Ladeluftkühlung (J712) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3342 Relais für Lüfter Ladeluftkühlung (J712) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3343 Steuereinheit für Abgasturbolader 1 (J724) Temperatur zu hoch
OBD Foutcode P3344 Steuereinheit für Abgasturbolader 1 (J724) Versorgungspannung außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs
OBD Foutcode P3345 Steuereinheit für Abgasturbolader 2 (J725) Temperatur zu hoch
OBD Foutcode P3346 Steuereinheit für Abgasturbolader 2 (J725) Versorgungspannung außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs
OBD Foutcode P3347 Relais für Glühkerzen elektrischer Fehler
OBD Foutcode P3348 Ansteuerung Steuereinheit für Abgasturbolader 1 (J724) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3349 Ansteuerung Steuereinheit für Abgasturbolader 2 (J725) elektrischer Fehler im Stromkreis
OBD Foutcode P3350 Gemischadaption Gas Bereich 1 unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3351 Gemischadaption Gas Bereich 1 überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3352 Gemischadaption Gas Bereich 2 unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3353 Gemischadaption Gas Bereich 2 überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3354 Gemischadaption Gas Bereich 3 unterschritten
OBD Foutcode P3355 Gemischadaption Gas Bereich 3 überschritten
OBD Foutcode P3356 Katalysatorsystem Gasbetrieb Bank 1 Wirkung zu gering
OBD Foutcode P3357 Lamdasondenkorrektur bei Gasbetrieb Regelgrenze erreicht
OBD Foutcode P3358 Sonde 1, Bank 1, bei Gasbetrieb Signal zu langsam
OBD Foutcode P3359 Abgas Bank 1 Sonde 1, bei Gasbetrieb Heizerrückkopplung
OBD Foutcode P3360 Abgas Bank 1 Sonde 1, bei Gasbetrieb keine Aktivität
OBD Foutcode P3361 Gasbetrieb Verbrennungsaussetzer erkannt
OBD Foutcode P3362 Gasbetrieb Zyl.1, Verbrennungsaussetzer erkannt
OBD Foutcode P3363 Gasbetrieb Zyl.2, Verbrennungsaussetzer erkannt
OBD Foutcode P3364 Gasbetrieb Zyl.3, Verbrennungsaussetzer erkannt
OBD Foutcode P3365 Gasbetrieb Zyl.4, Verbrennungsaussetzer erkannt
OBD Foutcode P3366 Systemdruck Gas zu hoch
OBD Foutcode P3367 Systemdruck Gas zu niedrig
OBD Foutcode P3368 Lambda-Sonde1-Bank3 Signal zu mager
OBD Foutcode P3369 Lambda-Sonde1-Bank3 Signal zu fett
OBD Foutcode P3370 Lambda-Sonde1-Bank4 Signal zu mager
OBD Foutcode P3371 Lambda-Sonde1-Bank4 Signal zu fett
OBD Foutcode P3372 Umschaltventil für Schaltsaugrohr Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3373 Umschaltventil für Schaltsaugrohr Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3374 Umschaltventil für Schaltsaugrohr 2 Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3375 Umschaltventil für Schaltsaugrohr 2 Unterbrechung/Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3376 Geber 3 für Ansauglufttemperatur (G520) Signal zu klein
OBD Foutcode P3377 Geber 3 für Ansauglufttemperatur (G520) Signal zu groß
OBD Foutcode P3379 Absperrventil für Gas- Hochdruckregler (N372) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3380 Absperrventil für Gas- Hochdruckregler (N372) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3381 Absperrventil für Gas- Hochdruckregler (N372) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3382 Geber für Gasdruck Hochdruck (G400) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3383 Geber für Gasdruck Hochdruck (G400) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3384 Geber für Gasdruck Hochdruck (G400) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3385 Geber für Gasdruck Niederdruck (G401) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3386 Geber für Gasdruck Niederdruck (G401) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3387 Geber für Gasdruck Niederdruck (G401) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3388 Gaseinblasventil 1 (N366) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3389 Gaseinblasventil 1 (N366) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3390 Gaseinblasventil 1 (N366) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3391 Gaseinblasventil 2 (N367) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3392 Gaseinblasventil 2 (N367) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3393 Gaseinblasventil 2 (N367) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3394 Gaseinblasventil 3 (N368) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3395 Gaseinblasventil 3 (N368) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3396 Gaseinblasventil 3 (N368) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3397 Gaseinblasventil 4 (N369) Unterbrechung
OBD Foutcode P3398 Gaseinblasventil 4 (N369) Kurzschluss nach Plus
OBD Foutcode P3399 Gaseinblasventil 4 (N369) Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode P3400 Cylinder Deactivation System
OBD Foutcode P3401 Cylinder 1 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3402 Cylinder 1 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3403 Cylinder 1 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3404 Cylinder 1 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3405 Cylinder 1 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3406 Cylinder 1 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3407 Cylinder 1 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3408 Cylinder 1 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3409 Cylinder 2 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3410 Cylinder 2 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3411 Cylinder 2 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3412 Cylinder 2 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3413 Cylinder 2 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3414 Cylinder 2 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3415 Cylinder 2 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3416 Cylinder 2 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3417 Cylinder 3 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3418 Cylinder 3 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3419 Cylinder 3 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3420 Cylinder 3 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3421 Cylinder 3 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3422 Cylinder 3 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3423 Cylinder 3 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3424 Cylinder 3 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3425 Cylinder 4 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3426 Cylinder 4 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3427 Cylinder 4 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3428 Cylinder 4 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3429 Cylinder 4 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3430 Cylinder 4 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3431 Cylinder 4 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3432 Cylinder 4 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3433 Cylinder 5 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3434 Cylinder 5 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3435 Cylinder 5 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3436 Cylinder 5 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3437 Cylinder 5 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3438 Cylinder 5 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3439 Cylinder 5 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3440 Cylinder 5 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3441 Cylinder 6 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3442 Cylinder 6 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3443 Cylinder 6 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3444 Cylinder 6 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3445 Cylinder 6 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3446 Cylinder 6 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3447 Cylinder 6 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3448 Cylinder 6 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3449 Cylinder 7 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3450 Cylinder 7 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3451 Cylinder 7 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3452 Cylinder 7 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3453 Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3454 Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3455 Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3456 Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3457 Cylinder 8 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3458 Cylinder 8 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3459 Cylinder 8 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3460 Cylinder 8 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3461 Cylinder 8 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3462 Cylinder 8 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3463 Cylinder 8 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3464 Cylinder 8 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3465 Cylinder 9 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3466 Cylinder 9 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3467 Cylinder 9 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3468 Cylinder 9 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3469 Cylinder 9 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3470 Cylinder 9 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3471 Cylinder 9 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3472 Cylinder 9 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3473 Cylinder 10 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3474 Cylinder 10 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3475 Cylinder 10 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3476 Cylinder 10 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3477 Cylinder 10 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3478 Cylinder 10 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3479 Cylinder 10 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3480 Cylinder 10 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3481 Cylinder 11 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3482 Cylinder 11 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3483 Cylinder 11 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3484 Cylinder 11 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3485 Cylinder 11 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3486 Cylinder 11 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3487 Cylinder 11 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3488 Cylinder 11 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3489 Cylinder 12 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3490 Cylinder 12 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3491 Cylinder 12 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3492 Cylinder 12 Deactivation/lntake Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3493 Cylinder 12 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit/Open
OBD Foutcode P3494 Cylinder 12 Exhaust Valve Control Performance
OBD Foutcode P3495 Cylinder 12 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode P3496 Cylinder 12 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode P3497 Cylinder Deactivation System
OBD Foutcode B0001 - PCM Discrete Input Speed Signal Error
OBD Foutcode B0004 - PCM Discrete Input Speed Signal Not Present
OBD Foutcode B0005 - In Park Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0012 - Right Front/Passenger Frontal Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0013 - Right Front/Passenger Frontal Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0014 - Right Front/Passenger Frontal Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0016 - Right Front/Passenger Frontal Deployment Loop (Single Stage or Stage 1) Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B0017 - Right Front/Passenger Frontal Deployment Loop (Single Stage or Stage 1) Open
OBD Foutcode B0018 - Right Front/Passenger Frontal Deployment Loop (Single Stage or Stage 1) Short to Ground/Voltage Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0022 - Left Front/Driver Frontal Deployment Loop (Single Stage or Stage 1) Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B0024 - Left Front/Driver Frontal Deployment Loop (Single Stage or Stage 1) Short to Ground/Voltage Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0026 - Left Front/Driver Frontal Deployment Loop (Single Stage or Stage 1) Open
OBD Foutcode B0028 - Right Front/Passenger Side Deployment Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B0029 - Right Front/Passenger Side Deployment Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B0030 - Right Front/Passenger Side Deployment Loop Short to Ground/Voltage Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0035 - ADS Closed/Shorted to Ground
OBD Foutcode B0036 - ADS Open/Missing/Shorted to Battery
OBD Foutcode B0037 - AUX switch closed/shorted to ground
OBD Foutcode B0038 - AUX switch open/shorted to battery
OBD Foutcode B0040 - Left Front/Driver Side Deployment Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B0041 - Left Front/Driver Side Deployment Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B0042 - Left Front/Driver Frontal Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0043 - Left Front/Driver Frontal Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0044 - Left Front/Driver Frontal Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0045 - Left Front Side Deploy Loop Short to Ground/Voltage Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0051 - Deployment Commanded
OBD Foutcode B0053 - Deployment Commanded with Loop Malfunctions Present
OBD Foutcode B0057 - Right Front/Passenger Pretensioner Deployment Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B0058 - Right Front/Passenger Pretensioner Deployment Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B0059 - Right Front/Passenger Pretensioner Deployment Loop Short to Ground/Voltage Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0061 - Roof Rail Module-Left Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0062 - Roof Rail Module-Left Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0064 - Left Front/Driver Pretensioner Deployment Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B0065 - Left Front/Driver Pretensioner Deployment Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B0066 - Left Front/Driver Pretensioner Deployment Loop Short to Ground/Voltage Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0068 - Roof Rail Module-Left Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0069 - Roof Rail Module-Right Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0070 - Roof Rail Module-Right Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0071 - Roof Rail Module-Right Deployment Loop Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0073 - Supplemental Deployment Loop #1 Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B0074 - Supplemental Deployment Loop #1 Open
OBD Foutcode B0075 - Supplemental Deployment Loop #1 Short to Ground/Voltage Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0077 - Left Front/Driver Side Impact Sensor (SIS) Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0078 - Right Front/Passenger SIS Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0079 - Incorrect Left Front/Driver SIS Installed
OBD Foutcode B0080 - Discard Left Front/Driver SIS
OBD Foutcode B0081 - Incorrect Right Front/Passenger SIS Installed
OBD Foutcode B0082 - Discard Right Front/Passenger SIS
OBD Foutcode B0086 - Supplemental Deployment Loop #2 Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B0087 - Supplemental Deployment Loop #2 Open
OBD Foutcode B0088 - Supplemental Deployment Loop #2 Short to Ground/Voltage Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0090 - Active switch voltage out of range
OBD Foutcode B0091 - Active switch: wrong state
OBD Foutcode B0092 - PPS passenger detection error
OBD Foutcode B0093 - PPS/CPS self-test malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0094 - CPS childseat detection error
OBD Foutcode B0095 - SDM-PPS/CPS mismatch malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0100 - Electronic Front End Sensor 1 Performance
OBD Foutcode B0101 - Electronic Front End Sensor 1 Performance
OBD Foutcode B0102 - Electronic Front End Sensor 1 Performance
OBD Foutcode B0103 - Electronic Frontal Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0104 - Electronic Frontal Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0105 - Electronic Frontal Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0109 - Side impact module-Left Rear deployment loop resistance is less than 1.3 ohms
OBD Foutcode B0110 - Side impact module-Left Rear high circuit is less than 2.4 volts
OBD Foutcode B0111 - Side impact module-Left Rear high and/or low circuits is short to ground or short to voltage
OBD Foutcode B0112 - Side impact module-Right Rear deployment loop resistance is less than 1.3 ohms
OBD Foutcode B0113 - Side impact module-Right Rear high circuit is less than 2.4 volts
OBD Foutcode B0114 - Side impact module-Right Rear high and/or low circuits is short to ground or short to voltage
OBD Foutcode B0126 - Right Panel Discharge Temperature Fault
OBD Foutcode B0130 - Air Temperature/Mode Door Actuator Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0131 - Right Heater Discharge Temperature Fault
OBD Foutcode B0145 - Auxiliary HAVC Actuator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0159 - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode B0160 - Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0162 - Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0164 - Passenger Compartment Temperature Sensor #1 (Single Sensor or LH) Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode B0169 - In-car Temp Sensor Failure (passenger -not used)
OBD Foutcode B0174 - Output Air Temperature Sensor #1 (Upper; Single or LH) Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode B0179 - Output Air Temperature Sensor #2 (Lower; Single or LH) Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode B0183 - Sunload Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0184 - Solar Load Sensor #1 Circuit Range (sunload)
OBD Foutcode B0188 - Sunload Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0189 - Solar Load Sensor #2 Circuit Range (sunload)
OBD Foutcode B0229 - HVAC Actuator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0248 - Mode Door Inoperative Error
OBD Foutcode B0249 - Heater/Defrost/AC Door Range Error
OBD Foutcode B0263 - HVAC Actuator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0268 - A/I Door Inoperative Error
OBD Foutcode B0269 - Air Inlet Door Range Error
OBD Foutcode B0283 - Electric Rear Defrost Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0285 - Electric Rear Defrost Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0286 - Electric Rear Defrost Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0408 - Temperature Control #1 (Main/Front) Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0409 - Air Mix Door #1 Range Error
OBD Foutcode B0414 - Air Temperature/Mode Door Actuator Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0418 - HVAC Actuator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0419 - Air Mix Door #2 Range Error
OBD Foutcode B0423 - Air Mix Door #2 Inoperative Error
OBD Foutcode B0424 - Air Temperature/Mode Door Actuator Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B0428 - Air Mix Door #3 Inoperative Error
OBD Foutcode B0429 - Temperature Control #3 Rear Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode B0510 - RH Panel Discharge Temp Sensor Failure
OBD Foutcode B0515 - RH Heater Discharge Temp Sensor Failure
OBD Foutcode B0520 - Rear Discharge Temp Sensor Failure
OBD Foutcode B0530 - Fuel Level Sensor Stuck
OBD Foutcode B0532 - Fuel Sensor Shorted To Ground
OBD Foutcode B0533 - Fuel Sensor Open/Shorted To B+
OBD Foutcode B0540 - Speedometer Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0560 - Tachometer Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0688 - Security System Indicator Circuit High
OBD Foutcode B0689 - Security System Indicator Circuit Open (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0728 - P (park) Indicator Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0729 - P (park) Indicator Circuit Open (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0733 - R (reverse) Indicator Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0734 - R (reverse) Indicator Circuit Open (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0738 - N (neutral) Indicator Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0739 - N (neutral) Indicator Circuit Open (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0748 - D (drive) Indicator Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0749 - D (drive) Indicator Circuit Open (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B0768 - Service Indicator Circuit High
OBD Foutcode B0770 - All Wheel Drive (AWD) Indicator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0775 - Four Wheel Drive High Range (4HI) Indicator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0780 - Four Wheel Drive Low Range (4LO) Indicator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0785 - Two Wheel Drive High Range (2HI) Indicator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0790 - Transfer Case Neutral Indicator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B0846 - +5 Volt Reference Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0856 - Battery 2 Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B0951 - Dimming Circuit
OBD Foutcode B1000 - ECU Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B1001 - Option Configuration Error
OBD Foutcode B1004 - Keep Alive Memory (KAM)
OBD Foutcode B1008 - Calibration Data Not Programmed (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B1007 - EEPROM Write Error
OBD Foutcode B1009 - EEPROM Checksum Error
OBD Foutcode B1013 - ROM Checksum Error
OBD Foutcode B1014 - Program ROM Checksum Error
OBD Foutcode B1015 - Passenger Deploy. Loop Resistance High
OBD Foutcode B1016 - Passenger Deployment Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B1017 - Passenger Deployment Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B1018 - Passenger Deployment Loop Short to GND
OBD Foutcode B1019 - Passenger Deploy. Loop Short to Voltage
OBD Foutcode B1021 - Driver Deployment Loop Resistance High
OBD Foutcode B1022 - Driver Deployment Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B1023 - Integral Switch Performance
OBD Foutcode B1024 - Driver Deployment Loop Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1025 - Driver Deployment Loop Short to Voltage
OBD Foutcode B1026 - Driver Deployment Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B1035 - Discr. Sensor Closed or Short to GND
OBD Foutcode B1036 - Discr. Sensor Open or Short to Voltage
OBD Foutcode B1045 - Audio Output 3 Circuit (Radio)
OBD Foutcode B1051 - Frontal Air Bag and Preten Deployment
OBD Foutcode B1053 - Deployment Commanded w/Loop Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B1054 - Infl Rst IP Module Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1055 - Audio Output 4 Circuit (Radio)
OBD Foutcode B1061 - Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1071 - Internal SDM Failure
OBD Foutcode B1115 - Passenger Deploy. Loop Resistance High
OBD Foutcode B1116 - Passenger Deploy. Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B1117 - Passenger Deployment Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B1121 - Driver Deployment Loop Resistance High
OBD Foutcode B1122 - Driver Deployment Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B1124 - Driver/Passenger Deploy. Loop Short to GND
OBD Foutcode B1125 - Driver/Pass Deploy Loop Short to Voltage
OBD Foutcode B1126 - Driver Deployment Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B1131 - Passenger Pretensioner Loop Resistance High
OBD Foutcode B1132 - Passenger Pretensioner Loop Resistance Low
OBD Foutcode B1133 PCM / Kontrolleuchte Beheizte Windschutzscheibe Kurzschluss nach
OBD Foutcode B1134 - Passenger Pretensioner Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B1135 - Discr. Sensor Closed or Short to GND
OBD Foutcode B1136 - Discr. Sensor Open or Short to Voltage
OBD Foutcode B1141 - Driver Pretensioner Loop Resistance High
OBD Foutcode B1142 - Driver Pretens. Deploy. Loop Res. Low
OBD Foutcode B1144 - Driver/Pass Pretens. Loop Short to GND
OBD Foutcode B1145 - Driver/Pass Pretens. Loop Short to Volt
OBD Foutcode B1146 - Driver Pretensioner Loop Open
OBD Foutcode B1147 - Driver Side Air Bag System Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B1148 - Passenger Side Air Bag System Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B1151 - Deployment Commanded - Frontal
OBD Foutcode B1152 - Data Area Full
OBD Foutcode B1153 - Deployment Commanded w/Loop Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B1155 - SDM Calibration Mismatch
OBD Foutcode B1159 - Loss of Serial Data-Key Not Received
OBD Foutcode B1160 - Loss of Serial Data - VIN Not Received
OBD Foutcode B1161 - Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1163 - Loss of Serial Data-No Lamp Response
OBD Foutcode B1171 - Internal SDM Failure
OBD Foutcode B1200 Climate Control Pushbutton Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1201 Fuel Sender Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1202 Fuel Sender Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1203 Fuel Sender Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1204 Fuel Sender Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1205 EIC Switch-1 Assembly Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1206 EIC Switch-1 Assembly Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1207 EIC Switch-1 Assembly Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1208 EIC Switch-1 Assembly Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1209 EIC Switch-2 Assembly Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1210 EIC Switch-2 Assembly Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1211 EIC Switch-2 Assembly Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1212 EIC Switch-2 Assembly Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1213 Anti-Theft Number of Programmed Keys Is Below Minimum
OBD Foutcode B1214 Running Board Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1215 Running Board Lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1216 Emergency & Road Side Assistance Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1217 Horn Relay Coil Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1218 Horn Relay Coil Circuit Short to Vbatt
OBD Foutcode B1219 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1220 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1222 Fuel Temperature Sensor #1 Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1223 Fuel Temperature Sensor #1 Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1224 Fuel Temperature Sensor #1 Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1225 Fuel Temperature Sensor #1 Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1226 Fuel Temperature Sensor #2 Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1227 Fuel Temperature Sensor #2 Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1228 Fuel Temperature Sensor #2 Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1229 Fuel Temperature Sensor #2 Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1231 Longitudinal Acceleration Threshold Exceeded
OBD Foutcode B1232 See Manufacturer
OBD Foutcode B1233 Glass Break Sensor Failure
OBD Foutcode B1234 Mirror Switch Invalid Code
OBD Foutcode B1235 Window Feedback Failure
OBD Foutcode B1236 Window Feedback Loss of Signal
OBD Foutcode B1237 Window Feedback Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B1238 Over Temperature Fault
OBD Foutcode B1239 Air Flow Blend Door Driver Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1240 Wiper Washer Rear Pump Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1241 Wiper Washer Rear Pump Relay Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1242 Air Flow Recirculation Door Driver Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1243 Express Window Down Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1244 Wiper Rear Motor Run Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1245 Wiper Rear Motor Run Relay Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1246 Dim Panel Potentiometer Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1247 Panel Dim Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1248 Passenger's Seatback Autoglide Rearward Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1249 Blend Door Failure
OBD Foutcode B1250 Air Temperature Internal Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1251 Air Temperature Internal Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1252 Air Temperature Internal Sensor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1253 Air Temperature Internal Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1254 Air Temperature External Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1255 Air Temperature External Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1256 Air Temperature External Sensor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1257 Air Temperature External Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1258 Solar Radiation Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1259 Solar Radiation Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1260 Solar Radiation Sensor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1261 Solar Radiation Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1262 Servo Motor Defrost Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1263 Servo Motor Vent Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1264 Servo Motor Foot Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1265 Servo Motor Coolair Bypass Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1266 Servo Motor Airintake Left Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1267 Servo Motor Airintake Right Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1268 Servo Motor Potentiometer Defrost Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1269 Servo Motor Potentiometer Defrost Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1270 Servo Motor Potentiometer Defrost Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1271 Servo Motor Potentiometer Defrost Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1272 Servo Motor Potentiometer Vent Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1273 Servo Motor Potentiometer Vent Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1274 Servo Motor Potentiometer Vent Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1275 Servo Motor Potentiometer Vent Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1276 Servo Motor Potentiometer Foot Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1277 Servo Motor Potentiometer Foot Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1278 Servo Motor Potentiometer Foot Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1279 Servo Motor Potentiometer Foot Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1280 Servo Motor Potentiometer Coolair Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1281 Servo Motor Potentiometer Coolair Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1282 Servo Motor Potentiometer Coolair Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1283 Servo Motor Potentiometer Coolair Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1284 Servo Motor Potentiometer Airintake Left Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1285 Servo Motor Potentiometer Airintake Left Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1286 Servo Motor Potentiometer Airintake Left Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1287 Servo Motor Potentiometer Airintake Left Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1288 Servo Motor Potentiometer Airintake Right Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1289 Servo Motor Potentiometer Airintake Right Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1290 Servo Motor Potentiometer Airintake Right Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1291 Servo Motor Potentiometer Airintake Right Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1292 Battery Power Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1293 Battery Power Relay Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1294 Battery Power Relay Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1295 Battery Power Relay Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1296 Power Supply Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1297 Power Supply Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1298 Power Supply Sensor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1299 Power Supply Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1300 Power Door Lock Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1301 Power Door Lock Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1302 Accessory Delay Relay Coil Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1303 Accessory Delay Relay Coil Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1304 Accessory Delay Relay Coil Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1305 Accessory Delay Relay Coil Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1306 Oil Level Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1307 Oil Level Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1308 Oil Level Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1309 Power Door Lock Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1310 Power Door Unlock Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1311 Power Door Unlock Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1312 Lamp Headlamp Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1313 Battery Saver Relay Coil Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1314 Battery Saver Relay Coil Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1315 Battery Saver Relay Coil Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1316 Battery Saver Relay Coil Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1317 Battery Voltage High
OBD Foutcode B1318 Battery Voltage Low
OBD Foutcode B1319 Driver Door Ajar Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1320 Driver Door Ajar Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1321 Driver Door Ajar Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1322 Driver Door Ajar Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1330 Passenger Door Ajar Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1331 Decklid Ajar Rear Door Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1332 Decklid Ajar Rear Door Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1333 Decklid Ajar Rear Door Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1334 Decklid Ajar Rear Door Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1335 Door Ajar RR Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1336 Door Ajar RR Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1337 Door Ajar RR Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1338 Door Ajar RR Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1339 Chime Input Request Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1340 Chime Input Request Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1341 Power Door Unlock Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1342 ECU Is Defective
OBD Foutcode B1343 Heated Backlite Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1344 Heated Backlite Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1345 Heated Backlite Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1346 Heated Backlite Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1347 Heated Backlite Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1348 Heated Backlite Relay Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1349 Heated Backlite Relay Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1350 Heated Backlite Relay Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1351 Ignition Key-In Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1352 Ignition Key-In Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1353 Ignition Key-In Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1354 Ignition Key-In Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1355 Ignition Run Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1356 Ignition Run Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1357 Ignition Run Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1358 Ignition Run Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1359 Ignition Run/Acc Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1360 Ignition Run/Acc Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1361 Ignition Run/Acc Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1362 Ignition Run/Acc Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1363 Ignition Start Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1364 Ignition Start Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1365 Ignition Start Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1366 Ignition Start Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1367 Ignition Tach Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1368 Ignition Tach Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1369 Ignition Tach Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1370 Ignition Tach Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1371 Illuminated Entry Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1372 Illuminated Entry Relay Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1373 Illuminated Entry Relay Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1374 Illuminated Entry Relay Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1375 Oil Change Lamp Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1376 Oil Change Lamp Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1377 Oil Change Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1378 Oil Change Lamp Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1379 Oil Change Reset Button Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1380 Oil Change Reset Button Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1381 Oil Change Reset Button Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1382 Oil Change Reset Button Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1383 Oil Level Lamp Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1384 Oil Level Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1385 Oil Level Lamp Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1386 Oil Level Lamp Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1387 Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1388 Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1389 Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1390 Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1391 Oil Level Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1392 Power Door Memory Lock Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1393 Power Door Memory Lock Relay Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1394 Power Door Memory Lock Relay Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1395 Power Door Memory Lock Relay Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1396 Power Door Lock Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1397 Power Door Unlock Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1398 Driver Power Window One Touch Window Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1399 Driver Power Window One Touch Window Relay Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1400 Driver Power Window One Touch Window Relay Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1401 Driver Power Window One Touch Window Relay Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1402 Driver Power Window Down Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1403 Driver Power Window Up Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1404 Driver Power Window Down Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1405 Driver Power Window Down Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1406 Driver Power Window Down Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1407 Driver Power Window Up Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1408 Driver Power Window Up Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1409 Driver Power Window Up Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1410 Driver Power Window Motor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1411 Driver Power Window Motor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1412 Driver Power Window Motor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1413 Driver Power Window Motor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1414 Power Window LR Motor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1415 Power Window LR Motor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1416 Power Window LR Motor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1417 Power Window LR Motor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1418 Passenger Power Window Motor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1419 Passenger Power Window Motor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1420 Passenger Power Window Motor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1421 Passenger Power Window Motor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1422 Power Window RR Motor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1423 Power Window RR Motor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1424 Power Window RR Motor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1425 Power Window RR Motor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1426 Lamp Seat Belt Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1427 Lamp Seat Belt Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1428 Lamp Seat Belt Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1429 Lamp Seat Belt Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1430 Seat Belt Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1431 Wiper Brake/Run Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1432 Wiper Brake/Run Relay Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1433 Wiper Brake/Run Relay Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1434 Wiper Hi/Low Speed Relay Coil Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1435 Wiper Hi/Low Speed Relay Coil Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1436 Wiper Hi/Low Speed Relay Coil Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1437 Wiper Hi/Low Speed Relay Coil Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1438 Wiper Mode Select Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1439 Wiper Mode Select Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1440 Wiper Mode Select Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1441 Wiper Mode Select Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1442 Door Handle Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1443 Door Handle Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1444 Door Handle Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1445 Door Handle Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1446 Wiper Park Sense Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1447 Wiper Park Sense Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1448 Wiper Park Sense Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1449 Wiper Park Sense Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1450 Wiper Wash/Delay Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1451 Wiper Wash/Delay Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1452 Wiper Wash/Delay Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1453 Wiper Wash/Delay Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1454 Wiper Washer Fluid Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1455 Wiper Washer Fluid Lamp Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1456 Wiper Washer Fluid Lamp Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1457 Wiper Washer Fluid Lamp Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1458 Wiper Washer Pump Motor Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1459 Wiper Washer Pump Motor Relay Coil Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1460 Wiper Washer Pump Motor Relay Coil Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1461 Wiper Washer Pump Motor Relay Coil Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1462 Seat Belt Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1463 Seat Belt Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1464 Seat Belt Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1465 Wiper Brake/Run Relay Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1466 Wiper Hi/Low Speed Not Switching
OBD Foutcode B1467 Wiper Hi/Low Speed Circuit Motor Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1468 Chime Input Request Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1469 Chime Input Request Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1470 Lamp Headlamp Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1471 Lamp Headlamp Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1472 Lamp Headlamp Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1473 Wiper Low Speed Circuit Motor Failure
OBD Foutcode B1474 Battery Saver Power Relay Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1475 Accessory Delay Relay Contact Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1476 Wiper High Speed Circuit Motor Failure
OBD Foutcode B1477 Wiper Hi/Low Circuit Motor Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1478 Power Window One Touch Up/Down Activated Simultaneously
OBD Foutcode B1479 Wiper Washer Fluid Level Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1480 Wiper Washer Fluid Level Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1481 Wiper Washer Fluid Level Sensor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1482 Wiper Washer Fluid Level Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1483 Brake Pedal Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1484 Brake Pedal Input Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B1485 Brake Pedal Input Circuit Battery Short
OBD Foutcode B1486 Brake Pedal Input Circuit Ground Short
OBD Foutcode B1487 Door Handle Right Front Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1488 Door Handle Right Front Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1489 Door Handle Right Front Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1490 Door Handle Right Front Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1491 Ignition Cylinder Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1492 Ignition Cylinder Sensor Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B1493 Ignition Cylinder Sensor Battery Short
OBD Foutcode B1494 Ignition Cylinder Sensor Ground Short
OBD Foutcode B1495 Decklid Punch-Out Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1496 Decklid Punch-Out Sensor Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B1497 Decklid Punch-Out Sensor Battery Short
OBD Foutcode B1498 Decklid Punch-Out Sensor Ground Short
OBD Foutcode B1499 Lamp Turn Signal Left Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1500 Lamp Turn Signal Left Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1501 Lamp Turn Signal Left Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1502 Lamp Turn Signal Left Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1503 Lamp Turn Signal Right Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1504 Lamp Turn Signal Right Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1505 Lamp Turn Signal Right Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1506 Lamp Turn Signal Right Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1507 Flash To Pass Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1508 Flash To Pass Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1509 Flash To Pass Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1510 Flash To Pass Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1511 Driver Door Handle Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1512 Driver Door Handle Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1513 Driver Door Handle Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1514 Driver Door Handle Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1515 Seat Driver Occupied Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1516 Seat Driver Occupied Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1517 Seat Driver Occupied Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1518 Seat Driver Occupied Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1519 Hood Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1520 Hood Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1521 Hood Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1522 Hood Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1523 Keyless Entry Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1524 Keyless Entry Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1525 Keyless Entry Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1526 Keyless Entry Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1527 Memory Set Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1528 Memory Set Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1529 Memory Set Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1530 Memory Set Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1531 Memory 1 Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1532 Memory 1 Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1533 Memory 1 Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1534 Memory 1 Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1535 Memory 2 Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1536 Memory 2 Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1537 Memory 2 Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1538 Memory 2 Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1539 Mirror Driver Switch Assembly Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1540 Mirror Driver Switch Assembly Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1541 Mirror Driver Switch Assembly Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1542 Mirror Driver Switch Assembly Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1543 Seat Direction Switch Assembly Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1544 Seat Direction Switch Assembly Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1545 Seat Direction Switch Assembly Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1546 Seat Direction Switch Assembly Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1547 Power Window Master Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1548 Power Window Master Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1549 Power Window Master Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1550 Power Window Master Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1551 Decklid Release Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1552 Decklid Release Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1553 Decklid Release Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1554 Decklid Release Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1555 Ignition Run/Start Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1556 Ignition Run/Start Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1557 Ignition Run/Start Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1558 Ignition Run/Start Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1559 Door Lock Cylinder Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1560 Door Lock Cylinder Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1561 Door Lock Cylinder Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1562 Door Lock Cylinder Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1563 Door Ajar Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1564 Door Ajar Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1565 Door Ajar Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1566 Door Ajar Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1567 Lamp Headlamp High-Beam Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1568 Lamp Headlamp High-Beam Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1569 Lamp Headlamp High-Beam Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1570 Lamp Headlamp High-Beam Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1571 Door Ajar LR Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1572 Door Ajar LR Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1573 Door Ajar LR Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1574 Door Ajar LR Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1575 Lamp Park Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1576 Lamp Park Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1577 Lamp Park Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1578 Lamp Park Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1579 Dim Panel Increase Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1580 Dim Panel Increase Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1581 Dim Panel Increase Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1582 Dim Panel Increase Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1583 Dim Panel Decrease Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1584 Dim Panel Decrease Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1585 Dim Panel Decrease Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1586 Dim Panel Decrease Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1587 Autolamp Delay Increase Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1588 Autolamp Delay Increase Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1589 Autolamp Delay Increase Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1590 Autolamp Delay Increase Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1591 Autolamp Delay Decrease Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1592 Autolamp Delay Decrease Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1593 Autolamp Delay Decrease Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1594 Autolamp Delay Decrease Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1595 Ignition Switch Illegal Input Code
OBD Foutcode B1596 Service Continuous Codes
OBD Foutcode B1597 Driver's Seat Seatback Autoglide Forward Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1598 Driver's Seat Seatback Autoglide Rearward Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1599 Passenger's Seatback Autoglide Forward Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1600 PATS Ignition Key Transponder Signal Is Not Received
OBD Foutcode B1601 PATS Received Incorrect Key-Code From Ignition Key Transponder
OBD Foutcode B1602 PATS Received Invalid Format Of Key-Code From Ignition Key Transponder
OBD Foutcode B1603 Lamp Anti-Theft Indicator Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1604 Lamp Anti-Theft Indicator Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1605 Lamp Anti-Theft Indicator Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1606 Lamp Anti-Theft Indicator Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1607 Illuminated Entry Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1608 Illuminated Entry Input Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B1609 Illuminated Entry Input Short Circuit To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1610 Illuminated Entry Input Short Circuit To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1611 Wiper Rear Mode Select Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1612 Wiper Rear Mode Select Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1613 Wiper Rear Mode Select Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1614 Wiper Rear Mode Select Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1615 Wiper Rear Disable Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1616 Wiper Rear Disable Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1617 Wiper Rear Disable Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1618 Wiper Rear Disable Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1619 Wiper Rear Low Limit Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1620 Wiper Rear Low Limit Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1621 Wiper Rear Low Limit Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1622 Wiper Rear Low Limit Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1623 Lamp Keypad Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1624 Lamp Keypad Output Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B1625 Lamp Keypad Output Short Circuit To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1626 Lamp Keypad Output Short Circuit To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1627 PRNDL Reverse Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1628 PRNDL Reverse Input Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B1629 PRNDL Reverse Input Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1630 PRNDL Reverse Input Short Circuit To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1631 Mirror Driver Left Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1632 Mirror Driver Left Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1633 Mirror Driver Left Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1634 Mirror Driver Left Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1635 Mirror Driver Right Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1636 Mirror Driver Right Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1637 Mirror Driver Right Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1638 Mirror Driver Right Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1639 Mirror Passenger Left Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1640 Mirror Passenger Left Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1641 Mirror Passenger Left Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1642 Mirror Passenger Left Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1643 Mirror Passenger Right Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1644 Mirror Passenger Right Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1645 Mirror Passenger Right Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1646 Mirror Passenger Right Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1647 Seat Driver Recline Forward Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1648 Seat Driver Recline Forward Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1649 Seat Driver Recline Forward Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1650 Seat Driver Recline Forward Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1651 Seat Driver Recline Backward Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1652 Seat Driver Recline Backward Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1653 Seat Driver Recline Backward Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1654 Seat Driver Recline Backward Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1655 Seat Driver Rear Up Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1656 Seat Driver Rear Up Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1657 Seat Driver Rear Up Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1658 Seat Driver Rear Up Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1659 Seat Driver Front Up Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1660 Seat Driver Front Up Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1661 Seat Driver Front Up Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1662 Seat Driver Front Up Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1663 Seat Driver Front Up/Down Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1664 Seat Driver Rear Up/Down Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1665 Seat Driver Forward/Backward Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1666 Seat Driver Recline Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1667 Mirror Driver Up/Down Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1668 Mirror Driver Right/Left Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1669 Mirror Passenger Up/Down Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1670 Mirror Passenger Right/Left Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1671 Battery Module Voltage Out Of Range
OBD Foutcode B1672 Seat Driver Occupied Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1673 Seat Driver Occupied Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1674 Seat Driver Occupied Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1675 Seat Driver Occupied Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1676 Battery Pack Voltage Out Of Range
OBD Foutcode B1677 Alarm Panic Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1678 Alarm Panic Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1679 Alarm Panic Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1680 Alarm Panic Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1681 PATS Transceiver Module Signal Is Not Received
OBD Foutcode B1682 PATS Is Disabled (Check Link Between PATS And Transponder)
OBD Foutcode B1683 Mirror Driver/Passenger Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1684 Mirror Driver/Passenger Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1685 Lamp Dome Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1686 Lamp Dome Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1687 Lamp Dome Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1688 Lamp Dome Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1689 Autolamp Delay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1690 Autolamp Delay Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1691 Autolamp Delay Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1692 Autolamp Delay Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1693 Autolamp On Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1694 Autolamp On Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1695 Autolamp On Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1696 Autolamp On Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1697 Mirror Driver/Passenger Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1698 Mirror Driver/Passenger Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1699 Passenger's Seat Occupied Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1700 Passenger's Seatbelt Tension Reducer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1701 Seat Driver Recline Forward Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1702 Seat Driver Recline Forward Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1703 Seat Driver Recline Forward Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1704 Seat Driver Recline Forward Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1705 Seat Driver Recline Rearward Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1706 Seat Driver Recline Rearward Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1707 Seat Driver Recline Rearward Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1708 Seat Driver Recline Rearward Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1709 Seat Driver Front Up Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1710 Seat Driver Front Up Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1711 Seat Driver Front Up Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1712 Seat Driver Front Up Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1713 Seat Driver Front Down Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1714 Seat Driver Front Down Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1715 Seat Driver Front Down Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1716 Seat Driver Front Down Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1717 Seat Driver Forward Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1718 Seat Driver Forward Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1719 Seat Driver Forward Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1720 Seat Driver Forward Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1721 Seat Driver Rearward Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1722 Seat Driver Rearward Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1723 Seat Driver Rearward Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1724 Seat Driver Rearward Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1725 Seat Driver Rear Up Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1726 Seat Driver Rear Up Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1727 Seat Driver Rear Up Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1728 Seat Driver Rear Up Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1729 Seat Driver Rear Down Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1730 Seat Driver Rear Down Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1731 Seat Driver Rear Down Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1732 Seat Driver Rear Down Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1733 Mirror Driver Vertical Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1734 Mirror Driver Vertical Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1735 Mirror Driver Vertical Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1736 Mirror Driver Vertical Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1737 Mirror Driver Horizontal Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1738 Mirror Driver Horizontal Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1739 Mirror Driver Horizontal Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1740 Mirror Driver Horizontal Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1741 Mirror Passenger Vertical Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1742 Mirror Passenger Vertical Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1743 Mirror Passenger Vertical Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1744 Mirror Passenger Vertical Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1745 Mirror Passenger Horizontal Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1746 Mirror Passenger Horizontal Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1747 Mirror Passenger Horizontal Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1748 Mirror Passenger Horizontal Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1749 Park/Neutral Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1750 Park/Neutral Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1751 Park/Neutral Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1752 Park/Neutral Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1753 Hazard Flash Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1754 Hazard Flash Output Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1755 Hazard Flash Output Circuit Short Battery
OBD Foutcode B1756 Hazard Flash Output Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1757 Seat Driver Rear Down Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1758 Seat Driver Rear Down Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1759 Seat Driver Rear Down Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1760 Seat Driver Rear Down Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1761 Seat Driver Front Down Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1762 Seat Driver Front Down Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1763 Seat Driver Front Down Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1764 Seat Driver Front Down Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1765 Seat Driver Forward Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1766 Seat Driver Forward Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1767 Seat Driver Forward Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1768 Seat Driver Forward Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1769 Seat Driver Backward Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1770 Seat Driver Backward Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1771 Seat Driver Backward Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1772 Seat Driver Backward Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1773 Mirror Driver Up Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1774 Mirror Driver Up Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1775 Mirror Driver Up Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1776 Mirror Driver Up Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1777 Driver's Seatbelt Tension Reducer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1778 Mirror Driver Down Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1779 Mirror Driver Down Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1780 Mirror Driver Down Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1781 Mirror Driver Down Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1782 Mirror Passenger Up Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1783 Mirror Passenger Up Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1784 Mirror Passenger Up Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1785 Mirror Passenger Up Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1786 Mirror Passenger Down Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1787 Mirror Passenger Down Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1788 Mirror Passenger Down Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1789 Mirror Passenger Down Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1790 Autolamp Sensor Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1791 Autolamp Sensor Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1792 Autolamp Sensor Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1793 Autolamp Sensor Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1794 Lamp Headlamp Low-Beam Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1795 Lamp Headlamp Low-Beam Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1796 Lamp Headlamp Low-Beam Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1797 Lamp Headlamp Low-Beam Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1798 Lamp Turn Signal Front Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1799 Lamp Turn Signal Front Output Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1800 Lamp Turn Signal Front Output Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1801 Lamp Turn Signal Front Output Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1802 Lamp Turn Signal Rear Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1803 Lamp Turn Signal Rear Output Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1804 Lamp Turn Signal Rear Output Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1805 Lamp Turn Signal Rear Output Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1806 Lamp Tail Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1807 Lamp Tail Output Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1808 Lamp Tail Output Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1809 Lamp Tail Output Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1810 Lamp Backup Switch Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1811 Lamp Backup Switch Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1812 Lamp Backup Switch Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1813 Lamp Backup Switch Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1814 Wiper Rear Motor Down Relay Coil Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1815 Wiper Rear Motor Down Relay Coil Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1816 Wiper Rear Motor Down Relay Coil Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1817 Wiper Rear Motor Down Relay Coil Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1818 Wiper Rear Motor Up Relay Coil Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1819 Wiper Rear Motor Up Relay Coil Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1820 Wiper Rear Motor Up Relay Coil Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1821 Wiper Rear Motor Up Relay Coil Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1822 Wiper Rear Park Sense Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1823 Wiper Rear Park Sense Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1824 Wiper Rear Park Sense Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1825 Wiper Rear Park Sense Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1826 Wiper Rear High Limit Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1827 Wiper Rear High Limit Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1828 Wiper Rear High Limit Input Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1829 Wiper Rear High Limit Input Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1830 Door Unlock Disarm Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1831 Door Unlock Disarm Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1832 Door Unlock Disarm Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1833 Door Unlock Disarm Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1834 Door Unlock Disarm Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1835 Door Unlock Disarm Output Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1836 Door Unlock Disarm Output Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1837 Door Unlock Disarm Output Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1838 Battery Saver Power Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1839 Wiper Rear Motor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1840 Wiper Front Power Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1841 Wiper Front Power Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1842 Wiper Front Power Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1843 Wiper Front Power Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1844 Phone Handset Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1845 Ignition Tamper Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1846 Ignition Tamper Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1847 Ignition Tamper Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1848 Ignition Tamper Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1849 Climate Control Temperature Differential Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1850 Climate Control Temperature Differential Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1851 Climate Control Temperature Differential Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1852 Climate Control Temperature Differential Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1853 Climate Control Air Temperature Internal Sensor Motor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1854 Climate Control Air Temperature Internal Sensor Motor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1855 Climate Control Air Temperature Internal Sensor Motor Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1856 Climate Control Air Temperature Internal Sensor Motor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1857 Climate Control On/Off Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1858 Climate Control A/C Pressure Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1859 Climate Control A/C Pressure Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1860 Climate Control A/C Pressure Switch Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1861 Climate Control A/C Pressure Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1862 Climate Control A/C Lock Sensor Failure
OBD Foutcode B1863 Ground ECU Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1864 Battery Power Supply ECU Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1865 Battery Power Supply ECU Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1866 Battery Power Supply ECU Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1867 Battery Power Supply ECU Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1868 Lamp Air Bag Warning Indicator Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1869 Lamp Air Bag Warning Indicator Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1870 Lamp Air Bag Warning Indicator Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1871 Passenger Air Bag Disable Module Fault
OBD Foutcode B1872 Turn Signal / Hazard Power Feed Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1873 Turn Signal / Hazard Power Feed Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1874 Cellular Phone Handset Not Present
OBD Foutcode B1875 Turn Signal / Hazard Switch Signal Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1876 Seatbelt Driver Pretensioner Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1877 Seatbelt Driver Pretensioner Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1878 Seatbelt Driver Pretensioner Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1879 Seatbelt Driver Pretensioner Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1880 Seatbelt Passenger Pretensioner Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1881 Seatbelt Passenger Pretensioner Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1882 Seatbelt Passenger Pretensioner Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1883 Seatbelt Passenger Pretensioner Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1884 PAD Warning Lamp Inoperative
OBD Foutcode B1885 Seatbelt Driver Pretensioner Circuit Resistance Low on Squib
OBD Foutcode B1886 Seatbelt Passenger Pretensioner Circuit Resistance Low on Squib
OBD Foutcode B1887 Air Bag Driver Circuit Resistance Low or Shorted Together
OBD Foutcode B1888 Air Bag Passenger Circuit Resistance Low or Shorted Together
OBD Foutcode B1889 Passenger Airbag Disable Module Sensor Obstructed
OBD Foutcode B1890 PAD Warning Lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1891 Air Bag Tone Warning Indicator Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1892 Air Bag Tone Warning Indicator Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1893 GPS Antenna Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B1894 Wiper Rear Motor Speed Sense Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1895 Driver's / Passenger's Door Ajar Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1896 Driver's / Passenger's Door Ajar Output Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1897 Horn Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1898 Chime Input #2 Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1899 Microphone Input Signal Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1900 Driver Side Airbag Fault
OBD Foutcode B1901 Air Bag Crash Sensor #1 Feed/Return Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1902 Air Bag Crash Sensor #1 Ground Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1903 Air Bag Crash Sensor #1 Ground Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1904 Air Bag Crash Sensor #2 Feed/Return Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1905 Air Bag Crash Sensor #2 Feed/Return Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1906 Air Bag Crash Sensor #2 Feed/Return Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1907 Air Bag Crash Sensor #2 Ground Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1908 Air Bag Crash Sensor #2 Ground Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1909 Air Bag Crash Sensor #2 Ground Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1910 Air Bag Diagnostic Monitor Ground Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1911 Air Bag Diagnostic Monitor Ground Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1912 Air Bag Diagnostic Monitor Ground Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1913 Air Bag Driver/Passenger Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1914 Air Bag Crash Sensors #1 / #2 Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1915 Air Bag Driver Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1916 Air Bag Driver Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1917 Air Bag Memory Clear Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1918 Air Bag Memory Clear Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1919 Air Bag Memory Clear Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1920 Air Bag Passenger Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1921 Air Bag Diagnostic Monitor Ground Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1922 Air Bag Safing Sensor Output Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1923 Air Bag Memory Clear Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1924 Air Bag Internal Diagnostic Monitor Fault or System Disarm Fault
OBD Foutcode B1925 Air Bag Passenger Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1926 Air Bag Passenger Pressure Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1927 Passenger Side Airbag Fault
OBD Foutcode B1928 Air Bag Safing Sensor Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1929 Air Bag Safing Sensor Output Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1930 Air Bag Safing Sensor Output Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1931 Air Bag Crash Sensor #1 Feed/Return Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1932 Air Bag Driver Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1933 Air Bag Passenger Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1934 Air Bag Driver Inflator Circuit Resistance Low on Squib
OBD Foutcode B1935 Air Bag Passenger Inflator Circuit Resistance Low on Squib
OBD Foutcode B1936 Air Bag Driver Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1937 Air Bag Passenger Pressure Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1938 Air Bag Passenger Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1939 Air Bag Passenger Pressure Switch Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1941 Air Bag Crash Sensor #1 Feed/Return Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1942 Air Bag Crash Sensor #2 Feed/Return Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1943 Air Bag Crash Sensor #1 Ground Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1944 Air Bag Crash Sensor #1 Ground Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1945 Air Bag Crash Sensor #2 Ground Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1946 Climate Control A/C Post Evaporator Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1947 Climate Control A/C Post Evaporator Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1948 Climate Control Water Temperature Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1949 Climate Control Water Temperature Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1950 Seat Rear Up/Down Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1951 Seat Rear Up/Down Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1952 Seat Rear Up/Down Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1953 Seat Rear Up/Down Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1954 Seat Front Up/Down Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1955 Seat Front Up/Down Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1956 Seat Front Up/Down Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1957 Seat Front Up/Down Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1958 Seat Recline Forward/Backward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1959 Seat Recline Forward/Backward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1960 Seat Recline Forward/Backward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1961 Seat Recline Forward/Backward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1962 Seat Horizontal Forward/Rearward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1963 Seat Horizontal Forward/Rearward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1964 Seat Horizontal Forward/Rearward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B1965 Seat Horizontal Forward/Rearward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1966 A/C Post Heater Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1967 A/C Post Heater Sensor Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B1968 A/C Water Pump Detection Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1969 A/C Clutch Magnetic Control Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1970 Passenger Seatback Forward Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1971 Passenger Seatback Rearward Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1972 Passenger Rear Seat Up Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1973 Passenger Rear Seat Down Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1974 Passenger's Seat Recline Forward Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1975 Passenger's Seat Recline Back Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1976 Passenger's Seat Forward Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1977 Passenger's Front Seat Up Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1978 Passenger's Front Seat Down Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1979 Passenger Seat Rearward Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1980 Bulb - Outage Condition Detected
OBD Foutcode B1981 Memory Off Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1982 Driver's Door Unlock Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1983 Driver's Door Unlock Relay Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1984 Seat Switch Lumbar Inflate Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1985 Seat Switch Lumbar Deflate Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1986 Driver's Seat Seatback Autoglide Rearward Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1987 Pedal Forward / Rearward Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B1988 Pedal Position Forward Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1989 Pedal Position Rearward Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1990 Pedal Forward / Rearward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B1991 Pedal Forward / Rearward Potentiometer Feedback Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B1992 Driver Side, Side mount Airbag Circuit Short to Vbatt
OBD Foutcode B1993 Driver Side, Side mount Airbag Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1994 Driver Side, Side mount Airbag Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1995 Driver Side, Side mount Airbag Low resistance on Squib
OBD Foutcode B1996 Passenger Side, Side mount Airbag Circuit Short to Vbatt
OBD Foutcode B1997 Passenger Side, Side mount Airbag Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B1998 Passenger Side, Side mount Airbag Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B1999 Passenger Side, Side mount Airbag Low resistance on Squib
OBD Foutcode B2035-DFDM / Seitliche Blinkleuchten: Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode B2086-DFDM / Kontrolleuchte- Fenstersperrung hinten: Kurzschluss nach B+
OBD Foutcode B2089-PDM / Außenleuchte: Fehler- zwischen Türmodul und Türkantenleuchte
OBD Foutcode B2094-GEM / Heizbare Windschutzscheibe: Stromkreis kurzgeschlossen nach B+
OBD Foutcode B2100 Door Driver Key Cylinder Switch Failure
OBD Foutcode B2101 Head Rest Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2102 Antenna Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2103 Antenna Not Connected
OBD Foutcode B2104 Door Passenger Key Cylinder Switch Failure
OBD Foutcode B2105 Throttle Position Input Out of Range Low
OBD Foutcode B2106 Throttle Position Input Out of Range High
OBD Foutcode B2107 Front Wiper Motor Relay Circuit Short to Vbatt
OBD Foutcode B2108 Trunk Key Cylinder Switch Failure
OBD Foutcode B2109 Heated Wind Shield Relay Short to Vbatt (changed from Failure 2/6/97)
OBD Foutcode B2110 Front Wiper Motor Relay Circuit Open (changed from Failure 2/6/97)
OBD Foutcode B2111 All Door Lock Input Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2112 Door Driver Set Switch Stuck Failure
OBD Foutcode B2113 Heated Windshield Input Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2114 Front Washer Input Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2115 Rear Washer Input Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2116 Door Driver Reset Switch Stuck Failure
OBD Foutcode B2117 Driver Side, Side mount Airbag Low capacitance on Squib
OBD Foutcode B2118 Passenger Side, Side mount Airbag Low capacitance on Squib
OBD Foutcode B2119 Compressor Failure
OBD Foutcode B2120 Door Passenger Set Switch Stuck Failure
OBD Foutcode B2122 Driver Side Satellite Communication Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2123 Passenger Side Satellite Communication Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2124 Door Passenger Reset Switch Stuck Failure
OBD Foutcode B2128 Central Lock Motor Failure
OBD Foutcode B2129 Central Lock Feedback Failure
OBD Foutcode B2130 Double Lock Timeout Failure
OBD Foutcode B2131 Double Lock Feedback Failure
OBD Foutcode B2132 Dimmer switch Circuit Short to Gnd
OBD Foutcode B2133 Brake Motor Warning lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2134 Brake Motor Warning lamp Circuit Short to Vbatt
OBD Foutcode B2135 Park Brake Applied Warning Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2136 Park Brake Applied Warning Lamp Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B2139 Data Mismatch (receive data does not match what was expected)
OBD Foutcode B2141 NVM Configuration Failure
OBD Foutcode B2142 NVM TIC Failure
OBD Foutcode B2143 NVM Memory Failure
OBD Foutcode B2144 NVM Alarm Data Failure
OBD Foutcode B2145 NVM RF HR Failure
OBD Foutcode B2146 Seat Recline Motor Position Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2148 PWM Input Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2149 Seat Front Vertical Motor Position Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2150 Power Supply #1 Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2151 Power Supply #2 Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2152 Seat Rear Vertical Motor Position Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2153 Rear Echo Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2154 Front Echo Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2155 Seat Horizontal Motor Position Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2156 Rear Doppler Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2157 Front Doppler Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2158 Seat Recline Motor Memory Position Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2159 Memory #1 output Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2160 Memory #1 output Short to VBatt
OBD Foutcode B2161 Seat Front Vertical Motor Memory Position Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2162 Data Mismatch #2 (receive data does not match what was expected)
OBD Foutcode B2163 Clutch Position Fault
OBD Foutcode B2164 Seat Rear Vertical Motor Memory Position Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2165 Gear shift position Fault
OBD Foutcode B2166 Gear select position Fault
OBD Foutcode B2167 Seat Horizontal Motor Memory Position Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2168 Unable to confirm Unlock Condition
OBD Foutcode B2169 Unable to confirm lock Condition
OBD Foutcode B2170 Steering Column Lock Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2172 Inertia Switch input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2174 Window Driver Rear Remote Up Switch Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2175 A/C Request Signal Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2176 Overdrive switch circuit short to Vbatt
OBD Foutcode B2177 Interior Scanning Sensor Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2178 Window Driver Rear Remote Down Switch Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2179 Front Wiper Select Switch "A" Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2180 Front Wiper Select Switch "B" Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2181 Front Wiper Select Switch "C" Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2182 Window Passenger Front Remote Up Switch Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2183 Front Wiper Select Switch "H" Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2184 Front Wiper Select Switch "W" Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2185 Rear Wiper Select Switch "D" Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2186 Window Passenger Front Remote Down Switch Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2187 Rear Wiper Select Switch "B" Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2188 Rear Wiper Select Switch "E" Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2190 Window Passenger Rear Remote Up Switch Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2194 Window Passenger Rear Remote Down Switch Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2195 Driver Window Up / Down Power Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2196 Passenger Window Up / Down Power Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2197 TV Module Error
OBD Foutcode B2198 TrafficMaster Module Error
OBD Foutcode B2199 VICS Module Error
OBD Foutcode B2200 No Communication to TV Module (No Fitting of TV)
OBD Foutcode B2201 No Communication With Traffic MasterModule
OBD Foutcode B2202 No Communication to VICS Module (No Fitting of VICS)
OBD Foutcode B2203 CD-ROM Error
OBD Foutcode B2204 GPS Antenna Connection Open or Short
OBD Foutcode B2205 GPS Receiver Error
OBD Foutcode B2206 Gyroscope Error
OBD Foutcode B2207 ECU ROM Checksum Error
OBD Foutcode B2208 Communication Link to Display and Switch Module Error
OBD Foutcode B2209 Interior Lamp Override Switch Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2210 Interior Lamp Override Switch Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2211 Low Coolant Lamp Output Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2214 Window Passenger Front Up Switch Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2215 Window Passenger Front Down Switch Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2219 Window Driver Front Current Feedback Exceeded
OBD Foutcode B2220 Window Driver Rear Current Feedback Exceeded
OBD Foutcode B2221 Window Passenger Front Current Feedback Exceeded
OBD Foutcode B2222 Window Passenger Rear Current Feedback Exceeded
OBD Foutcode B2223 Mirror Driver Drive Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2224 Mirror Passenger Drive Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2225 Front Crash Sensor Mount Fault
OBD Foutcode B2226 Front Crash Sensor Internal Fault
OBD Foutcode B2227 Front Crash Sensor Driver Communications Fault
OBD Foutcode B2228 Air Bag Driver Circuit Short to Ground - Loop #2
OBD Foutcode B2229 Air Bag Passenger Circuit Short to Ground - Loop #2
OBD Foutcode B2230 Air Bag Driver Circuit Short to Battery - Loop #2
OBD Foutcode B2231 Air Bag Passenger Circuit Short to Battery - Loop #2
OBD Foutcode B2232 Air Bag Driver Circuit Open - Loop #2
OBD Foutcode B2233 Air Bag passenger Circuit Open - Loop #2
OBD Foutcode B2234 Air Bag Driver Inflator Circuit Resistance Low on Squib - Loop #2
OBD Foutcode B2235 Air Bag Passenger Inflator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2236 Weak or Defected Electric Vehicle Battery Module Fault
OBD Foutcode B2237 Vehicle Signal indicating Park While VSS Present
OBD Foutcode B2238 Power Cable For Power Sliding Door Broken
OBD Foutcode B2239 Rear Cargo Door Set Switch Stuck (Short to Ground)
OBD Foutcode B2240 Rear Cargo Door Reset Switch Stuck (Short to Ground)
OBD Foutcode B2241 Rear Cargo Door Lock Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2242 Rear Cargo Door Unlock Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2243 Driver Rear Door Ajar Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2244 Driver Sliding Door Ajar Circuit Short to GND
OBD Foutcode B2245 Passenger Rear Door Ajar Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2246 Passenger Sliding Door Ajar Circuit Short to GND
OBD Foutcode B2247 EV Battery Pack Temperature Fault
OBD Foutcode B2248 Heated Windshield Relay Coil Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2249 Head Lamp Relay Coil Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2250 All Doors Unlock Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2251 Parklamp Output Relay Driver Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2252 Parklamp Output Relay Dirver Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2256-GEM / Relais- heizbare Windschutzscheibe: Masseschluss
OBD Foutcode B2267-EATC / Temperaturklappe rechts: Stromkreisfehler
OBD Foutcode B2293 RCM / Rückhaltesystem: Aufprallsensor defekt
OBD Foutcode B2300 Seat Driver Memory Position Error
OBD Foutcode B2301 Seat Passenger Memory Position Error
OBD Foutcode B2302 Seat Headrest Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2303 Seat Headrest Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2304 Seat Headrest Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2305 Seat Headrest Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2306 Seat Headrest Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B2308 EATC / Stellmotor- Einlass- Innenraumtemperatur: Fehler
OBD Foutcode B2310 Mirror Driver Memory Position Error
OBD Foutcode B2311 Mirror Passenger Memory Position Error
OBD Foutcode B2312 Mirror Passenger Horizontal Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2313 Mirror Passenger Horizontal Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2314 Mirror Passenger Horizontal Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2315 Mirror Passenger Horizontal Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2316 Mirror Passenger Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2317 Mirror Passenger Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2318 Mirror Passenger Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2319 Mirror Passenger Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2320 Mirror Driver Horizontal Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2321 Mirror Driver Horizontal Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2322 Mirror Driver Horizontal Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2323 Mirror Driver Horizontal Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2324 Mirror Driver Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2325 Mirror Driver Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2326 Mirror Driver Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2327 Mirror Driver Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2328 Column Reach Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2329 Column Reach Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2330 Column Reach Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2331 Column Reach Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2332 Column Tilt Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2333 Column Tilt Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2334 Column Tilt Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2335 Column Tilt Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2336 Mirror Switch Assembly Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2337 Mirror Switch Assembly Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2338 Mirror Switch Assembly Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2339 Mirror Switch Assembly Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2340 Column Reach Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B2341 Column Tilt Motor Stalled
OBD Foutcode B2342 Seat Switch Reference Voltage Positive Common Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2343 Seat Switch Reference Voltage Positive Common Supply Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode B2344 Seat Switch Reference Voltage Positive Common Supply Voltage Fault
OBD Foutcode B2345 Seat Switch Reference Voltage Negative Common Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2346 Mirror Switch Reference Voltage Positive Common Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2347 Mirror Switch Reference Voltage Positive Common Supply Low Voltage
OBD Foutcode B2348 Mirror Switch Reference Voltage Positive Common Supply Voltage Fault
OBD Foutcode B2349 Mirror Switch Reference Voltage Negative Common Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2350 Steering Column Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2351 Steering Column Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2352 Driver Memory Power Switch Indicator Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2353 Driver Mirror Power Driver Circuit Short Ground
OBD Foutcode B2354 Driver Mirror Horizontal / Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2355 Passenger Mirror Horizontal / Vertical Feedback Potentiometer Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2357 Driver Window Down Current Sense Low Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2362 Remote Open/Close signal Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2363 Optical Sensor System Failure
OBD Foutcode B2364 Fuel Filler Door Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2365 B-pillar Power Sliding Door Open/Close Switch Input Ckt Short to Gnd
OBD Foutcode B2366 IP Power Sliding Door Open/Close switch Ckt Short to Gnd
OBD Foutcode B2367 Power Sliding Door Override Switch Input Ckt Short to Gnd
OBD Foutcode B2368 Steering Column Switch Circuit Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2369 Chime OUTPUT Request Ckt Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2373 LED #1 Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2374 Power Sliding Detent (Latch) Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2380 Heater Coolant Temp sensor circuit Short to GND
OBD Foutcode B2381 Heater Coolant Temp sensor circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2384 Audio Reverse Aid Mute Input Ckt Failure
OBD Foutcode B2385 Audio Navigation Mute Input Ckt Failure
OBD Foutcode B2401 Audio Tape Deck Mechanism Fault
OBD Foutcode B2402 Audio CD/DJ Thermal Shutdown Fault
OBD Foutcode B2403 Audio CD/DJ Internal Fault
OBD Foutcode B2404 Audio Steering Wheel Switch Circuit Fault
OBD Foutcode B2405 Audio Single-Disc CD Player Thermal Shutdown Fault
OBD Foutcode B2406 Audio Single-Disc CD Player Internal Fault
OBD Foutcode B2416 Climate Control Recirculation Actuator Out of Limits
OBD Foutcode B2425 Remote Keyless Entry Out of Synchronization
OBD Foutcode B2426 Passenger Solar Radiation Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2427 Passenger Solar Radiation Sensor Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2428 A/C Post Heater Sensor #2 Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2429 A/C Post Heater Sensor #2 Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2431 Transponder Programming Failed
OBD Foutcode B2432 Drivers Seat Belt Buckle Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2433 Drivers Seat Belt Buckle Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2434 Drivers Seat Belt Buckle Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2435 Drivers Seat Belt Buckle Switch Resistance out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2436 Passengers Seat Belt Buckle Switch Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2437 Passengers Seat Belt Buckle Switch Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2438 Passengers Seat Belt Buckle Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2439 Passengers Seat Belt Buckle Switch Resistance out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2440 Passenger Side, Side crash sensor mount fault
OBD Foutcode B2441 Driver Side, Side crash sensor mount fault
OBD Foutcode B2442 Intrusion Sensor Fault
OBD Foutcode B2443 Powertrain Performance Mode Switch Circuit failure
OBD Foutcode B2444 Driver Side Crash Sensor Internal Fault
OBD Foutcode B2445 Passenger Side Crash Sensor Internal Fault
OBD Foutcode B2446 RESCU/VEMS Input Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2447 RESCU/VEMS Input Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2448 RESCU/VEMS Input Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2449 Aux Heater Glow Plug Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2450 Aux Heater Glow Plug Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2451 Aux Heater Fuel Pump Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2452 Aux Heater Fuel Pump Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2453 Aux Heater Blower Fan Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2454 Aux Heater Blower Fan Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2455 Aux Heater Blower Faulted
OBD Foutcode B2456 Aux Heater Coolant Sensor Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2457 Aux Heater Coolant Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2458 Aux Heater Overheat Sensor Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2459 Aux Heater Overheat Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2460 Aux Heater Flame Sensor Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2461 Aux Heater Flame Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2462 Aux Heater Flame Out Fault
OBD Foutcode B2463 Aux Heater Overheat Fault
OBD Foutcode B2464 Aux Heater Start Time Exceeded
OBD Foutcode B2465 Aux Heater Start Counter Overrun/System Locked (same as below ?)
OBD Foutcode B2466 Aux Heater Overheat Counter Overrun/System Locked
OBD Foutcode B2467 Aux Heater Cool Down Time Exceeded (may be con to a453-5 )
OBD Foutcode B2468 Aux Heater Coolant Pump Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2469 Aux Heater Coolant Pump Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2470 Interior Fan Control Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2471 Interior Fan Control Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2472 Fog Lamp Switch Failure
OBD Foutcode B2473 Passenger Door Disarm Switch ckt Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2474 Passenger Door Lock Switch Circuit Shorted to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2475 Passenger Door Unlock Switch Circuit Shorted to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2476 RADIO PRESENT SWITCH Ckt Failure
OBD Foutcode B2477 Module Configuration Failure
OBD Foutcode B2480 LF CORNER LAMP OUTPUT Ckt Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2481 Convertible Top Up/Down switch Fault
OBD Foutcode B2482 RF CORNER LAMP OUTPUT Ckt Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2483 Enable Signal Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2484 Disable Signal Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2485 LF SIDE REPEATER LAMP OUTPUT Ckt Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2487 RF SIDE REPEATER LAMP OUTPUT Ckt Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2491 RF PARK LAMP OUTPUT CIRCUIT Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2492 Already Programmed (Test Mode DTC Only !!!)
OBD Foutcode B2493 LF PARK LAMP OUTPUT CIRCUIT Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2500 COURTESY LAMP OUTPUT Ckt Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2502 LF LAMP LOW BEAM CIRCUIT Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2504 RF LAMP LOW BEAM CIRCUIT Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2506 LF LAMP HIGH BEAM CIRCUIT Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2508 RF LAMP HIGH BEAM CIRCUIT Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2509 Rear Fog Lamp Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2510 Main Blower Motor Relay Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2511 Horn Output Relay Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2512 Front Fog Lamp Relay Ckt Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2513 Blower (Fan) Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2514 Blower (Fan) Circuit Short to Vbatt
OBD Foutcode B2515 Heater Blower Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2516 Blower Control Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2517 Emergency Power Off System Faulted
OBD Foutcode B2518 Compressor Overtemp Fault
OBD Foutcode B2519 High Mount Stop Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2520 High Mount Stop Lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2523 License Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2524 License Lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2525 Left Rear Backup Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2526 Left Rear Backup Lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2527 Left Rear Stop lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2528 Left Rear Stop lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2529 Left Rear Turn Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2530 Left Rear Turn Lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2531 Right Rear Backup Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2532 Right Rear Backup Lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2533 Right Rear Stop lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2534 Right Rear Stop lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2535 Right Rear Turn Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2536 Right Rear Turn Lamp Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2539 Aux A/C Mode Position Reference Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2540 Aux A/C Mode Position Reference Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2543 Aux A/C Control Switch Reference Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2544 Aux A/C Control Switch Reference Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2545 System Power Relay Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2546 System Power Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2550 LAMP DOME OUTPUT Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2553 Disable Signal Output Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2554 LAMP DOME OUTPUT Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2555 LAMP DOME OUTPUT Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2556 Enable Signal Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2557 Left Power Sliding Door Open/Close Output Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2558 Right Power Sliding Door Open/Close Output Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2559 Aux A/C Blower Motor Relay Circuit Short to Battery
OBD Foutcode B2560 Aux A/C Blower Motor Relay Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2561 Aux A/C Blower Speed 1 Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2562 Aux A/C Blower Speed 1 Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2563 Aux A/C Blower Speed 2 Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2564 Aux A/C Blower Speed 2 Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2565 Right Tail Lamp Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2566 Right Tail Lamp Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2567 Reverse Mirror Output Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2568 Reverse Mirror Output Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2569 Liftgate Disarm Switch Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2570 Right Lamp Outage Signal Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2571 Left Lamp Outage Signal Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2575-PDM / Entriegelungsschalter- Fahrertür: Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode B2580 Aux Blower Sense Switch Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2581 Passenger Seat Occupant Detection Circuit Short To Ground
OBD Foutcode B2582 Passenger Seat Occupant Detection Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2583 Child Seat Detection Circuit Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B2584 Child Seat Detection Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2585 Anti Theft Input Signal Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B2586 Headlamp Mode Select Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2587 Passenger Seat Occupant Detection Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B2588 Child Seat Detection Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B2589 Unexpected Door Reversal During Close
OBD Foutcode B2590 Vehicle Park/Speed Signal Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2591 Detent Signal Missing During Unlatch
OBD Foutcode B2592 PSD Not Fully Closed (Module Commanded Successfully)
OBD Foutcode B2593 Power Sliding Door Opened During Module Close Command
OBD Foutcode B2594 No Movement Detected After an Unlatch During Power Open
OBD Foutcode B2595 Anti Theft Input Signal Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2596 Headlamp Aim Output Relay Circuit Short To Battery
OBD Foutcode B2597 Headlamp Aim Output Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2598 Headlamp Relay Circuit Failure
OBD Foutcode B2599 Tailgate Release Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2600 Double Locking Door Motor Frozen
OBD Foutcode B2601 No Latch Signal Sensed on Closing and Door Reversed
OBD Foutcode B2602 Missing Latch Signal During Power Sliding Door Unlatch
OBD Foutcode B2603 PSD Not Fully Closed During Self-Test
OBD Foutcode B2604 Power Sliding Door On/Off Switch Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2605 Disable Signal Open Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2606 A/C Temperature Sensor Out of Range
OBD Foutcode B2610 - Passenger Compartment Dimming 1 Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2615 - Passenger Compartment Dimming 2 Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2620 - Display Dimming Input Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2622 - Display Dimming Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Input Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2623 - Display Dimming Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Input Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2625 - Display Dimming Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2627 - Display Dimming Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Output Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2628 - Display Dimming Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Output Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2641 - Delayed Exterior Lighting Ctrl Circuit Range
OBD Foutcode B2645 - Ambient Light Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2646 - Ambient Light Sensor Circuit Range
OBD Foutcode B2647 - Ambient Light Sensor Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2662 - Park Lamp Relay Output Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2697 - Headlamp Washer Request Circuit
OBD Foutcode B2700 - Ignition Shift Interlock Circuit (base number)
OBD Foutcode B2701 - Ignition Shift Interlock Circuit Range/Performance
OBD Foutcode B2702 - Ignition Shift Interlock Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B2703 - Ignition Shift Interlock Circuit High
OBD Foutcode B2704 - Ignition Shift Interlock Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode B2707 - Gearshift Unlock Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2708 - Gearshift Unlock Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2710 - PASSKey Open/Shorted Pellet
OBD Foutcode B2711 - PASSKey Open/Shorted Pellet After Good Key
OBD Foutcode B2719 - CTD-Trunk Tamper Switch Fault
OBD Foutcode B2725 - ATC Mode Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2732 - Trunk Release Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B2734 - Coded Key Controller Memory Failure
OBD Foutcode B2743 - Fog Lamp Switch Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2750 - PASSKey Data Communication Failure
OBD Foutcode B2752 - Horn Relay Coil Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2753 - Horn Relay Coil Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B2757 - Driver Memory 1 Select Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B2762 - Driver Memory 2 Select Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B2767 - Memory Set Switch Failed Low
OBD Foutcode B2772 - Driver Memory Exit Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B2780 - Wrong Resistor Before Good
OBD Foutcode B2781 - Wrong Resistor After Good
OBD Foutcode B2782 - PASSKey Pellet Resistance Not Programmed
OBD Foutcode B2783 - Key Code/Password Corrupted in Memory
OBD Foutcode B2805 - Steering Whl Controls HVAC Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2810 - Steering wheel controls Entertainment Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2815 - Steering Wheel Controls Illegal Resistance Value
OBD Foutcode B2853 - Telescope Forward Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2858 - Telescope Rearward Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2860 - Telescope Position Sensor Range
OBD Foutcode B2862 - Telescope Position Sensor Low
OBD Foutcode B2873 - Tilt Up Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2878 - Tilt Down Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2880 - Tilt Position Sensor Range
OBD Foutcode B2882 - Tilt Position Sensor Low
OBD Foutcode B2891 - Tilt/Telescope Motor Over Current
OBD Foutcode B2904 - Tilt/Telescope 4-way Position Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2947 - Security System Sensor Power Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B2948 - Security System Sensor Power Circuit High
OBD Foutcode B2955 - Security System Sensor Data Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2957 - Security System Sensor Data Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B2958 - Security System Sensor Data Circuit High
OBD Foutcode B2960 - Security System Sensor Data Incorrect but Valid
OBD Foutcode B2961 - Key In Ignition Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode B2965 - Key in Ignition Circuit Open (IPC)
OBD Foutcode B3028 - Starter Relay Interface Short to Ground
OBD Foutcode B3029 - Starter Relay Interface Open/Short to B+
OBD Foutcode B3031 - Key Decoder Device in Assem Learn Mode
OBD Foutcode B3033 - Security System Indicates Tamper
OBD Foutcode B3055 - Key Not Present
OBD Foutcode B3060 - Security System Sensor Data Incorrect but Valid
OBD Foutcode B3064 - Driver Door Key Cylinder Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3069 - Right Front/Left Front Door Key Unlock Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3108 - Transmitter Synchronization Failure
OBD Foutcode B3109 - 3 consecutive low battery signals from the same programmed transmitter
OBD Foutcode B3127 - LF Door Only, Unlock Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3128 - LF Door Only, Unlock Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3132 - All Door Unlock Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3133 - All Door Unlock Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3137 - All Door Lock Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3138 - All Door Lock Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3142 - Left Front Unlock Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3147 - Passenger Unlock Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3152 - Left Front Lock Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3157 - Passenger Lock Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3172 - Window Up Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3177 - Window Down Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3182 - Window Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3187 - Window Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3192 - Window Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3197 - Window Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3203 - Rear Window Lockout Switch Input Circuit High
OBD Foutcode B3282 - Window Switch-Express Input Shorted to Ground
OBD Foutcode B3287 - Left Rear Window Switch Express Down Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3292 - Right Rear Window Switch Express Down Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3282 - Window Switch-Express Input Shorted to Ground
OBD Foutcode B3287 - Window Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3292 - Window Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3377 - Left Front Window Up Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3382 - Left Front Window Down Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3387 - Right Front Window Up Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3392 - Right Front Window Down Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3397 - Left Rear Window Up Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3410 - AHLD Front Axle Sensor Signal Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3420 - AHLD Rear Axle Sensor Signal Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3452 - Left Rear Window Down Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3457 - Right Rear Window Up Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3462 - Right Rear Window Down Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3467 - Left Front Window Express Down Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3472 - Right Front Window Express Down Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3477 - Left Rear Window Express Down Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3482 - MalfunctionWindow Express Down Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3517 - Left Rear Door Switch Express Up/Down Window Contact Shorted to GND
OBD Foutcode B3522 - Right Rear Door Switch Express Up/Down Window Contact Shorted to GND
OBD Foutcode B3527 - Window Lockout Switch Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3531 - Auxiliary HAVC Actuator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3642 - Seat cool temperature switch shorted
OBD Foutcode B3702 - Intermittent Wiper Delay Input Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3703 - Intermittent Wiper Delay Input Circuit High/Open (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3708 - Front Washer Motor Input High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3713 - Rear Washer Motor Input Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3717 - Front Wiper Relay Drive Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3718 - Front Wiper Relay Drive Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3722 - Rear Wiper Relay Drive Circuit Low (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3723 - Rear Wiper Relay Drive Circuit High (BCM)
OBD Foutcode B3761 - HVAC Actuator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3770 - HVAC Actuator Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3793 - Memory Seat Module Over Current
OBD Foutcode B3801 - Passenger Compartment Lamp Request Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3802 - Parklamps Request Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3808 - Rear Door Lock Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3809 - Rear Door Unlock Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3810 - Washer Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3811 - Washer Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3819 - Left Rear Power Window Up Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3820 - Left Rear Power Window Down Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3821 - Window Lockout Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3822 - Right Rear Power Window Up Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3823 - Right Rear Power Window Down Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3824 - Window Lockout Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode B3832 - Window Position Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3833 - Window Position Sensor Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3905 - Lumbar Switch Control Circuit
OBD Foutcode B3935 - Transponder Authentication Error
OBD Foutcode C0000 Vehicle Speed Information Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0035 Left Front Wheel Speed Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0040 Right Front Wheel Speed Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0041 Right Front Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance (EBCM)
OBD Foutcode C0045 Left Rear Wheel Speed Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0046 Left Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance (EBCM)
OBD Foutcode C0050 Right Rear Wheel Speed Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0051 LF Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance (EBCM)
OBD Foutcode C0060 Left Front ABS Solenoid #1 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0065 Left Front ABS Solenoid #2 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0070 Right Front ABS Solenoid #1 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0075 Right Front ABS Solenoid #2 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0080 Left Rear ABS Solenoid #1 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0085 Left Rear ABS Solenoid #2 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0090 Right Rear ABS Solenoid #1 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0095 Right Rear ABS Solenoid #2 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0110 Pump Motor Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0121 Valve Relay Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0128 Low Brake Fluid Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0141 Left TCS Solenoid #1 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0146 Left TCS Solenoid #2 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0151 Right TCS Solenoid #1 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0156 Right TCS Solenoid #2 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0161 ABS/TCS Brake Switch Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0221 Right Front Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0222 Right Front Wheel Speed Signal Missing
OBD Foutcode C0223 Right Front Wheel Speed Signal Erratic
OBD Foutcode C0225 Left Front Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0226 Left Front Wheel Speed Signal Missing
OBD Foutcode C0227 Left Front Wheel Speed Signal Erratic
OBD Foutcode C0229 Drop Out of Front Wheel Speed Signals
OBD Foutcode C0235 Rear Wheel Speed Signal Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0236 Rear Wheel Speed Signal Circuit Missing
OBD Foutcode C0237 Rear Wheel Speed Signal Erratic
OBD Foutcode C0238 Wheel Speed Mismatch
OBD Foutcode C0241 EBCM Control Valve Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0245 Wheel Speed Sensor Frequency Error
OBD Foutcode C0254 EBCM Control Valve Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0265 EBCM Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0266 EBCM Relay Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0267 Pump Motor Circuit Open/Shorted
OBD Foutcode C0268 Pump Motor Circuit Open/Shorted
OBD Foutcode C0269 Excessive Dump/Isolation Time
OBD Foutcode C0271 EBCM Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0272 EBCM Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0273 EBCM Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0274 Excessive Dump/Isolation Time
OBD Foutcode C0279 Powertrain Configuration Not Valid
OBD Foutcode C0281 Brake Switch Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0283 Traction Switch Shorted to Ground
OBD Foutcode C0284 EBCM Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0286 ABS Indicator Lamp Circuit Shorted to B+
OBD Foutcode C0287 Delivered Torque Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0288 Brake Warning Lamp Circuit Shorted to B+
OBD Foutcode C0290 Lost Communications With PCM
OBD Foutcode C0291 Lost Communications With BCM
OBD Foutcode C0292 Lost Communications With PCM
OBD Foutcode C0297 Powertrain Configuration Data Not Received
OBD Foutcode C0298 Powertrain Indicated Traction Control Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0300 Rear Speed Sensor Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0305 Front Speed Sensor Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0306 Motor A or B Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0308 Motor A/B Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0309 Motor A/B Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0310 Motor A/B Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0315 Motor Ground Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0321 Transfer Case Lock Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0323 T-Case Lock Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0324 T-Case Lock Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0327 Encoder Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0357 Park Switch Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0359 Four Wheel Drive Low Range (4LO) Discrete Output Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0362 4LO Discrete Output Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0367 Front Axle Control Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0374 General System Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0376 Front/Rear Shaft Speed Mismatch
OBD Foutcode C0379 Front Axle System
OBD Foutcode C0387 Unable to Perform Shift
OBD Foutcode C0472 Steering Handwheel Speed Sensor Signal V Low
OBD Foutcode C0473 Steering Handwheel Speed Sensor Signal V High
OBD Foutcode C0495 EVO Tracking Error
OBD Foutcode C0498 Steering Assist Control Actuator Feed Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0499 Steering Assist Control Solenoid Feed Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0503 Steering Assist Control Solenoid Return Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0504 Steering Assist Control Solenoid Return Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0550 ECU Malfunction - internal write / checksum malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0559 EEPROM Checksum Error
OBD Foutcode C0563 Calibration ROM Checksum Error
OBD Foutcode C0577 Left Front Solenoid Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0578 Left Front Solenoid Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0579 Left Front Solenoid Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0582 Right Front Solenoid Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0583 Right Front Solenoid Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0584 Right Front Solenoid Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0587 Left Rear Solenoid Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0588 Left Rear Solenoid Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0589 Left Rear Solenoid Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0592 Right Rear Solenoid Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0593 Right Rear Solenoid Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0594 Right Rear Solenoid Circuit Open
OBD Foutcode C0611 VIN Information Error
OBD Foutcode C0615 Left Front Position Sensor Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0620 Right Front Position Sensor Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0625 Left Rear Position Sensor Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0628 Level Control Position Sensor Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0630 Right Rear Position Sensor Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0635 Left Front Normal Force Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0638 Left Front Normal Force Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0640 Right Front Normal Force Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0643 Right Front Normal Force Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0655 Level Control Compressor Relay Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0657 Level Control Compressor Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0658 Level Control Compressor Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0660 Level Control Exhaust Valve Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0662 Level Control Exhaust Valve Circuit Low
OBD Foutcode C0663 Level Control Exhaust Valve Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0665 Chassis Pitch Signal Circuit
OBD Foutcode C0690 Damper Control Relay Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0691 Damper Control Relay Circuit Range
OBD Foutcode C0693 Damper Control Relay Circuit High
OBD Foutcode C0695 Position Sensor Overcurrent (8 volt supply)
OBD Foutcode C0696 Position Sensor Overcurrent (5 volt supply)
OBD Foutcode C0710 Steering Position Signal Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0750 Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM) system sensor not transmitting
OBD Foutcode C0755 Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM) system sensor not transmitting
OBD Foutcode C0760 Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM) system sensor not transmitting
OBD Foutcode C0765 Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM) system sensor not transmitting
OBD Foutcode C0800 Device Power #1 Circuit Malfunction
OBD Foutcode C0896 Electronic Suspension Control (ESC) voltage is outside the normal range of 9 to 15.5 volts
OBD Foutcode C1099-EPS / Motor- elektronische Servolenkung: Fehlfunktion
OBD Foutcode C1119-ABS / TCS- Eingang- Verteilergetriebe: Signalfehler
OBD Foutcode C1175-ABS / Fehler im Eingangskreis-Radsensor links hinten
OBD Foutcode C1185-ABS / Fehler im Ausgangskreis- ABS- Relais
OBD Foutcode C1194-ABS / Fehler in Stromkreis der Spule- Auslaßventil links vorn
OBD Foutcode C1198-ABS / Fehler in Stromkreis der Spule- Einlaßventil links vorn
OBD Foutcode C1210-ABS / Fehler in Stromkreis der Spule- Auslaßventil rechts vorn
OBD Foutcode C1214-ABS / Fehler in Stromkreis der Spule- Einlaßventil rechts vorn
OBD Foutcode C1222-TCM / Keine Übereinstimmung zw. Raddrehzahl und Fahrgeschwindigkeit
OBD Foutcode C1233-ABS / Kein Eingangssignal vom Raddrehzahlsensor links vorn
OBD Foutcode C1236-ABS / Das Eingangssignal vom Radsensor hinten links ist nicht
OBD Foutcode C1242-ABS / Fehler in Stromkeis der Spule- Aualaßventil links hinten
OBD Foutcode C1246-ABS /Fehler in Stromkeis der Spule- Aualaßventil rechts hinten
OBD Foutcode C1250-ABS / Fehler in Stromkeis der Spule- Aualaßventil Einlaßventil links vorn
OBD Foutcode C1254-ABS /Fehler in Stromkeis der Spule- Aualaßventil rechts hinten
OBD Foutcode C1275-ABS / Fehler im Eingangskries- Radsensor links hinten
OBD Foutcode C1277-ABS / Defekte Stromkreise 1 und 2 Lenkeinschlagwinkel
OBD Foutcode C1278-ABS / Der errechnete Lenkradwinkwl bei Geradeausstellung
OBD Foutcode C1279-ABS / Fehler im Stromkreis- Giersensor
OBD Foutcode C1306-ABS / Nullstellung des Lenkwinkel- Sensors nicht gefunden
OBD Foutcode C1709-PAM / Sensor hinten innen rechts: Stromkreis defekt
OBD Foutcode C1750-IC / Fahrpedalstellungs- Sensor außerhalb Sollbereich
OBD Foutcode C1776-DFDM / Spiegelheizung: Stromkreisfehler
OBD Foutcode C1967-HEC / RDO- Kurzgeschlossen nach Masse
OBD Foutcode C1775-ABS / Sensorsignalfehler YRS-SAS-BPS prüfen
OBD Foutcode C1776-DFDM / Spiegelheizung: Stromkreisfehler
OBD Foutcode C2778-ABS / Querbeschleunigungs-Gierraten-Sensor Versorgungsspannung
OBD Foutcode C2790-PDM / LED- Hintergrundbeleuchtung: Ausgang: Kurzschluss nach Masse
OBD Foutcode U0001 Datenbus Antrieb defekt [High Speed CAN Communication Bus]
OBD Foutcode U0002 High Speed CAN Communication Bus Performance
OBD Foutcode U0003 High Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) Open
OBD Foutcode U0004 High Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) Low
OBD Foutcode U0005 High Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) High
OBD Foutcode U0006 High Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) Open
OBD Foutcode U0007 High Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) Low
OBD Foutcode U0008 High Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) High
OBD Foutcode U0009 High Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) shorted to Bus (+)
OBD Foutcode U0010 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus
OBD Foutcode U0011 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus Performance
OBD Foutcode U0012 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) Open
OBD Foutcode U0013 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) Low
OBD Foutcode U0014 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) High
OBD Foutcode U0015 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) Open
OBD Foutcode U0016 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) Low
OBD Foutcode U0017 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) High
OBD Foutcode U0018 Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) shorted to Bus (+)
OBD Foutcode U0019 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus
OBD Foutcode U0020 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus Performance
OBD Foutcode U0021 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) Open
OBD Foutcode U0022 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) Low
OBD Foutcode U0023 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus (+) High
OBD Foutcode U0024 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) Open
OBD Foutcode U0025 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) Low
OBD Foutcode U0026 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) High
OBD Foutcode U0027 Low Speed CAN Communication Bus (-) shorted to Bus (+)
OBD Foutcode U0028 Kommunikation Datenbus Antrieb [Vehicle Communication Bus A]
OBD Foutcode U0029 Vehicle Communication Bus A Performance
OBD Foutcode U0030 Vehicle Communication Bus A (+) Open
OBD Foutcode U0031 Vehicle Communication Bus A (+) Low
OBD Foutcode U0032 Vehicle Communication Bus A (+) High
OBD Foutcode U0033 Vehicle Communication Bus A (-) Open
OBD Foutcode U0034 Vehicle Communication Bus A (-) Low
OBD Foutcode U0035 Vehicle Communication Bus A (-) High
OBD Foutcode U0036 Vehicle Communication Bus A (-) shorted to Bus A (+)
OBD Foutcode U0037 Vehicle Communication Bus B
OBD Foutcode U0038 Vehicle Communication Bus B Performance
OBD Foutcode U0039 Vehicle Communication Bus B (+) Open
OBD Foutcode U0040 Vehicle Communication Bus B (+) Low
OBD Foutcode U0041 Vehicle Communication Bus B (+) High
OBD Foutcode U0042 Vehicle Communication Bus B (-) Open
OBD Foutcode U0043 Vehicle Communication Bus B (-) Low
OBD Foutcode U0044 Vehicle Communication Bus B (-) High
OBD Foutcode U0045 Vehicle Communication Bus B (-) shorted to Bus B (+)
OBD Foutcode U0046 Vehicle Communication Bus C
OBD Foutcode U0047 Vehicle Communication Bus C Performance
OBD Foutcode U0048 Vehicle Communication Bus C (+) Open
OBD Foutcode U0049 Vehicle Communication Bus C (+) Low
OBD Foutcode U0050 Vehicle Communication Bus C (+) High
OBD Foutcode U0051 Vehicle Communication Bus C (-) Open
OBD Foutcode U0052 Vehicle Communication Bus C (-) Low
OBD Foutcode U0053 Vehicle Communication Bus C (-) High
OBD Foutcode U0054 Vehicle Communication Bus C (-) shorted to Bus C (+)
OBD Foutcode U0055 Vehicle Communication Bus D
OBD Foutcode U0056 Vehicle Communication Bus D Performance
OBD Foutcode U0057 Vehicle Communication Bus D (+) Open
OBD Foutcode U0058 Vehicle Communication Bus D (+) Low
OBD Foutcode U0059 Vehicle Communication Bus D (+) High
OBD Foutcode U0060 Vehicle Communication Bus D (-) Open
OBD Foutcode U0061 Vehicle Communication Bus D (-) Low
OBD Foutcode U0062 Vehicle Communication Bus D (-) High
OBD Foutcode U0063 Vehicle Communication Bus D (-) shorted to Bus D (+)
OBD Foutcode U0064 Vehicle Communication Bus E
OBD Foutcode U0065 Vehicle Communication Bus E Performance
OBD Foutcode U0066 Vehicle Communication Bus E (+) Open
OBD Foutcode U0067 Vehicle Communication Bus E (+) Low
OBD Foutcode U0068 Vehicle Communication Bus E (+) High
OBD Foutcode U0069 Vehicle Communication Bus E (-) Open
OBD Foutcode U0070 Vehicle Communication Bus E (-) Low
OBD Foutcode U0071 Vehicle Communication Bus E (-) High
OBD Foutcode U0072 Vehicle Communication Bus E (-) shorted to Bus E (+)
OBD Foutcode U0073 Control Module Communication Bus Off
OBD Foutcode U0074 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0075 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0076 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0077 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0078 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0079 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0080 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0081 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0082 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0083 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0084 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0085 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0086 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0087 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0088 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0089 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0090 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0091 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0092 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0093 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0094 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0095 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0096 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0097 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0098 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0099 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0100 Lost Communication With ECM/PCM 'A'
OBD Foutcode U0101 Lost Communication with TCM
OBD Foutcode U0102 Lost Communication with Transfer Case Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0103Lost Communication With Gear Shift Module
OBD Foutcode U0104 Lost Communication With Cruise Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0105 Lost Communication With Fuel Injector Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0106 Lost Communication With Glow Plug Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0107 Lost Communication With Throttle Actuator Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0108 Lost Communication With Alternative Fuel Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0109 Lost Communication With Fuel Pump Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0110 Lost Communication With Drive Motor Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0111 Lost Communication With Battery Energy Control Module 'A'
OBD Foutcode U0112 Lost Communication With Battery Energy Control Module 'B'
OBD Foutcode U0113 Lost Communication With Emissions Critical Control Information
OBD Foutcode U0114 Lost Communication With Four-Wheel Drive Clutch Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0115 Lost Communication With ECM/PCM 'B'
OBD Foutcode U0116 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0117 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0118 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0119 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0120 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0121 Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0122 Lost Communication With Vehicle Dynamics Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0123 Lost Communication With Yaw Rate Sensor Module
OBD Foutcode U0124 Lost Communication With Lateral Acceleration Sensor Module
OBD Foutcode U0125 Lost Communication With Multi-axis Acceleration Sensor Module
OBD Foutcode U0126 Lost Communication With Steering Angle Sensor Module
OBD Foutcode U0127 Lost Communication With Tire Pressure Monitor Module
OBD Foutcode U0128 Lost Communication With Park Brake Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0129 Lost Communication With Brake System Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0130 Lost Communication With Steering Effort Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0131 Lost Communication With Power Steering Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0132 Lost Communication With Ride Level Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0133 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0134 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0135 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0136 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0137 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0138 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0139 Reserved by Document
OBD Foutcode U0140 Lost Communication With Body Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0141 Lost Communication With Body Control Module 'A'
OBD Foutcode U0142 Lost Communication With Body Control Module 'B'
OBD Foutcode U0143 Lost Communication With Body Control Module 'C'
OBD Foutcode U0144 Lost Communication With Body Control Module 'D'
OBD Foutcode U0145 Lost Communication With Body Control Module 'E'
OBD Foutcode U0146 Lost Communication With Gateway 'A'
OBD Foutcode U0147 Lost Communication With Gateway 'B'
OBD Foutcode U0148 Lost Communication With Gateway 'C'
OBD Foutcode U0149 Lost Communication With Gateway 'D'
OBD Foutcode U0150 Lost Communication With Gateway 'E'
OBD Foutcode U0151 Lost Communication With Restraints Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0152 Lost Communication With Side Restraints Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0153 Lost Communication With Side Restraints Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0154 Lost Communication With Restraints Occupant Sensing Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0155 Lost Communication With Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0156 Lost Communication With Information Center 'A'
OBD Foutcode U0157 Lost Communication With Information Center 'B'
OBD Foutcode U0158 Lost Communication With Head Up Display
OBD Foutcode U0159 Lost Communication With Parking Assist Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0160 Lost Communication With Audible Alert Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0161 Lost Communication With Compass Module
OBD Foutcode U0162 Lost Communication With Navigation Display Module
OBD Foutcode U0163 Lost Communication With Navigation Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0164 Lost Communication With HVAC Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0165 Lost Communication With HVAC Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0166 Lost Communication With Auxiliary Heater Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0167 Lost Communication With Vehicle Immobilizer Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0168 Lost Communication With Vehicle Security Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0169 Lost Communication With Sunroof Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0170 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor A'
OBD Foutcode U0171 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor B'
OBD Foutcode U0172 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor C'
OBD Foutcode U0173 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor D'
OBD Foutcode U0174 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor E'
OBD Foutcode U0175 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor F'
OBD Foutcode U0176 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor G'
OBD Foutcode U0177 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor H'
OBD Foutcode U0178 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor I'
OBD Foutcode U0179 Lost Communication With 'Restraints System Sensor J'
OBD Foutcode U0180 Lost Communication With Automatic Lighting Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0181 Lost Communication With Headlamp Leveling Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0182 Lost Communication With Lighting Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0183 Lost Communication With Lighting Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0184 Lost Communication With Radio
OBD Foutcode U0185 Lost Communication With Antenna Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0186 Lost Communication With Audio Amplifier
OBD Foutcode U0187 Lost Communication With Digital Disc Player/Changer Module 'A'
OBD Foutcode U0188 Lost Communication With Digital Disc Player/Changer Module 'B'
OBD Foutcode U0189 Lost Communication With Digital Disc Player/Changer Module 'C'
OBD Foutcode U0190 Lost Communication With Digital Disc Player/Changer Module 'D'
OBD Foutcode U0191 Lost Communication With Television
OBD Foutcode U0192 Lost Communication With Personal Computer
OBD Foutcode U0193 Lost Communication With 'Digital Audio Control Module A'
OBD Foutcode U0194 Lost Communication With 'Digital Audio Control Module B'
OBD Foutcode U0195 Lost Communication With Subscription Entertainment Receiver Module
OBD Foutcode U0196 Lost Communication With Rear Seat Entertainment Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0197 Lost Communication With Telephone Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0198 Lost Communication With Telematic Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0199 Lost Communication With 'Door Control Module A'
OBD Foutcode U0200 Lost Communication With 'Door Control Module B'
OBD Foutcode U0201 Lost Communication With 'Door Control Module C'
OBD Foutcode U0202 Lost Communication With 'Door Control Module D'
OBD Foutcode U0203 Lost Communication With 'Door Control Module E'
OBD Foutcode U0204 Lost Communication With 'Door Control Module F'
OBD Foutcode U0205 Lost Communication With 'Door Control Module G'
OBD Foutcode U0206 Lost Communication With Folding Top Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0207 Lost Communication With Movable Roof Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0208 Lost Communication With 'Seat Control Module A'
OBD Foutcode U0209 Lost Communication With 'Seat Control Module B'
OBD Foutcode U0210 Lost Communication With 'Seat Control Module C'
OBD Foutcode U0211 Lost Communication With 'Seat Control Module D'
OBD Foutcode U0212 Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0213 Lost Communication With Mirror Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0214 Lost Communication With Remote Function Actuation
OBD Foutcode U0215 Lost Communication With 'Door Switch A'
OBD Foutcode U0216 Lost Communication With 'Door Switch B'
OBD Foutcode U0217 Lost Communication With 'Door Switch C'
OBD Foutcode U0218 Lost Communication With 'Door Switch D'
OBD Foutcode U0219 Lost Communication With 'Door Switch E'
OBD Foutcode U0220 Lost Communication With 'Door Switch F'
OBD Foutcode U0221 Lost Communication With 'Door Switch G'
OBD Foutcode U0222 Lost Communication With 'Door Window Motor A'
OBD Foutcode U0223 Lost Communication With 'Door Window Motor B'
OBD Foutcode U0224 Lost Communication With 'Door Window Motor C'
OBD Foutcode U0225 Lost Communication With 'Door Window Motor D'
OBD Foutcode U0226 Lost Communication With 'Door Window Motor E'
OBD Foutcode U0227 Lost Communication With 'Door Window Motor F'
OBD Foutcode U0228 Lost Communication With 'Door Window Motor G'
OBD Foutcode U0229 Lost Communication With Heated Steering Wheel Module
OBD Foutcode U0230 Lost Communication With Rear Gate Module
OBD Foutcode U0231 Lost Communication With Rain Sensing Module
OBD Foutcode U0232 Lost Communication With Side Obstacle Detection Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0233 Lost Communication With Side Obstacle Detection Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0234 Lost Communication With Convenience Recall Module
OBD Foutcode U0235 Lost Communication With Cruise Control Front Distance Range Sensor
OBD Foutcode U0300 Internal Control Module Software Incompatibility
OBD Foutcode U0301 Software Incompatibility with ECM/PCM
OBD Foutcode U0302 Software Incompatibility with Transmission Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0303 Software Incompatibility with Transfer Case Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0304 Software Incompatibility with Gear Shift Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0305 Software Incompatibility with Cruise Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0306 Software Incompatibility with Fuel Injector Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0307 Software Incompatibility with Glow Plug Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0308 Software Incompatibility with Throttle Actuator Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0309 Software Incompatibility with Alternative Fuel Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0310 Software Incompatibility with Fuel Pump Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0311 Software Incompatibility with Drive Motor Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0312 Software Incompatibility with Battery Energy Control Module A
OBD Foutcode U0313 Software Incompatibility with Battery Energy Control Module B
OBD Foutcode U0314 Software Incompatibility with Four-Wheel Drive Clutch Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0315 Software Incompatibility with Anti-Lock Brake System Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0316 Software Incompatibility with Vehicle Dynamics Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0317 Software Incompatibility with Park Brake Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0318 Software Incompatibility with Brake System Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0319 Software Incompatibility with Steering Effort Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0320 Software Incompatibility with Power Steering Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0321 Software Incompatibility with Ride Level Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0322 Software Incompatibility with Body Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0323 Software Incompatibility with Instrument Panel Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0324 Software Incompatibility with HVAC Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0325 Software Incompatibility with Auxiliary Heater Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0326 Software Incompatibility with Vehicle Immobilizer Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0327 Software Incompatibility with Vehicle Security Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0328 Software Incompatibility with Steering Angle Sensor Module
OBD Foutcode U0329 Software Incompatibility with Steering Column Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0330 Software Incompatibility with Tire Pressure Monitor Module
OBD Foutcode U0331 Software Incompatibility with Body Control Module 'A'
OBD Foutcode U0400 Invalid Data Received
OBD Foutcode U0401 Invalid Data Received From ECM/PCM
OBD Foutcode U0402 Invalid Data Received From Transmission Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0403 Invalid Data Received From Transfer Case Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0404 Invalid Data Received From Gear Shift Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0405 Invalid Data Received From Cruise Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0406 Invalid Data Received From Fuel Injector Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0407 Invalid Data Received From Glow Plug Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0408 Invalid Data Received From Throttle Actuator Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0409 Invalid Data Received From Alternative Fuel Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0410 Invalid Data Received From Fuel Pump Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0411 Invalid Data Received From Drive Motor Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0412 Invalid Data Received From Battery Energy Control Module 'A'
OBD Foutcode U0413 Invalid Data Received From Battery Energy Control Module 'B'
OBD Foutcode U0414 Invalid Data Received From Four-Wheel Drive Clutch Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0415 Invalid Data Received From Anti-Lock Brake System Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0416 Invalid Data Received From Vehicle Dynamics Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0417 Invalid Data Received From Park Brake Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0418 Invalid Data Received From Brake System Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0419 Invalid Data Received From Steering Effort Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0420 Invalid Data Received From Power Steering Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0421 Invalid Data Received From Ride Level Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0422 Invalid Data Received From Body Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0423 Invalid Data Received From Instrument Panel Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0424 Invalid Data Received From HVAC Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0425 Invalid Data Received From Auxiliary Heater Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0426 Invalid Data Received From Vehicle Immobilizer Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0427 Invalid Data Received From Vehicle Security Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0428 Invalid Data Received From Steering Angle Sensor Module
OBD Foutcode U0429 Invalid Data Received From Steering Column Control Module
OBD Foutcode U0430 Invalid Data Received From Tire Pressure Monitor Module
OBD Foutcode U0431 Invalid Data Received From Body Control Module 'A'
OBD Foutcode U1000 Zentralsteuergerät für Komfortsysteme (J393) Keine Kommunikation
OBD Foutcode U1001 Zentralsteuergerät für Komfortsysteme (J393) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode U1002 Zentralsteuergerät für Komfortsysteme (J393) Bitte Fehlerspeicher auslesen
OBD Foutcode U1003 Steuergerät für Anhängererkennung (J345) Keine Kommunikation
OBD Foutcode U1004 Steuergerät für Anhängererkennung (J345) unplausibles Signal
OBD Foutcode U1005 Steuergerät für Anhängererkennung (J345) Bitte Fehlerspeicher auslesen
OBD Foutcode U1006 NOX Sensor 1 Bank 1 keine Kommunikation
OBD Foutcode U1007 Steuergerät für Batterieüberwachung Bitte Fehlerspeicher auslesen
OBD Foutcode U1008 Diagnose-Interface für Datenbus (J533) Bitte Fehlerspeicher auslesen
OBD Foutcode U1009 Diagnose-Interface für Datenbus (J533) unplausible Botschaft
OBD Foutcode U1010 Steuergerät Elektrische Parkbremse Bitte Fehlerspeicher auslesen
OBD Foutcodelijst
Re: OBD Foutcodelijst
Gelukkig kan er niet veel aan een Clio mankeren... 

Clio Initiale 2003 Gris Hologramme
Captur Edition One 2017 Orange Atacama / Noir Etiole ( EPY / GNE )
Captur Edition One 2017 Orange Atacama / Noir Etiole ( EPY / GNE )
Re: OBD Foutcodelijst
Het heet niet voor niets de OBD foutcodelijst.
OBD een automotive standaard geworden. Dit is dus voor alle merken en typen die OBD gebruiken, niet alleen Renault

OBD een automotive standaard geworden. Dit is dus voor alle merken en typen die OBD gebruiken, niet alleen Renault

Re: OBD Foutcodelijst
Altijd handig 

Re: OBD Foutcodelijst
mag ik vragen wat het verschil is tussen de zwarte en de rode tekst?
mag ik vragen wat het verschil is tussen de zwarte en de rode tekst?